Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ari Rants: The Ninth Doctor

Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!
- The Ninth Doctor, The Doctor Dances
This is going to be a rant and reflection and discussion in one. There's going to be no background checks, no structure or whatsoever, no holding back (except for swears, I'm going to limit those). Because I'm really in a ranting mood today, and I've been planning to talk about this lovely man for some time now. So get some chips and tea because this is going to be quite the post from me.

Spoilers? Of course! Don't read if you don't like being spoiled, especially if you're just going to start watching Doctor Who. Please take note that I am NOT hating on the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. One can say I'm being passionate. But please understand that I am not bashing them in any single form.

God knows how much I love the Ninth Doctor. I remember considering skipping him and the Tenth just to catch up to Eleven, but my dad talked me into starting from Nine. Which I did. Don't get me wrong, Nine is amazing - it's just, I thought that I wouldn't be as amazed by the Nine and Ten arcs because of, well, how long it's been since they aired (around 2005-2010). But I was wrong. Watching the first episode of the revived Who series got me attached to the Ninth Doctor.

He's sassy, he's quirky, he can get angry (and look attractive at the same time)...this is the Doctor I've come to love and grow with as I went from Rose to The Parting of the Ways. I shed tears as he regenerated and screamed (in joy) when he kissed Rose, snickered as he ranted about bananas and did his little jive with him as he danced. But let's get to his regenerating.
I swear a piece of me died when he had to regenerate.
Like, why the hell did he need to go so soon!?
So when he went from Nine to Ten, I couldn't really deal with it. I didn't watch for a couple of days because of how numb I felt, knowing that haha nope, Nine wasn't coming back. I managed to get over it as I watch Rose with Ten (and maybe my heart healed a bit - and then was ripped out at Doomsday, but that's not the point). The thing is, I was crushed. He was there for thirteen episodes, and poof. I didn't understand why he got one series to himself while Ten got three and Eleven got three and more. Granted, I should be grateful that he didn't end up like Eight - just getting one TV film to himself. That's depressing.
But whatever.
You may think I'm being a lunatic now, but please, get that out of your head.
Nine was my first Doctor. Yes, I understand that people have started with Nine as well, but aside from that, he was MY Doctor. The Doctor I could understand and appreciate, the one I could cheer on and get angry with and dance with and rant about bananas with. You see, Nine had just regenerated from Eight (obviously, I wouldn't be an upcoming Junior if I didn't know my basic Math). He had just come from the Time War. He was the last of his kind upon meeting Rose.
How would you feel?
Let's see, I'd feel broken, frustrated, angry, depressed, cynical, pessimistic...yep, yep, yep. He came out alive, but he came out broken. Broken and defeated despite surviving because he was the last of his kind. Now, don't tromp to me and say, "BUT TEN AND ELEVEN ARE REGENERATIONS OF NINE AND THEY TECHNICALLY ARE THE LAST OF THEIR KIND" I KNOW THAT.
(Please know I'm not dissing Ten and Eleven. Eleven's adorable and Ten is just fun.)
Ten didn't come from the Time War.
Eleven didn't just come from the Time War.
Nine did.
Ten arrived after saving Rose from the time vortex.
Eleven came after some time, after being separated by Rose, being left by Martha and having to erase Donna's memories. God, my heart hurts.
Nine came from a battlefield and lost everything. I recall Ten mentioning in series two that he was a father. That means, Nine was a father. He had a wife. He had children. He had family that he lost because of the goddamn freaking Time War. And upon reaching Rose, the pain of that was still etched into him. He was a cold fighter with a harsh heart, destined to walk the universe alone, knowing that he was the last of his kind and there was nothing anyone could do about that, even if he tried going back in time and saving his loved ones.
(Which, I'm sure he can't do. Or could he?)
He was battle-scarred. And I loved that about him. Nine came from a burning fire of hatred and fear and sadness and frustration that eventually died down as he met, travelled, and saved Rose. In the end, he practically regenerated as a result from saving her.
The thing about Nine is that gradually, he shifted. From someone clothed in hate to someone who died for love (from my point of view, anyway). He had gone through so much - and you know what? So have I. I can't connect with Ten as much, nor with Eleven. Yes, Nine, Ten, and Eleven have gone through a lot. But Nine, for me, went through a battle. Loss. Was bitter for all I care.
He's a sarcastic and mouthy character who gradually develops. Like Donna, which is why I love her so much. The guy basically left a mark and lasting impression on me.
Can't really understand why lots of people deem Nine as "the worst so far". No Doctor is as bad or good, but are equal because they're the freaking same person, just different regenerations. I'm guessing that if you bash one, you just bashed all the regenerations. Including your favorites. Because they passed things from one to another, you know? They gave traits and feelings and experiences that shaped them into the Doctor we all know and love.
Seeing as I have nothing more to say, I'll end this on a good note.
Stay fantastic!

So basically, I don't get why he's so unappreciated and underrated. I love this regeneration to bits and pieces and will defend him to the end of the Earth. (Haha, get it? Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth?) There's a lot of things to love about him, and I really do hope more fans will see what I see in this fantastic man.

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