Monday, September 30, 2013



She hated being compared to her older sister.

A black-haired youth stormed out of the Villan Manor, Lucilia calling out for her with a pained look on her face. She watched as her younger sister stomped into the rain and considered stopping her, but it was likely that her father would just scold her like he scolded Monika, and her face paled slightly. Glancing sadly at her retreating figure, she stepped back into her home and closed the door.

On the other hand, sixteen-year-old Monika Villan didn’t mind as the rain poured down. Lightning struck the sky and she walked faster, tightening the coat around her and wishing she had gotten something warmer. But the girl willed herself to keep walking. After all, his house was only a few more minutes, a couple of steps away.

She had gotten tired of walking when finally; the sight of the bricked house caught her eye. Monika rushed to the front door and knocked, standing there and shivering as the winds blew harshly on her skin. The door opened, and she found herself looking at Christophe Gregory, who took in the sight of her drenched because of the rain.

“…what happened?”

“I ran off. Again.”

And he smiled sadly, bringing her inside. Immediately, Monika was comforted by the sight of warm orange and sea blue walls, he sitting her down afterwards.

“Tea, mon cher?” she nodded.

“Where are your parents?”

“Out.” He walked to the kitchen, and she could hear the assembling of materials. “I don’t know when they’ll be back…either way; I think they would be happy to see you.”

“I don’t want to intrude-”

“You won’t.”

Monika stayed silent and shrugged out of her wet coat, hanging it up and sitting back down. Soon enough, he came out with her tea and gave it to her, the lady murmuring a ‘thank you’ before taking a sip. Hot and sweet, just as she liked it.

He sat across her and quietly watched.

“So what happened this time?”

“The usual.” She bit her lip and sighed, setting the cup down on the table. “Another talk, something slipped out of my mouth and then boom – things like ‘you should be more like your sister’,” her voice dripped with bitter sarcasm, “Stop wasting your time and do something worthwhile like Lucilia. Sit up straighter like Lucilia. Lucilia, Lucilia, Lucilia! It’s all I hear every single day in that house. Just because..."

And she stopped.

Christophe frowned.

“…that isn’t quite fair, Monika.”

“It never is.”

“Can’t you block him out?”

“I try to, but I always end up hearing him no matter what I do. I sometimes think that a flash of lightning would strike the house whenever I got mad,” she joked and sighed yet again. “I don’t want to go home yet. I might get scolded – again – and be sent to my room without supper. No supper tonight, Monika. If only he knew about the treats you sent,” she added with a slight smile in his direction.

And he laughed.

“I have much, much more in the pantry. Would you like some?”

“Maybe later, but thank you.”

And she finished her cup of tea.

“Don’t mind your père,” he said next. The French accent lit up his words, twisting them into interesting ways. “And besides, I think your soeur is on your side. Isn’t she?”

“Maybe. I don’t know,” she muttered.

And he got the impression that she didn’t want to talk about it.

“The rain will clear up soon,” he nodded at the window, which displayed the lessening rains. The sky was turning a lighter gray, and soon, it would be white again.

“I know. And that means that I’ll have to go back there.”

He looked at her.

An expression of irritation and worry lit her young features.

“Not yet.”

She blinked.


“You don’t have to go back there yet,” he offered. “Stay here for a while. Keep me company while my père and mère are out.

And she blushed, looking away and suddenly gaining interest in her skirt.

“I-I wouldn’t like to be a bother-”

“You won’t.”

“Christophe, are you sure?”

He met her gaze and finally smiled.

“Of course.” 

The Prince and the Sky [PREVIEW]

Hello, everyone!

Today is the first anniversary of The Shoujo Parallels blog! *throws confetti everywhere*

As a gift or treat to all you readers who read the series, I've decided to make a few small gifts. Being the evil person I am, the first (two) gifts are previews for something that is to come in the future. 

Here they are~

(btw, I'm sorry if the quality isn't that great! I'll try uploading them again 
when the internet over here gets better. OTL)

Friday, September 20, 2013


It was just one of those nights.

