Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Proposal

Mail & Arianne
1: The Proposal

           “I’m really proud of you, Ari.” Matt told his girlfriend, the woman smiling humbly at his words. “You’ve been working for this branch for more than five years. It’s time you’ve been promoted to a much higher rank, you know.” She gripped at his hand as he led both of them through the park, giggling faintly and looking up at him with her wide green eyes. “Did he really tell you in person?” she shook her head.

“No, it was through the computer. He was too busy to come over here in person, and that’s understandable.” Matt ran a hand through her black hair gently, the twosome coming to a wooden bench in the middle of the park. “He’s busy. But it was still a promotion…” he merely smiled.

“I’m glad all your work paid off,” he said softly, sitting them down. “After all these years, you know?” she nodded, and he watched as she adjusted her white woolen scarf he had gotten her for Christmas, along with a few other pieces of clothing she enjoyed. “I told Matsumoto about it. He sends his regards and congratulations.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, the smile still on her face.

“Tell him I send my thanks, love.”

“I will.” They remained quiet for a moment, Matt slowly wrapping an arm around his beloved. She moved closer to him at his touch, sighing softly, pleased with how the events of the evening turned out to be. He had taken her to a restaurant, and now they had taken a walk in the park. “Hey…are you cold?” he asked, frowning a little in concern. Her teeth were chattering, and in the quiet stillness of the night, he could hear. Ari shook her head quickly, trying to hide the fact.

“N-No, I’m perfectly fine,” she tried, and her teeth chattered once more, giving her away. Matt gave her a look and unwrapped his arm from her for a moment to slide off his own thick black jacket, and gently covered her with it. Ari felt the cold subside, and she let out a soft breath of warmed relief. “You’ll get cold,” she attempted once more, and the man next to her merely shook his head.

“I’m used to this weather, baby. Travelling the world has its perks.”

Ari mumbled under her breath, “It also has its disadvantages.” He blinked, and a small, hearty laugh left his lips. “Hey….” She looked up at him. “Hey.” He looked at her. “I love you.”

Even though they were in a relationship for five years, his heartbeat still increased whenever she uttered those three words. Matt felt his cheeks redden, and he kissed her on the forehead sweetly. “I love you too,” he replied softly. “I love you so much.” Matt leaned in and kissed her lips gently, pleased at the soft moan she gave as she kissed back. Her arms wrapped themselves around him, and he reached out to cup her cheek as they kissed. They stayed that way for a couple of seconds before pulling away, he smiling at the sight of the blush on her cheeks.

“I’m still not used to that,” she admitted, a little breathless. He smirked.

“That and a lot of other things I presume.” She scowled at him, and he grinned cheekily, stealing a kiss. “Relax, beautiful. Tonight’s the night for relaxing…” he trailed off, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at her. “Do you mind if I check this text, love?”

“I don’t mind.”

Taking his phone out from his pocket, he quickly read the message from Matsumoto before Ari would find out. “Who’s it from?”

“Matsumoto.” He keyed in a quick response and sent the text, tucking his phone back in his pocket. “He’s asking if we can have lunch with him tomorrow…his treat.” His girlfriend nodded and Matt stood up suddenly, tugging at her hand with an unexpected eager look in his eyes.

“W-Wait, where are we going now?”

“Just come with me,” he urged. All she could do was comply. As he brought her to a different area, somewhere far from the park, he could only pray and hope that Matsumoto had gotten the fireworks set up.

* * * * *

Ari was confused on why Matt had brought her up a high building. She was even more puzzled at why he seemed so impatient – not with her, but with the sudden passage of time. She nearly stumbled up the stairs if not for his strong arms, and before she knew it, he was carrying her up, up and away, treating her light body as if it was a sacred treasure at the same time. As they reached the top, she was dumbstruck at the sight of potted plants and another bench at the very top. Before them was the great view of Tokyo, the buildings lit up and colors dancing before them left and right.

“Well?” he shifted around nervously, running a hand through his dark red hair. “What do you think of the view?”

“…it’s amazing,” she murmured softly, walking forward and trying to take in as much as she could. She couldn’t remember the last time she even saw such a fantastic sight of the city from afar. “J told me about Peters doing something like this for her….I can see why she loved it so much.” Matt’s smile faltered slightly. Drat. He had gotten this tip from Peters; he didn’t expect her to mention it immediately.

A lump rose in his throat in pure anxiety. Feeling his phone vibrate once more, he quickly took it out, read the text, and replied – while his girlfriend looked over the Tokyo view. “Ari, you might want to step back.” She looked at him, brows arched in confusion.

“What do you mean –?”

As soon as the words left her lips, fireworks exploded into the air. The shock caused her to stumble back, a hand flying to her mouth. Matt took her into his arms and gently tilted her head up, making her watch as the red, white, gold, and green colors lit up the sky even more.

In that moment, her attention wasn’t on the city.

It wasn’t even on the fireworks.

What’s Matt planning to do?

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” his voice in her ear. A shiver ran down her spine, and she nodded. She could feel him smile. “…I wasn’t referring to the fireworks, baby.” Ari was about to turn to him to ask what was going on, but he spoke before she even opened her mouth. “Watch the fireworks.”

She didn’t want to, honestly.

She wanted to look at him and demand what was going on.

But all thoughts of interrogation and suspicion immediately left her mind at the next thing she saw. From the four colors she saw only moments back, the sky was lit with a multitude of shades and hues, sparkles and possibly glitters, she wasn’t sure. She felt her eyes blur with tears and they slipped down her cheeks, the woman whispering a hushed prayer hoping that what she was seeing was true and wasn’t just a dream.

Arianne, will you marry me?

“Oh my God…” she didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t holding her all of a sudden. “Matt, are you serious?” she started, turning around, expecting to see a grin on his playful face, holding his hands up as if giving in.

This was not the case.

He was on one knee, holding out a small black leather box. He looked more serious than Ari had ever seen him, and she covered her mouth once more, trying to register what was currently happening. “What…Matt…”

“I love you.” She shivered at the tone of his voice. Strong, willing, determined…and he was on his knee for her. “I’ve said it a million times, possibly more. I remember telling it to you five years ago, by the same park we were just in, right by the fountain. I remember saying it a while back at the same place, on that bench where we kissed. I know how to say those three words in a lot of languages – English, German, Japanese, French, Italian…but there is no such dialect that I have discovered that lets me articulate how much I’ve loved you for all this time.” he opened the box and her eyes saw the gold ring with a diamond on top. She wasn’t aware of the tears streaming down her face until she let out a small sniff, staring at him instead of the piece of jewelry he held on his hand.

“I won’t leave you again.” He said softly. “I promise.” That seemed to convince her. “You know the only thing I want to do is protect you and love you. Nothing to harm you in any way.” He took a deep breath. “And I would do anything to ensure your safety. If you fall, I will pick you up. If you cry, I will wipe away your tears. If you get hurt, I will heal you. And if I fail you…” he smiled sadly, “you have permission to leave me.”

She was silent. The fireworks had stopped.

“…you’re such an idiot,” she managed. He then turned confused, his expression changing. This wasn’t an answer he expected. “Damn it Matt, do you really think I’d leave you just because you failed me once?” her voice shook slightly. “W-Why would I leave you just because of one mistake…you should be the one leaving me, even.” But then, she smiled. “But you’ve put up with me for all these years…” Ari got on her knees as well, taking his hands (and making sure he didn’t drop the ring) and leaned her forehead on his. “And that is enough for me to say yes.”

“…yes?” he repeated, making sure.

She beamed.

“Yes, Matt. I’ll marry you.”

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