Monday, March 6, 2017

Traditions: A Coalesce Short (2/2)

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 25, 2016
9:54 AM

“We better make this quick,” Peters groused. “I have a flight at 2PM and I definitely don’t want to be late like what happened last year.” 

“You weren’t late last year,” Aether told him, waving it off. Peters, in turn, gave her a look. “Calm down, Peters, you’ll make it—we’ll just have our usual brunch and then you can get to the airport. Who’s bringing you, anyway, and where are your things?” the male gestured outside the office, wherein his luggage was comfortably resting right by her office door. “And how long are you staying?” 

“Just until Friday. I’ll make it back for Mack’s birthday,” he promised. “I had to save my vacation days for this one. Surprisingly, a lot of HQ went back to see their family this year,” he pointed out. Aether nodded slowly. 

Both of them were in her office, waiting for Tadashi and Mack to arrive. It was one of their traditions; the squad met up in her office to exchange gifts, and would then celebrate nearby by having a brunch out. Peters would leave the earliest, as he had a flight to catch, while Aether would leave to spend the remainder of the day with Mathieu. Tadashi’s plans for Christmas depended on the availability of his sisters, while Mack was perfectly content staying in and gifting himself as much sleep as possible. 

Despite it being a holiday, they still caught some of the others catching up on work. Aether had passed by Ross, who wished her a Merry Christmas and explained that he had to pass something along to Forensics; Sol, on another hand, was busy finishing up a report that she had due on the very day. “It’s grueling,” she said with a weary smile. “But I’ll finish it.” 

And it was a pretty okay Christmas so far, Aether reflected. She and Mathieu woke up together, had a light breakfast, and agreed to meet after lunch so that they could go out and have a small date of their own. He was busy visiting Jin-ho and Tony in the former’s residences; most likely giving his gifts and picking up the ones from the Korean. 

“Merry Christmas! Or happy holidays, depending on your beliefs,” a voice came. Aether looked up to see Tadashi standing there with Mack behind him, the latter shaking his head as he ducked into the office. 

“I tried to convince him not to,” Mack sighed, and Aether’s brows furrowed until she took into consideration the black and white sweater Tadashi donned on. Tadashi high-fived Peters while Mack shook his head solemnly, “I did my best, Aether. He ended up watching Home Alone a few days ago, discovered that the sweater existed, and bought it.” Tadashi faced Aether at that point, smiling proudly and gesturing towards the text stitched: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal. She couldn’t help it; she laughed into her hand and Mack gave a betrayed look while Tadashi insisted that it was funny and that people would get the reference. 

Ten minutes later, they had exchanged gifts. “It looks great,” Tadashi commented. Aether wore a cozy red scarf around her neck; Mack bowed at the compliment. “You gave it?”

“Thank you, thank you. I know, I’m a great gift-giver,” he snarked. “Really though---you all better enjoy your gifts because it took a long time to hunt them down.” Sitting across on one of Aether’s chairs, Peters snorted. 

“Long time,” he commented dryly. “And how much time did you spend?”

“Two hours.” 

“And when did you buy the gifts?”

“Yesterday, but that’s beside the point—” Aether couldn’t help but shake her head, leaning against Tadashi. Tadashi smiled down at her and she exhaled quietly, allowing herself to rest her head on his shoulder. Almost automatically he positioned himself in such a way that she could stay there, both of them seated and watching half-amused, half-exasperated as the two males bickered yet again on Christmas. 

“You doing okay?”

“It’s nice to relax,” she told him. “Even if it’s just for a day. To not think about work for once and to just—to enjoy with others,” she murmured. Tadashi nodded thoughtfully, and the two of them talked quietly for a few more minutes until hearing Mack go well how about I prove to you right now that I give good gifts—happy holidays, fucker and then the sound of a box being shoved into Peters’ hands. 

“What the fuck is this—?” Aether snickered as he shredded through the gift wrapper, Tadashi next to her pretty amused as Peters gaped at the box. “Macmillan Thomas, you son of a bitch.”

“You think I’d spend that much on you? Fuck no. Aether and Tadashi pitched in, too,” he explained as Peters opened the box to reveal a pair of high-quality sneakers. “It’s a gift from the three of us. Since you know, spending more than a hundred dollars on a single gift is ridiculous.” 

“And so that you’d stop complaining,” Aether interrupted. Peters’ grin grew wider as he tried on the new shoes, standing up eventually and taking a step forward. 

“I give. The three of you give great gifts.”


Kang Residence
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 25, 2016
12:32 PM

“I’ve got enough time to get her fixed up,” Jin-ho told Mathieu. The Korean ran his fingers over the keys lightly, humming as he pressed one of them. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve used her. I was planning to sell her since I wasn’t getting back into playing, but—I think I can let you have her for Aether.”