We had finished and we lay tangled in the bed sheets, nothing but slow breathing filling the air as we tried to regain our breath. Our bodies weren’t touching but I could feel her on me, her lips weren’t on mine but I could taste her on me, her eyes weren’t on me but I could sense her looking at me with adoration, reverence, and much more immense feelings that I knew I didn’t deserve. But I knew her and I knew her well, so I kept quiet and let myself accept the compliments, the words of praise that could be sung throughout Sunday mornings and evenings.

And soon enough, she reached for me. Her hand met mine, albeit hesitantly, and then I turned on my side, opening my arms and she cuddling into me, the sweet scent of her thick hair the only thing I could smell. She was soft and small yet like porcelain in my arms, and I held on tightly, protectively as if any other move could break her. My lover kept close, not speaking but holding on tight as well, holding on to me as if I were gentle wind that could slip away.

And at these moments, it was silence that we needed.

At these moments, silence assured us.

Monday, September 9, 2013

An Attempt at Guilt-Tripping

“I’ll go on ahead,” I tell Elaine, and she nods as she waits by the III-3 classroom.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah – my ride might be there already. Mom might get mad if I come home late,” I add hastily with a grimace, and she nods again before breaking out into a grin as the class was dismissed. Picking up my water jug and folders, I quickly walk away and head down the stairs, not wanting to listen to a conversation and do whatever. In truth, I just wanted to go home, complete the Geometry homework, and rest.

Therese, Beatrice, Janica and Cianna had already gone a couple of minutes ago – Gabrielle was being fetched elsewhere, and Megan was (yet again) absent. Sharmaine had left with Mia, Ryel had training (I think)…and I had left Elaine and Ride upstairs.

For a moment, I consider returning back upstairs and going with them.

But the Juniors’ level is two more floors up and I didn’t really want to go back up just to be a third wheel watcher silent listener. So I continued my way downstairs, turning left and passing by the still-in-construction Kinder area, alone with my thoughts for the remainder of the afternoon.

Unlike Freshman year, where I hated walking alone, I actually liked the silence. It was a large shift from the morning and afternoon, where the others and I would be really, really noisy – even by the Teachers’ Room, where we usually hung out. Jokes would be thrown and conversations would be held, sometimes different topics to be discussed. Briefly thinking about the day’s talks, I remembered Gabrielle’s story (about the reporter guy), Beatrice’s fangirling, and…other things.

“You seem distracted.”

Just when I was about to completely forget about him

I keep a stoic face. “Oh? Do I look that way to you?”

“Yeah – you do.” He walks right next to me, hands in the suit pockets.

…I didn’t even know it had pockets –

“Well. The fact that I’ve had an overall bad day and bad night shows, hm? Good to know that I’m an open book now,” I snap.

Mathias blinks, surprised at the tone of my voice.

“Arzen, what’s wrong-”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

What a freaking lie

“Something’s wrong. You don’t usually act like this.”

“Act like what, exactly – a snarky, sarcastic to the tenth degree female?”

“I was going to say that you’re sort of summoning a Himmel in you, but that works too.”

And now, I was Amaya Himmel.

Fantastic –

“I can’t even be myself now,” I mutter, walking faster.

He, of course, catches up to me.

“Look, if you’re going to be like this, you might attract a Setomion.”

Just what I need, really.

“Good. So maybe it can suck my emotions dry,” I reply flatly.

And he stops me, catching my wrist. I don’t turn to look at him, though I can feel his eyes on me, his grip on my wrist not really loosening or weakening at all.

“You’re never usually this suicidal.”

“Ouch. Now maybe that’s going too far.”

“Do you really want to be Setomion bait and cause almost everyone in here some kind of trauma or something?”

He sounded angry.

Really angry.

Shit –

“Can you not guilt trip me right now?” I snap, breaking free from his hold on me and turning to him with a scowl on my face, “God, that’s my job. The guilt tripping. I’m trying to do it to you, but I can’t freaking do it because you’re doing it back to me.”

He blinks, some of the anger diminishing.

“…guilt tripping?”

“Yeah. Wait – shit – I wasn’t supposed to say that to you,” I backtracked, facepalming. “Forget it. You weren’t even supposed to know.”

And he looked like he discovered why the Earth went around the sun.

“…I get it now.”


“Arzen, I had to help out Eri with the Protection Core.” He glances away, running a hand through his hair. “It’s why I wasn’t with you last night.”

