Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ari Rants: 'Chicks'

Hello there!

Before you read this, please take note that this is all based on my personal opinion.
If you ever get offended by any of the following, please know that I apologize for that.
However, since this is all opinion, I have a right to share it.

Read with caution if you think that you'll get offended. 
If not, keep reading!

So I was scrolling my timeline when I saw this very thing that a batch mate of mine tweeted. To cut it short, she was amazed (and rather appalled) at the fact that there was a "Chicks Spotted" account that focused on students (and even graduates) from my school. Being curious, I decided to check it out.

Before you ask 'what the hell is Chicks Spotted', it's basically an account where people can submit pictures and names of those they find, well, chicks. 

Sadly, not this kind.

From what I understand, being chicks/chix/chics/however the hell it's spelled, means that:

    1. You're majorly attractive.
    2. You have 'lots of guys' or 'lots of girls' (this is actually pretty confusing)
    3. The adorable, fluffy animals you see in the picture above
    4. Other reasons that differ from person to person.
Back to the 'Chicks Spotted' account, yes?

One of my friend's pictures was posted there last night. At first, the reaction was full of teasing and laughter, but that friend of mine was just confused and maybe a little more than freaked out. That blew over, and I thought that alright, it's probably an issue that's done. Moving on. 

Apparently not. 

When I saw the 'Chicks Spotted' account that was focused on people from my school, I felt nothing but disgust and shame. Disgust because, who the hell would want their picture and name to be plastered there and spread to the general public? Shame was also there because, wow. It's pretty damn likely that the person who started that account was a person from my school. 

Let's be honest here, my school has it's own share of imperfections, yes. I can't deny that. No one can deny that everything has its' own share of nice things and not-so-nice things. But for the love of God, my school taught me better than starting an account like that! So much for the proper values instilled in the students. 

Another thing that really pisses me off about that account is how people are totally fine with the idea of being objectified like that. Disgustingly enough, I peeked into the mentions and, wow. Just wow. Mentions were being flooded with "please post *name here*" with the pictures attached, people from different schools and all. This wasn't even limited to girls, some guys' pictures were posted there. And to my horror, even a few teachers'. 

Apparently, if you're chicks, you're pretty much worth it all. It's just like your external appearance mattering the most again. To some people, being called chicks is an achievement, an honor, even some kind of privilege or a blessing, which is pretty much crap. Thank God for the many others who think that this is actually stupid, a waste of time, and totally degrading.

Why degrading?

It's like you're being ranked. The first thing I thought of when I came across this was the 'hot or not' website that was the rage years before. For those who don't know, 'hot or not' was something like a voting website where two pictures of two different people were shown, and you had to pick who the more attractive of the two was. Unfortunately, such a website is still up and running.

Second of all, it's a matter of objectification. Think of it like this: you're walking on the street one day, maybe to go buy something or just because you want to take a walk. Good for you, right? And then suddenly, this car of people (guys or girls or whatever) zoom past you, wolf-whistle and give you the look, obviously checking you out. 

Creeped out yet?

To make it worse, this one douche then sneers at you and calls you something he/she thinks is a compliment, but in truth is one slap to the face. Whatever the word is, it's still pretty terrible.

That's pretty much how being called chicks feels like, to most people who have sense. 

In being called a chicks, you're noticed for your appearance and only your appearance. Other than that, people tend to look at your relations with the opposite gender (and even the same gender), 'jokingly' calling out your alleged promiscuity even though those people are your friends. Jesus Christ.

So what's my point here?

Chicks isn't even a good term.

When people call each other chicks, they're degrading themselves. They're basing the person's worth on their appearance, they're also pretty much (to a certain point) slut-shaming the person (which is NOT COOL) and a whole bunch of other crap which makes me seethe and can make my blood pressure raise to a freaking million. 


Don't call people chicks.

Don't be flattered at being called chicks.

Stop objectifying people. 

Okay? Okay. 

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