Monday, January 26, 2015

Russ' Updates #022: YBC Launch

Good evening, Darlings! <3 

So, what's going on this week, hmm? 

"I think that's obvious, given the title of the post."
*throws confetti in the air* Today marks the beginning of the You Gave Me Color Celebration - the (first) Celebration which centers around an OTP! ^_^ 

From today until February 1, I'm going to be posting shorts, graphics and whatnot in celebration of my first (legit) OTP. Yes - even though school's happening, I'm determined to make my first Celebration-slash-Challenge a successful one. *thumbs up*

For this week, sit back and relax as I pour out my heart (and feels) into this ship. *laughs* I've been looking forward to this event since I planned it last December, and I do hope you guys will like it~

"Please do enjoy this week's Celebration. Now if you'll excuse me... *lifts A*"

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