Saturday, August 27, 2016

Checking Up: A Blogsary Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
July 2017

Lysette reads Aaron’s group messages. Italy’s great, he shared a couple of hours back. There’s a lot to see and a lot to take in. It’s great for Instagram, he told them alongside a grinning emoticon. The messages following that were of Eugene complaining that Aaron was just ‘using the trip as an excuse to be a millennial’. Aaron neither complained nor denied it, but they all knew that it was true.

After sending a teasing message herself, she told them about how she was doing in Atlanta. Nothing much happened here yet. And no, I’m not going to pull off an Aaron and take pictures of the sky at midnight. I’m planning to go to HQ tomorrow; my initial interview will be in the afternoon.

Eugene shoots a message of luck but doesn’t reply after; Lysette assumes that he had managed to fall asleep, exhaustion quick to catch up to the male. She next assumes that all the way in Italy, Aaron was busy sleeping as well. She thinks of shooting Aether an email, but restrains herself. It was a surprise, after all, and she didn’t want to ruin the surprise—

Shifting in bed, Lysette couldn’t help but wonder how the entire trip in Atlanta would be. She didn’t know what she was expecting; despite having read up on Headquarters and Atlanta, it all still seemed like a mysterious blur to her. She had spotted police cars on the way to the hotel while inside the cab, but they were probably just normal police and not the kind of Headquarters’ own.

Exhaling, she shut her eyes.

It suddenly felt like she wasn’t ready. Lysette hated uncertainty; it was what made her suddenly stock up on research hours before leaving London. She wasn’t like Aaron and Eugene, who preferred going into things with a fresh mind—she simply just had to know.

She knew about her interviewee, at least. Aether Maxwell was in her mid-twenties and led Squad A; based on the pictures on her Facebook wall, Squad A was comprised of four members including Aether. The other three were men of different appearances; one of them was Korean and the other two seemed American.

Despite the Korean and Aether seeming awfully close, there were other pictures on Aether’s wall, pictures of her and a redheaded man often spotted in formal gear. She was smiling in all those pictures and so was he, and one of them showed them dancing, laughing.

(Aether owed Lysette all the stories.)

But then again, that was only one, two aspects of Aether’s life. And that’s what made her nervous; Headquarters wasn’t glitzy nor was it something that could help relax. It was the opposite—she had heard that it was nerve-wracking and that employees had to continuously risk their lives—

It made her shiver. Lysette shifted once more on the bed, thinking deeply and wondering whether her best friend was okay.

The next morning, she woke up to messages from the group chat. Aaron and Eugene were busy talking; apparently it was already 10AM and Eugene had been up for more than an hour already. Aaron, meanwhile, was having snacks.

            AaronSteele: I slept like a baby. Hotel beds are miles better than airplanes, and I actually got to lie down for once.
            EURamsay: ??? did you not lie down during the flight
            AaronSteele: Eugene, there was a family behind me.
            LysCross: what the fuck is happening?
            AaronSteele: Sleep discourse. Sleep well?
            LysCross: pretty good, but I’m nervous for later
            EURamsay: youre going to kill it i promise
            EuRamsay: now
            EuRamsay: b r  u n c h

The two of them helped in making her cheer up, but she still felt shaky. Lysette still felt unbelievably nervous; after all, the trip to America counted many firsts.

Her phone gave a resounding beeping noise.

            AaronSteele: Are you okay?
            LysCross: lots of nerves hahaha but I think it’ll pass
            AaronSteele: You’ll be okay, I can promise you that.
            AaronSteele: You’re interviewing someone you know personally, and you’re in the United States. If anything, I think you’ve got the best hook out of the three of us.
            Aaron Steele: Being nervous is normal and it’s fine. But remember that you *can* do this. Okay?

The messages came in steady succession and she could tell that he was waiting alongside her for her to get her chill back. Lysette inhaled and sat up in bed, eventually feeling the nervousness ebb away slightly. It wasn’t much, but it was a start, at least.

            LysCross: yeah shit I think you’re right
            LysCross: it’s just a little—idk man I just realized what exactly what we’re doing and it got me for a moment
            AaronSteele: It’s understandable. The whole thing is pretty big when you really start to think about it beyond something that’s just an article to do.
            AaronSteele: We’re dealing with real people and a real organization.
            LysCross: wow thanks I’m totally calm right now
            AaronSteele: I’m just spilling the facts. :P

But she eventually pushed the nervousness out and got out of bed, stretching. The day’s events flashed in her mind: she had to bathe, eat, start on sketching out design ideas, and come one in the afternoon would she begin to make her way to HQ with the little means (Google Maps) she had.

“Right,” she breathed. “I can do this.”

She thought of Eugene and Aaron stuck in different countries. She found herself agreeing with Aaron eventually; she had it the easiest out of the three of them. Lysette wondered if they were doing okay—but their chat showed that they weren’t as nervous as he was, and in fact, where enjoying the time there so far.

The redhead inhaled slowly, then released.

If they can do it, then I can do this, too. Okay, she grimaced then replaced it with an attempt of a smile, alright, Lys. Let’s kick some ass today.

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