Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ari Babbles: Couples

Hello and welcome to Ari's Babbles, Midnight Edition. This is when I, Ari, decide that there is something in my mind that I need to let off and post here, no matter how crazy, personal, or serious it is. Tonight's discussion is basic and obvious from the title: couples. Particularly on my OTPs. Also, why do they call it One True Pairing when I have a ton of's gotta be One Trillion Pairings instead because what the hell, I ship a lot of characters and the number of ships is much more than the human mind can comprehend. 

Note: These two pairings to be discussed are seen through my own point of view only. It's not set. It's only "canon" and never will be in the Death Note realm sob in my own writings, in my own plots. 

Also, in this there will be touches of intimacy. Please be reminded that I do not encourage pre-matrial intimacy okay hugging and kissing are alright but save the sanctity of marriage and such.

Ready? Let's go. 

The first OTP I'd like to discuss first are Samuel Peters and Jean Onix from the Alternate Universe Death Note realm. Take note that Jean is a character of a good friend of mine (thank you Ate Toni for lending me J for countless of times. I promise not to screw her up.) and that she'll be used here mainly for discussion. Peters is my own OC, along with A, who I shall bring up much later.

Pete and J are like cat and dog, clawing at each other with a love-hate relationship going on. Well, not hate, but they get on each other's throats quite often, yet resolve their issues at the end and cuddle up in bed by the end of the day. Peters, a "heroic", flirty, and dynamic character was first conflicted with his feelings for the icy, snarky, and massively independent Jinx who I saw as a character who definitely didn't need a man in her life because she could take care of herself. Peters was drawn to her due to how strong she was, how blunt and indifferent she was towards other people (yes, including him). Unlike the clingy, petty, and dramatic women he previously dated, she struck him as someone who gave no single thought or so in the world. Yes, I am trying to avoid using swear words and such. 

He hated the attraction, initially, and wanted to get rid of it. However, this caused him to fall more and even act unlike himself as he tried combating the feelings in him. And finally, he decided - screw it - stood under the rain and when she came, trying to pull him out, he kissed her and ran away with a WTF DID I JUST DO look on his face, leaving Jinx behind dumbstruck and silenced, wondering the same thing. 

But in all honesty, Peters wanted and craved for an actual relationship. Sadly, all the previous serious ones went down the drain. To plague the bitterness and anger, he decided to charm and work his way with women, take them home for the night, and that was that. Peters was often found skipping work and having fun at bars or dating in the heart of Tokyo. 

However, there were some times in which he had a real streak of humanity in him. Peters was called for backup during a robbery shootout and before you know it, landed in the hospital with a worried and guilt-ridden squad head and the woman he was in love with worried as well...just not showing it. Jinx had to comfort A, while at the same time, felt conflicted herself. She wasn't sure if she would have fell in love with the American more, or would have just slapped him in the face for being so reckless.

(Luckily, she didn't go for the second option because that would have hurt.)

This is how she knew she fell in love with him. I mean, who knew Peters would actually risk his life to prevent the injury and possibly death of a child during the shootout? Certainly not Jinx. I didn't even know that he would do it. This one move he pulled surprised all, therefore gaining a little more respect from his co-workers and squad leader, and made the woman he fell for fall for him as well. 

They soon got together, and were a couple. Not much differences were made, from my own eyes, but he was more protective of her and Jinx minded him much less. Peters, then, changed. He refused to make love with her as often, not wanting her to perceive that he only wanted her for her body and such. I mean, being a womanizer and such, those cravings have got to be great. But no. Peters put that aside for her, and focused on giving her what she deserved - a man who loved her, a man who stayed by her side. Always. He found himself careful and defensive over her, and his greatest priority was to not. Hurt. Her. 

Those two, if I may admit, are more realistic than the next couple I'll babble about. They're just so them and you'll find couples like them more often than the next one. Whiskers and Tiger. 

Meanwhile, the second couple is what causes my literary diabetes. 

Arianne Maxwell and Mail Jeevas, the alcoholic detective and the hitman/vigilante. 

It's ironic, really. Here you have a woman fighting for the law and the man going against it, finding his own means. One would expect them to have conflicting opinions, but strangely, both of them work. A previous icy woman herself, A shut herself to her work, appearing like a woman with no time for a relationship, but on the inside, craved one for herself. This is a foil to Jinx, an independent woman clearly with experience. A, on the other hand, was dependent on people she trusted, and was new to the detective life and occupation. She was a rookie at the job, a newcomer who strived to make herself, well, better.

Here comes Matt, a hitman working for a businessman in a city where people can actually play dirty. He got mixed into the mess with A and she soon found herself slipping and falling for him. Being the woman she was, she closed herself off, not wanting to be rejected and humiliated. However, he was in love with her as well. But he knew having a relationship with her would only bring danger not only to him, but to her also. Matt and A soon enough found themselves in love and wanting, and so decided to go for it. 

You have a protective man and a woman who desired for this protection. She wanted to be prized, the one and only of someone who would find her worthy of loving. She was afraid of rejection, and always feared abandonment. Once again a foil to the Peters-Jinx relationship where Peters had to restrain himself, the two embraced being one with each other, and found themselves physically intimate more often. He wanting to please her, and her wanting to feel worthy of a relationship, worthy of being loved.

A was insecure. She was childish, she wanted things her way and she was, dare I say it, quite clingy. I've never seen Matt pick on these weak points (why would he) nor have I seen him actually mind it. This gets me    thinking that his intention was to please and protect. A was ice, hard and unchanging. Matt was the fire that melted her ice, changing her and opening her to new chances. She found herself smiling more, laughing more, growing out of her insecurities and such.

...until he left. This broke her. This made A revert into a (possibly worse) bitter woman, how she was before entering the relationship with Matt. Her fear of abandonment was worse, and she found herself crying and dreaming, waking up with the bitter realization that he was gone and probably left her for good, when all he was doing was work away to protect her from his bloody forsaken job because seriously what a job. It was a number of months until he came back, and had to regain that trust. Though it appeared that she forgave him quickly, there was a part of her that doubted him. There was a part of her wanting him to gain her trust once more. She clung more to him, convincing herself that he was real, he was not going away. 

Now to the realism part. Matt and A, at first, had a relationship where I thought they had no flaws whatsoever and they just blended. Looking into it, I can spot a few little things, first being the intimacy. Don't get me wrong, physical intimacy in a relationship (WITH SOMEONE YOU TRUST) is okay. Nothing wrong. But if it gets too much, sometimes you're thinking if it's lust or love. Not that I'm thinking it's the deal with them, but...secondly, how clingy A is. She's so dependent on him, now aware that she's capable of being loved. She can't help but constantly seek his approval and aims to please him. Matt, on the other hand,  has a lot to risk. His profession and A. Give up his profession for safety, or her? So far, I don't really know what can happen if he quits the job and that is a tentative topic reserved for the future. 

There isn't a relationship exactly like theirs, but there are relationships with those kinds of flaws: the guy with a lot to risk, and the girl who seems to throw everything away for him. However, the positive side, their closeness and how bonded they are, is a factor in which EVERY SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP NEEDS TO HAVE AMEN

With this, I have come to find out that they can be quite similar but are different in their own unique ways. They have their own ups and downs. They have struggles and things to work on. These relationships are healthy ones (depending on the situation, for me) and I just wish people could give as much effort as these four give to their respective partners.



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