And I laugh.

Like, really laugh.

Not a sarcastic laugh.

“Who said I was angry because of you? Huwag ka nga mag-assume.

And he’s confused.

Bingo –

“Wait, I didn’t understand that last part…”

“Have a dictionary. The library’s nearby.”

And I start walking, fuming silently.

Did he really think I was angry because of him?

…I was, actually

But there was some other reason

Did I really want to keep it in

Or should I

Tell him what’s on my mind

Stopping, I put my bag on the ground and open it, fishing for something.

Glancing back at him, I throw him a small red notebook.

He catches it and looks at me as if asking what to do next.

“The latest entry. Or the first. I don’t care,” I say tiredly. “Hopefully, that’s going to tell you what’s been eating me since April. Just don’t share it with anyone or anything.”

He nods quietly and walks back to me as I slide the bag onto my shoulders once more.

“Since April?”

“Yeah. My latest entry was around yesterday, I think.”

And we walk silently, a hand lifting the journal so he can read it, and the other laying limply by his side.

He reaches one page. Two pages. Three.

And he decides to skip to the entries around last week.

We continue walking, dark grey clouds forming in the skies. A roll of thunder rumbles, and he glances up shortly before resuming reading.

A piece of my soul, really.

Something only Beatrice and Sharmaine read.

And after minutes of silence between us, he reaches for my hand and takes it in his, closing the notebook and tucking it into his pocket.

And we don’t say anything else.

His presence was all the assurance I needed.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


~~Arzen Venura~~

The transfer program was currently taking place.

They had already introduced around eleven students so far – five female and six male. Even if the school opened itself up to males a year ago, I still felt wary. It was weird seeing the guys walk around in red ties, to have extra male bathrooms, to have someone of another gender (aside from the teacher) in class. Well. It was weird and irritating, as there were a couple of girls that threw themselves at the guys upon their first step in here. Honestly, you’d think they were deprived from interaction with the opposite sex ever since they came into this world. Feeling Rapunzel or something, I don’t  know.

So last school year, I had to get used to it.

This year, the school dared to soar higher and said, “hey, let’s open ourselves to international students and people!”.

Which wasn’t actually bad, to be honest.

“Arzen – they’re already sorting the students,” someone told me, and I brought my glance back up to the stage. Six males, six females. Some squirming awkwardly, others remaining composed. I wish I had that kind of composure, really.

“Katarina Louis, Lillian Noel, and Jaime Smith for II-1.”

Two blondes and a brunette descended the stage. Three representatives immediately guided them to their seats, a few eyes watching their movement.

“Arzen?” our teacher in charge patted my shoulder gently, and I blinked, looking up at her. “Ella is absent and she was supposed to be one of the guides. Her parents called and told me she had dengue,” a small frown came to her lips. “Can you be her replacement?”

“…me?” she nodded.

I could handle that.

I think.

“Alright, Ms. Rosanna,” I manage. She beams at me and ushers me to the steps of the stage, where two of my other classmates were waiting. Mina, our vice president, grinned as I arrived.

“Hey, Venura. Ella’s replacement?” I nod. Beside her, Marja smiles.

“You’ll take Mathias.”


“You’ll see,” she sings.

“Robert Nikols, Nora Garnet, and Mathias Angelo for II-2.”

Three students descended the stage – a blonde, a brunette, and a ginger. Robert went to Mina, Nora bounced happily to Marja, and I was left with Mathias Angelo.

The ginger.

He grins at me, brushing his red hair out of his eyes, shifting his backpack.

Bonjour, miss tour guide.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ari Reviews: Extremely Loud and Extremely Close

A review - how long has it been, really?
Okay, it's been some time since I've done a review for a movie, book - anything, actually. Tonight, though, is a night for posting (catching up, basically) and let's start it off with a review, shall we?
Extremely Loud and Extremely Close was a movie my family and I watched a few weeks back during the week-long school suspension due to the really harsh rains that we experienced. My dad apparently stumbled upon this while searching for meanwhile movies to watch, not wanting my brother and I to pretty much laze around all day.
So ladies and gents, get your popcorn and lean back wherever you're leaning! The 'read more' is there for you to click on.
(spoilers may lie ahead!)

