Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hi, guys!

So second quarter finals are coming up (closer to the Intrams and SEMESTRAL BREEEEEAAAAK) and as a way to make up for the grades I've been getting as well as to work hard on projects that will hopefully pull up my grades, I've decided to take a mini-hiatus from October 8 until October 20. So you guys pretty much have an idea on why I haven't been posting lately. 

It pretty much involves not writing (like, serious hardcore writing) and not really wasting my time on Photoshop, as much as I want to. I've set up my tumblr queue and pretty much have been panicking abut deadlines, articles, and Chemistry...let's not forget Geometry. 

When I get back, hopefully I can get to writing and posting babbles/rants that I've been thinking of! Aside from that, I definitely hope I can expound on not just one, but TWO new ideas that have been lurking in my mind as of late. 

So, that's it! Hopefully, I can retain my mental state and regain my emotional stability and survive the following week. See you guys soon! 

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