Thursday, September 5, 2013


“Would you like me to accompany you, Arzen?”

And there he was, smiling at her. The pistol was in his pocket and not in his hands, indicating that she was safe and that there was no Setomion nearby that would attach itself onto her. Mathias looked different – the suit was less techy than it usually was, his hair was messier, and she could actually see his skin for once, since the suit usually covered him from neck down.

“Were you stalking me again?”

“It’s not stalking if you know I’m there, darling.” He hopped down from the tree branch he was sitting on and landed neatly right next to her, taking the pistol out and twirling it in his hands. “What’s wrong? You’re walking alone,” he gestured around her, “and you came out of the building later than usual.”

“Class Encounter,” she replied, starting to walk, him right next to her. “We got out of the penthouse late and the others had left,” Arzen shrugged.

“Even River?”

“Yeah, I think she went with the others. She’d be late for the bus.”

And he saw the look in her eyes change.


“I’ll just ‘complain’ to the others tomorrow.” And she smiled. “Whatever. It’s not like I’m really affected by it – this isn’t Freshman year, I can take walking to the dismissal area alone. I do it on Fridays,” she assured him.

But to him, it sounded like she was assuring herself.

“…and besides,” she glanced at him, shifting the notebook in her hands, “I’m not totally alone.”

“You’re not,” he agreed. “Don’t think I’ll leave you for even a second.”

And she rolled her eyes.

“At least give me my privacy when I’m at home, damn it.”

“Privacy granted – and I do give you privacy – I just watch outside your room. The tree by the garden is very comfortable.”

Arzen made a face.

“There’s such thing as knocking. I’ve got chairs in my room, you know.”

Mathias grinned and ruffled her hair amidst the look on her face, and she yelped, trying to swat his hand away and failing. “I was kidding, darling. Don’t worry too much about it, I can stand for as long as I like.” he winked, turning right with her as they continued to walk, passing by the first grade cluster.

And a rustle in the trees stopped him.

She noticed.


“…did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

Arzen could feel the temperature dropping bit by bit.

“Mathias, it’s getting colder-”

And she realized it was coming from him.

And not a single sound was heard, except for the chattering of her teeth.

The cold went on, and she saw frost appearing on the tree where the sound seemingly came from. It crept up and she saw her breath appear in front of her as she exhaled, turning her eyes on him to see what he was doing.

It was like Iron Man in the flesh, except younger, the suit not made of iron, and somehow more attractive.

The suit covered him once more, only his head of red hair standing out in his colors of black and icy blue. If moments back, the suit was dark and sleek, it was now glowing with color as the cold around them grew.

He had his pistol aimed, which was not good.

“Be careful with him, Monika.”

A soft whisper.


“He’s much more dangerous than you’d expect. The way he holds that weapon, the cold right now – don’t you think he’s some kind of harmful being?”

Of course he should know – he’s supposed to protect –

“That’s what you think.”

The faint sound of snickering echoed in her ears.

“You know, the last time he was supposed to protect someone, it went very, very badly.”

He wouldn’t –

“And the next time you let him protect you, the same thing might just happen.”

He won’t –

“Do you know a place called Monétoile, Monika?”

She couldn’t think of a reply.

“No? What a shame. Your Mathias knows it, though.”

He’s not – wait – did you say he knows what it is?

“Of course he does. He’s very familiar with it.”


“Tell him the stars await his presence.”

“-Arzen? Arzen?”

She blinked.

The cold was gone, and he was standing in front of her, weapon tucked away. The suit, though, was still covering him up.

She stared at him, seeing a pair of ocean-blue eyes on a concerned face.

“You drifted off. Are you okay?”

He reached out to hold her hand, but she flinched at the touch and jerked away, not seeing his expression fall to slight disappointment and hurt.

“…fine. I’m fine.” She looked at the tree. “Was anything there?”

“Nothing. I must have heard something else.”



He looked at her.

Blue like the ocean, and it was like there were stars dancing in the pools of his eyes.

It was like an internal force pushed the words out of her mouth.

“The stars await your presence.”

And the waters stopped, the stars dimmed.

All she could see were sharp glaciers instead of the warm waters of the ocean.

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