Mathieu looked at the piano, not quite resting his hand on it yet. A black Yamaha that looked a little dusty, though that could be easily taken care of. It was easy to imagine a younger Jin-ho learning how to play—just as easy as it was to imagine the very same person eventually losing interest as he grew older. On another hand, he could imagine Aether sitting there, stretching her fingers before resting them on the keys and starting to play. 

It felt right. 

“So are you interested in taking her?”

“I am.” Mathieu smiled a little bit and Jin-ho grinned, flashing a thumb up before taking his phone out; most likely to set a reminder in his ever-growing planner. 

“Great! Thank Christ,” he added. “It’s about time that I let someone else have her. I kind of lost interest as the years went by, but kept playing for my parents. Didn’t want them to feel like they wasted money on lessons and a piano just to have me give up in the middle of the process,” Jin-ho told him dryly. The two of them left the room eventually and ended up back in his office, Jin-ho pouring himself a cup of tea and offering to Mathieu, who declined. “So what are you and Aether planning to do this Christmas?”

“I’ll pick her up after this,” he told him. Mathieu glanced at his phone, saw a text from Aether saying that they were going to finish up in half an hour. “Then we’ll go out, have something to eat, go shopping maybe—and then go back home. That’s when we’ll be exchanging gifts.” 

“And what did you get her?” Mathieu made a small humming noise before flicking though a few pictures in his phone, showing it to Jin-ho right after. In response, Jin-ho let loose a low, impressed whistle. “You really are pulling the stops to make it up to her this year, aren’t you?”

“I am.” Mathieu pocketed his phone and Jin-ho caught a slight change of expression in the other’s blue eyes. “I really do want to make it up to Aether.”


Aether’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 25, 2016
8:43 PM

“…Peters made it to New York,” Aether told him. She was lying on the couch, in his arms; there was a glass of wine in her hands and she took a sip before continuing, “he was worried about missing his flight but he managed to make it right on time. Tad felt bad, but Mack and I were just laughing about the whole thing. Peters has a tendency to overreact about those kinds of things for the humor of it.” 

“Are you sure you aren’t bullying him?” She gave a laugh and shook her head, to which Mathieu grinned at. He ran his fingers through her hair. “I’m glad you had a good morning with the squad.”

“I did—and I had a good day with you, too.” Aether finished the rest of the wine before setting it on the coffee table. Mathieu merely watched as she turned to face him; he wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled slightly when she leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. “You didn’t have to do all of that, you know…buy me things and take me out to a heavy lunch.” Her hand cupped his cheek, “You really…you didn’t have to do that.” 

“Hush. I wanted to. As cheesy as it sounds, seeing you happy makes me happy.” He kissed her upon saying that; Aether kissed back with a small sigh and upon pulling away, she leaned her forehead against his. “You make me happy, Aether. You really do.” 

“I feel the same for you.” 

It went quiet for a moment. He continued to hold on to her and she had her eyes closed, relishing in the moment of having the two of them finally together, finally alone. Aether thought that he’d tug at her wrist and murmur that they transfer to the bedroom—which she would agree to in a heartbeat, but no such thing came. Instead, Mathieu’s arms left her waist and he quietly requested for her to keep her eyes closed. 


“Keep them closed, Aether.” She did. She kept her eyes closed and waited, waited for something to happen. There’s a rustling from him; she heard him mumble something under her breath and a sigh that followed next. Aether can’t help but feel a little nervous; she fiddled with her thumbs before Mathieu instructed her to open her eyes, and she did. 

He looked at her. She’s a little confused at first, but she noticed that he seemed to be holding something, and—

Oh. Oh my God. 

Mathieu bore a small, black cube in his hands. He didn’t say anything, only waiting for her to catch herself. Aether blinked and opened her mouth, managed to whisper: “Mathieu, what…”

“It’s—it’s not what you think.” He cracked the box open; the light catches and there’s a small gleam that comes from inside. Aether could barely speak. 

There’s a ring inside. It’s gold with a thin band; what had caught the light appeared to be a diamond. Aether was unable to say anything, not even when he took the ring out and not even when his free hand took hers. For a moment their eyes meet; his blue ones are hesitant and Aether only managed a nod before he slid the ring onto her left ring finger. “There’s a chain, just…just in case you wouldn’t want to wear it like this,” he told her quietly. She stayed quiet and Mathieu took a deep breath before continuing, “It’s…a promise ring, if that’s what they call it. I’ve been thinking for some time, and…I really want to make it up to you, Aether.” 

“Make up?”

“For what I’ve done.” There was a beat of silence. “I—I really want to prove that I’ll do better. I’ll be better, Aether, you mean so much to me, and—” he caught himself. 

Aether reached up slowly, cupped his cheek again. Mathieu glanced at her. “And…?”

“I don’t want to waste it. Lose you. All of that.” 

She gave a a small nod, leaned in, and pressed her lips to his gently, quietly, assuringly. “You won’t lose me,” she whispered. “I trust you.”

Mathieu exhaled, gripped her waist tightly, and claimed her lips once more. 

Nothing more had to be said. 

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