Thursday, July 20, 2017

[Coa] Tadashi: Chapter 002

Tadashi's Apartment 
Seattle, WA
United States of America
August 2009

It’s seven in the evening when Tadashi Sato manages to pull himself out of bed for the nth time that day. He wasn’t so sure on the count, but he was at least certain that the number was less than ten, maybe even five.

This depended on the weight that sat on his shoulders. It never seemed to leave, not quite; it had been there for a week, had been there since the dreams started, had been there ever since he shut off the lights and sentenced himself to what felt like solitary confinement underneath the bedsheets.

Knocking. Insistent knocking, knocking that went on and on and on.

Each one makes him flinch. Each one catches him off-guard.

Knocking, more knocking; with each knock does Tadashi swear that it’s resounding in his ears, resounding in his head. There’s the desire to mumble “stop”, but the word catches in his throat. The knocking sounds ominous, sounds like a familiar warning that makes him stop in his tracks and look at the doorknob with doubt, fear, hesitation.

There’s a familiar adrenaline rushing through his veins.

The knocking sounds like gunshots.

Tadashi stumbles back and nearly hits the back of the couch, eyes widening and darting around the room. The room is dark, the room is cold, the room feels like it’s closing in on him, walls so close to crumbling.

Gunshots. They sound like gunshots, sound like warnings, sound like footsteps, sound like screams and yelling and look out and no wait don’t go there, step back, and it’s a trap, we’ve been lured into a trap and no don’t go don’t go

The apartment, decked in greys and darks and cold, flashes red for a split second.

There’s red on the floor and red on the walls, red on the doorknob, red on his hands and the scent of iron filling his nose. There’s another knock that sounds scarily like a thump and another knock that sounds like another thump, and for the longest second he finds himself drenched in memory, drenched in fear, drenched in screams, drenched in red.

The red is everywhere, the red is dark, the red is trickling, pooling, oozing. Tadashi feels the weight on his shoulders grow hands, and so does the weight in his stomach; the world is stripped off of oxygen and the hands grasp firmly at him, starts to drag him down, down, down.

He blinks once. The apartment is red.

He blinks twice. He’s no longer in the apartment but in a warehouse, no longer inside but outside, no longer safe but in danger. Tadashi is no longer alone but he might as well be alone because there are two bodies in front of him and he’s certain that they’re gone, it’s over, Eun-ha they’re down Eun-ha they got them Eun-ha please do something do something do something please do something

“—concentrate, come on. Concentrate. You’ve got this.”

The red dissipates. Tadashi takes in a large, shuddering breath of air. There’s purple, faint purple in front of him and Tadashi chokes out Eun-ha again, only to be shushed. “Breathe,” the person says. Their voice is calm, steady. Tadashi clings to the voice like a lifeline. “We’ll talk later. Breathe, come on. You’ve got it.”

Ten to fifteen minutes later, Tadashi finds himself on his couch with a cup of warm tea in his hands. He can’t meet Eri Nakagawa’s eyes, she sitting across him on the other couch. He’s not looking at her, but he can already sense the mixture of concern and something else.

“You’ve been skipping work for days,” Eri scolds him. Tadashi doesn’t reply. “What else could I do? Of course I’d come and check up on you. You weren’t answering the door. I figured that you were asleep, but I heard you slump to the floor and repeat her name over and over.” She exhales, and he barely glances up to look at her.

Dressed finely in work attire with her blazer crisp, Eri regards him with a sharp, yet concerned look. Her hair is cut short, styled in a pixie cut. He wonders briefly if she had gotten it cut.

“…you’re looking better,” He mumbles. His voice is hoarse, quiet. Tadashi hadn’t heard his voice in days. The look in Eri’s eyes flicker and bleed worry.

“Don’t change the topic. Drink.” He follows. Tadashi takes a long drink and barely says anything more when the taste of bitterness fills his mouth. “Gaius wanted me to check up on you after Ross and Soledad told him that they hadn’t heard from you as well. And no,” she adds, “none of the admin are mad. They’re just worried.”

“Worried,” Tadashi repeats. “About—about me?”

“Why wouldn’t they be? Listen.” She looks at him fully this time. Tadashi raises his head to meet her eyes, and immediately does she scan him from head to toe. There’s something calculating in his gaze that makes him uneasy. The frown on Eri’s face deepens, and Tadashi feels like sinking into the couch to hide himself. “They’re not forcing you to come back immediately, that’s unreasonable. But they are asking for you to spend the time adequately recovering from what happened.”

He stares at her blankly. The words click a second later.

“I am recovering,” he says slowly. “I’m sleeping.” Eri doesn’t look too convinced. “I’ve been…I’ve been sleeping, Eri,” Tadashi responds, voice thick with exhaustion. “I’ve been resting. If HQ wants me to come back, then I will.”

“I’m not telling you to come back ASAP.” She folds her arms over her chest, “I’m asking you to take care of yourself. And I’m not an idiot,” she cuts before Tadashi can say anything else, “I know you’re not. Your kitchen barely looks used, the television hasn’t been on in ages, and I can tell that the couch was starting to get dusty.”

Tadashi’s mind flickers back to all those hours spent in bed.

“You haven’t switched the lights on for a long time. You’re squinting.” She gestures to his eyes; Tadashi finds it a miracle that she doesn’t mention the circles under them. “You’re not used to it being bright anymore. You’ve been keeping to yourself. That’s how you’ve been spending your days off. And not to mention the state I caught you in when I barged in here,” she argues. Tadashi shuts his eyes momentarily.

The hands are on his shoulders and they’re pulling him up, pulling him back towards the bedroom. His head feels empty, his mind feels elsewhere. The words leave his mouth before he can stop them, but he knows that he’s had enough.  

“Stop that.”

Eri raises a brow but doesn’t say anything more. Tadashi gets up slowly, rises from the couch with the empty tea cup in his hands. “I’m recovering,” he manages quietly. Whatever sharpness that had been there in his voice beforehand dulled considerably. “Tell the admin I’ll be back soon. Please.”


He turns away.

“I need to rest.” Tadashi almost sounds pleading. He can’t look at Eri anymore; not when her purple tie is what stands out the most in the dullness of the living room. “Just let me rest, Eri. I want to rest.”

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