Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pandorica: An OTP Challenge Prompt

The trip up north was unexpected. Matt had come home one day and told A to pack her belongings, and the two were off to the northern part of Japan for a week. Although A was accustomed to the bustling, heavy and brightly lit heart of Tokyo where she and Matt lived, the north was a breath of fresh air.

The mountains were high and the weather was a comfortable kind of chilly. They had booked into a cozy place, both of them coming back only to sleep or stay in for a day or two. With that, they had spent all nineteen pieces of Instax film on various places (mostly of themselves) goofing around, a few containing sweet kisses.

Sitting on the bed while Matt brewed coffee for both of them, A studied the pictures in her hands with a slight smile on her face. The Instax she had bought proved to be pricey – she hated to run out of film so quickly – with the two boxes of film she had bought running out.

Now, only one film remained.

Footsteps came, and she looked up to see him with a towel on his shoulders, bearing no shirt underneath. Blue eyes smiled at her and she allowed herself to smile back, gently fixing the Instax photos into one neat pile and scooting so he could sit next to her.

“How many left?”

“Just one.” Both of them looked at the baby pink camera.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Chevaleresse of Sky and Earth

I sense feelings and use them accordingly.

He's not 'my' man. He's his own man for himself.
And I am my own woman without need of a man.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mini Hiatus!

Hello, dear readers!

Yes - it's that time of the school year again. I'm going to have to take a mini hiatus, since the following week is going to be midterm week, and then March 1 will be the slightly dreaded Juniors' Night, AKA Prom. 

Yeah...not really looking forward to it.
I'll be back by February 21 - or earlier, if I'm lucky. Almost all my midterms are taking place this week, and I've got some projects to settle as well as club duties to perform. 

Hopefully, though, I'll be able to post at least...thrice or a bit more during that time period. Even small things like graphics and maybe playlist previews. *laughs*

So, I hope you all wish me luck (especially in finding a prom date. Sigh.) on the midterms most especially! I need to get a great grade if I ever want to pass the colleges I really want.

I'll pop in every once in a while. See y'all later! <3

Sass Queens and Blackened Wings

I don't think you'd like to see me angry. 
Blackened or not, I'll still be able to fly circles around you.