Friday, January 30, 2015

YBC Challenge: The Fifth Day -- Blue

His flaming red hair stood out in the middle of the sea waves.

“Don’t you want to swim, baby?” Matt called. He had resurfaced with his hair slicked back, a grin on his face as he took in A’s figure on the beach. The Englishman’s blue eyes ran over his lover’s figure, hastily looking at her face when she stirred on the blanket. “The water’s really cool. You should swim,” he insisted. A took off her sunglasses and squinted, her own green eyes meeting his. “Get yourself under the sun a bit more. Maybe even end up tanning,” he teased, and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m not letting myself out there when the lotion hasn’t dried,” she defended. Matt shook his head.

“You’ve been waiting it out for the past twenty minutes. I think you’re good,” he declared, moving towards her and A paling considerably.

“No. I’m okay, I swear,” she tried and Matt shook his head, lifting her into his arms while the woman let off a shriek. “Matt you better not do what I think you’ll do,” she started, but her threat fell on deaf ears as her boyfriend whooped and leaped into the water with her. A screamed, scrambling to get out of his arms but failing – Matt still held her tightly, laughing as they resurfaced.

A’s hair stuck to her face; the woman huffed in slight irritation and raked it back, green eyes intent on glaring at her English lover.

“You prat–”

“It was the only way for you to cool down,” Matt insisted, starting to laugh yet again as she splashed him and (playfully) smacked his chest. “Jesus Christ baby, don’t get all rough on me–”

“If I tan, you’re going to pay,” she threatened. A glared up at the sun and sighed, a visible grimace settling on her fair face. “I was planning to read,” the woman began to whine, but Matt shook his head in disbelief and swept her into his arms again. She let off a surprised squeak.

“I take you to the beach and all you’re going to do is read?” he quipped. She glowered. “Don’t take it the wrong way, sweetheart. But we’re here to relax.”

“I am relaxing,” she told him, poking his nose lightly. “I was going to relax with my book and then take pictures around the place after resting on the blanket and staying out of the sun.”

“Clearly, we have different ideas of relaxation.” Matt retorted dryly. A huffed and resolved to sit by the shallow part of the shore, Matt following and watching as she dug her feet into the sand and let the water flow over her legs. “Come on, lovely. Take a swim with me, it’s a more relaxing form of exercise,” he insisted.

A made a face.

“It’s like you’re forgetting what happened the last time I swam around the sea,” she deadpanned. The look on Matt’s face fell as he indeed remembered, and A was able to smile just a bit, taking his hand underwater and lacing her fingers through his. “Stupid cramps,” she attempted to joke, and that made Matt give an easier smile, his form losing the tension it gained when she had reminded him of her accident.

“You scared me when it happened.”

“You had to use CPR.” Her eyes gave a gleam and she squeezed his hand, Matt looking at their interlaced fingers and smiling to himself even more.

“My first aid skills come in handy for once,” the male murmured. A merely sent him a teasing grin and stood up all of the sudden, Matt blinking as he was pulled up as well. “Hold on, what are you doing–?”

“I’m going to swim, love.” Her mouth curved into a half-smirk, “Unless you want to spend the rest of the day under the shade and watching me?”

* * * * *

Blue was the color of calm.

“Look at me, A. Just look at me, okay? Relax,” Matt would tell her when she would jerk awake from a nightmare. A’s breathing would go rapid and she’d start to panic until Matt put his hands on her shoulders and made her look him in the eye. “That’s it,” he murmured. “It’s me, sweetheart. I’m here. Just breathe, okay? In through the nose and out through the mouth. Can you do that for me?”

A would nod shakily and then start her attempt at regulating her breathing, Matt helping her go through it. “Keep breathing,” he would say gently, rubbing her back. After a period of time, A would be calmer and more relaxed, breaths no longer short and panicked.

She wasn’t exactly which part of him pushed her to calm down.

There was his voice, of course. Matt’s voice was gentle at those delicate moments, gentle and warm and full of concern. They acted as a lifeline which tugged her back to the present, she holding on to each word and climbing out of that anxious state.

Then, there were his hands. Matt’s hands were always warm despite the weather, and the warmth of them was enough to send her spiraling back to reality. He would hold her hands, rest them on her shoulder, squeeze her own hands and do anything with them, hoping that they’d be a distraction from what she was feeling.

Most of the time, it did work. A found herself awestruck at his warmth, her panic slipping away inch by inch. His hands mixed with his voice acted as a light guiding her out of that dark tunnel. His hands would be there to touch and to comfort, to hold her when she needed to be held or to keep her close when she wanted him as close as possible.

And lastly, there were his eyes.

A was drawn to his eyes ever since she had encountered him once more in the warehouse. They were a beautiful shade of blue, falling between light and dark. His eyes reminded A of the arm oceans and seas, seemingly endless and forever flowing.

It was in his eyes wherein A could spot his true emotions. Matt was a brilliant actor – he knew how to communicate, how to make sure everyone was feeling at their best while he exerted himself. In the first stages of their relationship, it took Matt a lot to fully open up to her. Only when she had snapped that his eyes were lying did he relent and begin to let the venting come out smoother, better.

It was also in his eyes that she was able to reach the ‘calm’ stage. When she looked at them, she saw herself staring back behind blue irises, saw the worry he held for her.

Looking into his eyes after waking up from a bad dream completed the ‘road of recovery’ – only then was she actually able to get a hold on herself and finally squeeze his hand back, whispering “I’m okay Matt, I’m okay” with the ginger exhaling in relief and finally taking her into his arms.

 Blue stood for calm; for peace and serenity.

He was one of the rare few (aside from J and Touta) who could calm her down from almost anything. She didn’t know he was able to do it.

His gorgeous eyes might have had something to do with it.

* * * * *

“Matt!” A squealed, laughing as he lifted her into the air. The twosome had made it back to shore and Matt was intent on carrying her, so she laughed loudly when he lifted her up easily with a cheerful grin on his face. “Put me down, you!”

“I like you more when I carry you,” he noted. A snorted and they were able to come face-to-face, Matt still grinning (despite a small tan starting to work into him) and A shaking her head in slight disbelief, but a smile climbing its way up. “Makes me feel protective.”

A shook her head in disbelief. “You’re weird,” she murmured.

Eyes found eyes.

“But you love me for it.”

She didn’t miss a beat with her reply. 

“I do, Matt. I do.”

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