Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ari Reviews: The Catastrophic History of You and Me


Good evening readers and viewers alike! Tonight is another night for Ari's Reviews, and tonight, I review a book that has shattered and melted my heart at the same time. Sort of like chocolate, you're amazed at its' taste and then stare in horror at the empty wrapper once you finish it. Anyway, today I'll be reviewing Jess Rothenberg's The Catastrophic History of You and Me. Recommended to me by a good friend named Giselle, I read it in a span of two hours. Yes, you heard that right. So get a cup of tea or juice or whatever and join me as we explore this book's interesting plot and set of characters that will slowly and surely smash your heart into smithereens.

As much as possible, I will try to avoid putting spoilers. Read on with caution if you haven't read the book yet, or are planning to. In case of spoilers, however, they shall be in small font so that they won't be easily read.

Nearly sixteen, Brie dies of something I'm sure every girl would never, ever want: of a broken heart. Yes, you read that right. Four painful words are able to literally split her heart into two, and before she knows it, she's dead and gone - from Earth, at least. But Brie awakes in her own version of the afterlife, and soon enough meets Patrick. Patrick, who soon becomes her guide to the afterlife, guides and explores with her, even teasing her here and there. However, Brie must let go of the life she left, and she gets through it...or does she?

[plot provided by me]

Plot-wise, it certainly was interesting, to say the least. Dying of a broken heart, was and always will be, quite iffy. But the romantic in me told me to give the book a shot. Meanwhile, the plot then evolved to a bit more. Family problems and shocking secrets hidden by friends? Pretty much what one would expect. As I read more and more, I found myself hiding under the pillows, sometimes facing the wall and just reading. At first, I expected to finish the book by the next day. Lo and behold, I finished nearly two, three hours later, curled up on the bed and crying my eyes out because it was just that good and heartbreaking.

I always find books that have mini-plots that help the main plot move on quite good. And by mini-plots, I don't mean something thrown in there just to add some sugar and/or spice. By mini-plots, I mean those events that could have happened because they just freaking fit. Because they fit, like putting a puzzle piece into a puzzle you just have to solve. However, the one mini-plot I wasn't quite sure with was the one with her friend. It didn't feel right to me. And though I gasped in the car and said that did not just happen, it felt like something that could have been rid of.

Plot Spoiler: Skip to avoid spoilers. Did Sadie really need to steal Jacob away? My answer: No, not really. Yes, it may have been part of the initial plot, making her the character with a secret about the main character's ex, but I feel that it was quite unnecessary. Sort of ruined the best friend perspective I had of her, but hey, sometimes we need to throw in the unexpected, right? 

Next off, my favorite part: the characters.

Patrick, I love you.

Brie was a character I loved and maybe shouted at as I read on. She made some mistakes and did things for herself (which I understand). But at the end, I grew to love her and accept her. Hey, she wasn't perfect, but she sure did leave quite the impression on me. And the plot twist. Wow. Just. Wow. I slightly expected that twist, but...wow. It made my heart shatter and that was probably the moment the tears started to stream down my face.

Patrick...wow. I never expected that from him. He seemed just like that guy who was irritating, playful, etc...but I never really expected such a story. His nicknames for Brie were funny, and though I liked Angel most, the cheese-related ones never failed to amuse me. I've got a soft side for this guy. He somewhat reminds me of a certain character from a certain series who I have a certain headcanon about. Yes.

Jacob.  Brie's ex-boyfriend who broke her heart. I didn't like him because of obvious reasons, but when another twist about him was revealed, I was genuinely shocked. I felt sorry for him and wanted him to have a great life despite a lot of shit getting to him, but...yeah. I felt sad at one point, and then happy at another. You'll understand why if you read the book.

And then the other characters. Brie's family (and dog), her friends...each of them had a part which contributed to the story, giving it a nice feel.

I liked the chapter titles of the book: very music-y. I noticed that when I first opened the book to a random page, spotting the title: Cry Me a River, which Justin Timberlake sang. I got giggly at The Smiths song lyric reference: to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.

Also, I liked how the book was divided into the stages of acceptance (according to the D&G, at least). I somewhat knew what to expect upon reaching a certain part, and then was blown away because I was not expecting that at all. Okay. Maybe I was. But you get the point.

So, I recommend this book. Yes I do.

If you're easily shaken, grab tissues and a cup of tea or juice or whatever floats your boat.

If you're not, still grab some tissues.

You know what? Just get some tissues when you read this.

Basically me while reading this book.
Plus tears.

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