Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ari Rants: "New" and "Old"

Now, I was raised to respect peoples' opinion, no matter how ridiculous or silly or just plain irritating. But tonight, something struck a nerve and I really got the need to rant about it. It was actually quite silly. I just went on YouTube to listen to two bonus tracks not included in a certain album, and when I peek at the comments, I see all this. A lot of irritating comments that made my blood boil like how water boils when I prepare it for my usual milo, or when my dad asks me to get him hot water for tea.
For your information, the album was Paramore's Paramore. The two bonus tracks are Native Tongue and Escape Route, which are pretty amazing in my opinion. I have nothing against Paramore. They're my favorite band and this album is definitely one of my's just, people don't agree with me. Before you argue and scream, let me tell you that I have no problem with that. It's just, their reasoning, for me, is utter bull and doesn't make sense to me. It's silly and
Read more for more ranting.

"God this album sucks they're nothing now without the Farro brothers"
"ummm where's paramore??"
"I don't like it because of their style"
"wow they're going to sell out soon because of this new style"
"the old paramore is dead and gone ugh"
The italicized text above are pretty much majority of the feedback on Paramore's new album by certain fans. It was full of complaining! What pissed me off, though, were the comments regarding the Farro brothers. See, a few years back, brothers Zac and Josh Farro left the band because of personal reasons. I was pretty upset but soon got over it, and the last thing I heard, they were pretty content with their current lives and over the whole drama, even wishing their old band, Paramore, more success in the future. And Paramore seems to be doing fine without them, not wishing them hate or any kind of that silly stuff, unlike some fans who keep doing it until this very day.
Paramore is doing fine without them.
The Farros are doing fine without them.
So why even bring them back? Yes, Josh wrote some songs with Hayley and all that, but does it need to be brought back? And do you even think Paramore wants this kind of criticism, saying that the new album sucked because two of their members left? God.
With that out of my system, I'll go to the next silly reasoning.
No, not Harry Styles.
As far as I hear, Paramore has one style divided into diverse different types of it. They've done a few songs with the ukulele, they've done some with the percussion...I don't see the "newness" and "oldness" these fans claim. They go on and on about All We Know is Falling and Riot!, but they have to understand that it's STILL Paramore. It's still them, but they're developing in terms of music. They're developing in terms of what makes them a band, what kind of music defines them, so on and so forth. Paramore has different types of one style. They've got their All We Know is Falling, Riot!, Brand New Eyes, and now Paramore. Really, can't we just sit back and listen to the music?
We should even be thankful that there's a new album.
This goes to all artists and bands in general.
Like where they're going? Good, stick around and fan over it!
Don't like it? Try giving it another listen. Someone I follow on Twitter admitted that she didn't like the single 'Still Into You' at first, but after some listens, she grew to like it. That's how I felt when I listened to Brand New Eyes - it grew on me, and I grew to love it.
So to whoever reading, please.
Try giving that artist or band another chance. If you really don't like it, then okay. I won't judge you at all. But having reasons like the ones I don't know what to do anymore.

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