Saturday, October 27, 2012

Future Shorts

My Pillars 

Plot: "We all have our pillars, unlimited and unique.
I have ten pillars of different hues.
They may be of the same color,
But their individuality makes them...them."

Note: Preparation for The Disappearance Saga.
Personal reflection for myself as well.

Plot: "And I know that I'm drunk but I’ll say the words
And she'll listen this time even though they’re slurred
So I, dialed her number and confessed to her
I'm still in love but all I heard
Was nothing."

Note: Death Note AUverse. 
Matt/A, separation period.
I actually might make myself cry if I write this. 

Dear Jake, Love Pete

Plot: "You're a fucking jackass.
You're a perfectionist.
I hate you and what you've accomplished.
You know what, Jake?
I hate me more for even thinking this." 

Note: Peters tries to write a letter to his older brother, Jake.
Inspired by my brother's birthday. 

Blue Roses and White Lilies.

Plot: "Dear Tiger
Scariest woman ever

Note: A late gift to a dear friend.

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