Monday, June 17, 2013


I can't freaking move on to series five of Doctor Who. I'm sorry, but I just can't. After Nine and Ten, after Rose, Martha, and Donna? So here's the thing. I did try watching the first episode of series five. I saw Eleven groping at his face, complaining that he still wasn't ginger, all of that. I liked it. And then he crashed into a little girl's garden and all that, and then he went away. 

Well. That's where I stopped.

See, I've got a tumblr and spoilers always come on tumblr. So of course, I see a lot of graphics, rants, gifs and whatnot from series five to seven, and I'm like, "oh that's fine! I can just catch up yaddy yaddy ya". Apparently, I was wrong. Really, really wrong. 

It doesn't appeal to me anymore.

We've got mad Eleven and his girl who waited as well as the last centurion and the Doctor's wife. And when they leave, we've got the impossible girl who bakes souffles and was born to save the Doctor.

Hold on, hold on. What?

Does anyone remember RTD's writing? Series one to four? Let's look at the companions. 

Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth.

Martha Jones, the Woman who Walked the Earth.

Donna Noble, the Most Important Woman in All of Creation. 

There's a couple of differences I need to point out...

Surely, Amy and Clara are the same age (if not older) than Rose, Martha, and Donna were when they first travelled with the Doctor? Why in God's name are they referred to as 'girl', then? Call me over-analytic but really? Degrade your freaking female companions, Moffat, just go and do that. And then there's Amy and Clara! Fated to save/meet/whatever the Doctor! 

What happened to join him for a ride just for the hell of it and then choosing to save the man you've spent time travelling with? For Amy and Clara (and maybe Rory), the titles entrusted to them were just fated from the start. Amy encountered the Doctor at a young age and spent her years convincing everyone he was real, and Clara...Clara was there since the First freaking Doctor. And well, as for Rory, we know what happened to him (aside from all those deaths, of course). 

Now, back to RTD's companions.

Rose eventually became the Defender of the Earth. Bad Wolf.

Martha eventually became the Woman Who Walked the Earth.

Donna eventually became (and realized that she was the) Most Important Woman in All of Creation.

See where I'm getting to?

After long story arcs and travels, these three ladies became the Doctor's heroes. The Earth's heroes. The whole damn universe's heroes - rather, heroines.

With Amy and Clara, you don't even get to see them grow and evolve. Based from what I've read and witnessed on tumblr about series five to seven, it's like Amy and Clara were mere plot devices. Amy, the mother of the ever mysterious River Song, who eventually connected Ms. Song to the Doctor. Clara, the mystery the Doctor wanted to solve. Where's the development?!

Trust me, Amy seemed amazing at the start...but it was all reduced to ashes when she became a simple plot device. And what the hell, she kissed the Doctor when she had a husband/fiance. 

Clara was already inches close to Eleven's lips when she met him (again) in The Snowmen.

So the question was this. After RTD's Who era and the independent female companions, did Moffat think, hey let me tone the ladies down and make the Doctor the centerpiece again yay! 


Moving away from the characters, let me now move on to something I miss a lot..

The long arcs. Ones that built up to the series finale and then just killed you right there and then.

Bad Wolf? Torchwood? Turn Left? Vote Saxon? 

I miss that. 

But of course, not all that Moffat has written is atrocious. I mean, look at BBC Sherlock. Series Three's Blink. The Empty Child + The Doctor Dances of Series One. '

And then there's the Final Problem. 

The Doctor. 


I mean, Matt Smith is a total sweetie, I know. But I feel so bad when I realize how Moffat has written him. From the passionate (and sassy!) man capable of love and understanding human emotions, we have a goddamn rock who cracks sexist jokes and says all problems are because of wibbly-wobbly circumstances. And he's damn childish. Fezzes! Bowties?

I don't care man, just get on with the story!


I shouldn't rant while sick.

So to sum it up, three points.

  1. Don't use the companions (or characters in general) as plot devices.
  2. Bring back the series-long arcs. Don't freaking rush it. 
  3. Humanize the Doctor. 

And with that, I end this rant with a steaming mind and anxiety...because I'm scared on how Moffat has written Rose. For the fiftieth, that is. 

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