Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Home: A Blogsary Short

December 2009

The first time Tadashi receives their files, he opens them after Eri’s left. The first thing he reads are their surnames: black and in bold, spelled out in caps, with the first reading MAXWELL and the second reading PETERS. He opens the one on top first, flips to the first or second page, and then sees the 2x2 picture of a female staring at the camera with a completely neutral expression.

Her picture haunts him slightly. She couldn’t be older than seventeen, eighteen. Dark hair, a slim face, piercing green eyes. No trace of a smile on her face, instead just a face staring into the camera with a blank, calm expression. Tadashi found himself wondering if she knew what she had gotten herself into and secretly willed for this young lady to stay back in England, find another job where she could keep herself safe.

Looking at the next file wasn’t any better. It bore the picture of a male this time, a few years younger than the female but still young nonetheless. He was remarkably handsome, the slightest trace of a smirk catching his attention. Brown hair, blue eyes. He looked strong, confident, like he could conquer the world on his own. He wished the same for him; wanted him to stay in New York and work alongside his father. It was much safer there—

But for some reason, they were both coming there—to HQ, to Atlanta—with in the span of a few months. He swallowed nervously, flipped through their files and read through the information presented. Two completely different people. Two completely different pasts. His heart ached for the female and felt a certain flutter of pride for the male.

He didn’t know how they even ended up there, presented to him within a couple of papers and stuffed into plain black folders. He didn’t know if they’d even survive.

His grip on the files tightens slightly and he prays to any listening gods that they’d be safe. That they’d stay safe.


November 2014

The first time they meet each other properly, Peters isn’t quite sure how to react about the rest of them. They’re in HQ, gathered in one of the spare offices reserved for ‘team building’ or whatever they call it. He’s there early—Tadashi soon enters with a female by his side and he flashes that warm smile at Peters.

“This is it,” he announces after a split second. Peters stays silent as does the female. He’s met Tadashi before; after all, he was the one who brought him back to his apartment. They’ve had coffee a few times, shared a few break times—he thought the guy was a good person. “So. Welcome to the team.”

The shorter female breaks the silence first, speaks in a quiet but firm voice. “Is this our teammate?” Before Tadashi can reply, Peters approaches and extends his hand. The other stares for a few seconds before extending her hand hesitantly, and they shake.

“Peters,” he introduces himself. “Samuel Peters, but I’d like to go by my surname.”

“Aether Maxwell.” She lets go eventually and lets her hand fall to her side, “Call me Aether or A.”

They’re looking at each other for a long time from that point on and Tadashi barely interrupts. Peters knows what she’s doing—he feels her green eyes scan him from head to toe, attempt to scrutinize this newcomer who she hadn’t even met before. And he’s doing the same. He tries to get a read on her, tries to decipher something behind the lack of smile, the seemingly rehearsed introduction.

And the realization is a simple one: she’s nervous. She’s nervous and he can tell and he’s about to start talking but Tadashi’s voice floods the room and they snap to attention immediately. She straightens up and Peters leans against the wall. Her eyes are intently on him and his casually glance around. She seems stiff and formal and rigid; he just lets his limbs hang loose, shoulders more relaxed.

Peters is suddenly more aware that these were the people he was supposed to be working with, that this was the reason why he flew all the way from New York, away from his family and away from living under a shadow.

He isn’t quite sure if it was what he expected.


September 2015 

Upon meeting Squad A for the first time, Mack wasn’t quite sure if he would belong at all. It felt weird—he was already informed that there were three members who had known each other for some time. Somehow, he felt like he’d be one weird-shaped piece who would try to fit in, and it was enough to make him cringe.

But then again, Eri had assured him that they were good people, as did someone named Sol. There was no backing out, he gave eventually. No more backing out, as he had already chosen to work closely with HQ and associate himself with a stable company for once.

He wasn’t sure what he was expecting.

He was in an office; it was one that somehow blended the right amount of professionalism and hominess. The walls were the standard shade of grey which the other walls of the building held, but there were also pictures, certificates, framed portraits. There were a few houseplants, one by the window and one on the table. It seemed more like a comfortable den than anything else—

“Macmillan, right? Mack Thomas?” a voice asked. He nearly jumped. Someone had just come into the office and he spun quickly, almost tripping over himself. He heard a mutter from behind the person but chose to ignore, instead looking this new person in the eye. She was easily the shortest of the team, he guessed, but somehow looked the most mature. She shot him a warm smile. Her name flashed in his mind and he found himself saying it, testing it out.

“Ms. Maxwell.”

“Aether. Come, sit.” She gestured to a seat by the table and he sat, with her taking the seat across instead of the one behind the table. She was younger than he expected, he realized. “Do you rather we call you Mack or Macmillan, maybe Thomas?”

It seemed like such a normal question. He honestly expected them to ask about skills, talents, or any of his accomplishments. It threw him off. “Mack,” he managed. “Mack is okay. My name is a mouthful—”

“Not like Aether’s,” a strong voice rings out. Aether’s head turns immediately and Mack sees the polite lady shoot the driest glare at the source of the voice and immediately there’s a peal of laughter. “Nice to meet you, hope she isn’t boring you to death with the getting to know you session.”

“Peters, shut the fuck up.” To his bewilderment, the two start to engage in (seemingly light) banter and all he can do is watch, watch, watch.

A light hand presses onto his shoulder. “Don’t worry,” an exasperated voice tells him. He turns his head and sees an older Korean fellow, “This is completely normal. Welcome to Squad A.”


Aether’s Apartment
June 2017

Aether wakes from their first night out as an official and complete squad with a splitting headache. She hears Peters moan for a painkiller and the sound of Mack’s grumbling through the apartment’s thin walls. Somehow, she manages to pick up a robe and wears it, eventually exiting the room and squinting at the sight.

The sight amuses her, brightens her mood slightly. Peters lies on the couch moaning about his head, Mack grumbles and stays wrapped in one of Aether’s spare blankets. In the kitchen, Tadashi prepares breakfast. She smells eggs and bacon and rushes to meet him, the male smiling upon seeing her.

“Good morning to you,” he greets. She’s amazed. He’s barely hungover—

“How are you managing to cook a proper breakfast?”

“I can manage my alcohol very well.” Peters somehow manages to hear this and he yells out a fucking witchcraft before Mack snaps at him to shut the fuck up. Tadashi can’t help but laugh, urging for her to sit down, and hands her a cup of warm coffee. “How are you holding up?”

“I feel like shit and honestly regret last night’s alcohol consumption.” She drinks and eventually shoots him a smile back, “but I enjoyed. I really found myself enjoying for once instead of working non-stop at HQ.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” They hear the argument between Peters and Mack intensify until Mack yells something along the lines of shut the fuck up and I can’t hear the reality TV. This makes her snort and Tadashi laughs himself, listening to the ongoing bickering between the two males stuck in the living room.

Eventually the food is ready and they eat breakfast, Mack still wrapped in the blanket and Peters stuffing his face with the greasiest bacon Tadashi had whipped up. They tease and laugh and poke fun, bring up inside jokes from the night before and have to stop Tadashi from choking with laughter.

She watches them, watches her teammates and can’t help but feel a flutter of something in her chest, feel a tender emotion and a certain attachment she hadn’t felt for a long time—

Aether felt home.

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