Thursday, September 5, 2013


“Would you like me to accompany you, Arzen?”

And there he was, smiling at her. The pistol was in his pocket and not in his hands, indicating that she was safe and that there was no Setomion nearby that would attach itself onto her. Mathias looked different – the suit was less techy than it usually was, his hair was messier, and she could actually see his skin for once, since the suit usually covered him from neck down.

“Were you stalking me again?”

“It’s not stalking if you know I’m there, darling.” He hopped down from the tree branch he was sitting on and landed neatly right next to her, taking the pistol out and twirling it in his hands. “What’s wrong? You’re walking alone,” he gestured around her, “and you came out of the building later than usual.”

“Class Encounter,” she replied, starting to walk, him right next to her. “We got out of the penthouse late and the others had left,” Arzen shrugged.

“Even River?”

“Yeah, I think she went with the others. She’d be late for the bus.”

And he saw the look in her eyes change.


“I’ll just ‘complain’ to the others tomorrow.” And she smiled. “Whatever. It’s not like I’m really affected by it – this isn’t Freshman year, I can take walking to the dismissal area alone. I do it on Fridays,” she assured him.

But to him, it sounded like she was assuring herself.

“…and besides,” she glanced at him, shifting the notebook in her hands, “I’m not totally alone.”

“You’re not,” he agreed. “Don’t think I’ll leave you for even a second.”

And she rolled her eyes.

“At least give me my privacy when I’m at home, damn it.”

“Privacy granted – and I do give you privacy – I just watch outside your room. The tree by the garden is very comfortable.”

Arzen made a face.

“There’s such thing as knocking. I’ve got chairs in my room, you know.”

Mathias grinned and ruffled her hair amidst the look on her face, and she yelped, trying to swat his hand away and failing. “I was kidding, darling. Don’t worry too much about it, I can stand for as long as I like.” he winked, turning right with her as they continued to walk, passing by the first grade cluster.

And a rustle in the trees stopped him.

She noticed.


“…did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

Arzen could feel the temperature dropping bit by bit.

“Mathias, it’s getting colder-”

And she realized it was coming from him.

And not a single sound was heard, except for the chattering of her teeth.

The cold went on, and she saw frost appearing on the tree where the sound seemingly came from. It crept up and she saw her breath appear in front of her as she exhaled, turning her eyes on him to see what he was doing.

It was like Iron Man in the flesh, except younger, the suit not made of iron, and somehow more attractive.

The suit covered him once more, only his head of red hair standing out in his colors of black and icy blue. If moments back, the suit was dark and sleek, it was now glowing with color as the cold around them grew.

He had his pistol aimed, which was not good.

“Be careful with him, Monika.”

A soft whisper.


“He’s much more dangerous than you’d expect. The way he holds that weapon, the cold right now – don’t you think he’s some kind of harmful being?”

Of course he should know – he’s supposed to protect –

“That’s what you think.”

The faint sound of snickering echoed in her ears.

“You know, the last time he was supposed to protect someone, it went very, very badly.”

He wouldn’t –

“And the next time you let him protect you, the same thing might just happen.”

He won’t –

“Do you know a place called Monétoile, Monika?”

She couldn’t think of a reply.

“No? What a shame. Your Mathias knows it, though.”

He’s not – wait – did you say he knows what it is?

“Of course he does. He’s very familiar with it.”


“Tell him the stars await his presence.”

“-Arzen? Arzen?”

She blinked.

The cold was gone, and he was standing in front of her, weapon tucked away. The suit, though, was still covering him up.

She stared at him, seeing a pair of ocean-blue eyes on a concerned face.

“You drifted off. Are you okay?”

He reached out to hold her hand, but she flinched at the touch and jerked away, not seeing his expression fall to slight disappointment and hurt.

“…fine. I’m fine.” She looked at the tree. “Was anything there?”

“Nothing. I must have heard something else.”



He looked at her.

Blue like the ocean, and it was like there were stars dancing in the pools of his eyes.

It was like an internal force pushed the words out of her mouth.

“The stars await your presence.”

And the waters stopped, the stars dimmed.

All she could see were sharp glaciers instead of the warm waters of the ocean.