Monday, January 26, 2015

YBC Challenge: The First Day -- Red

Her lipstick was lethal.

Matt had always been a fan of A’s lips since he had encountered her in that warehouse – they were the first thing that caught his attention. Contrary to due belief, it wasn’t her green eyes which caught his gaze when he saw her again. It wasn’t even the coldness of her stare or how the leather clung to her body in the middle of the freezing night.

That came second.

His eyes caught her lips when she walked into the warehouse, removing the helmet which covered her face. Black hair swung down and rolled down her shoulders. Her eyes looked tired and only highlighted her irritated features. Matt knew make up, and in seeing her, he knew that she had only begun to remove the traces of it ten or fifteen minutes before she arrived.

The only thing that had remained was her lipstick.

It wasn’t exactly nude or plum or anything like that. Not even reddest of red. The color of her lips that night reminded him of strawberries or any other berries.

(Matt wondered nights later how it felt to kiss those lips.)

Her upper lip was a bit thinner than her lower, which was definitely on the fuller side. The way they were pressed together on that night told him something –

She was tired.

People watching and studying gave Matt an advantage.

Time passed after they met. Two weeks after, they met officially. A couple of months later, he had started to show interest. On the seventh or eighth month of knowing each other, he took her out. And everything followed suit after. He saw more than her lipstick and make up when their relationship took a turn for the deeper. He saw her exhausted eyes and her pale face, messy hair and uncharacteristically long nails.

A prided her looks. Matt knew that well – she spent an amazing amount of time in the bathroom before they went out. He tried telling her that he liked her natural, but the Englishwoman insisted that she felt better with the makeup than without. Not wanting to argue any further, he let her. When she came out of the bathroom with plump red lips, his protests fell silent and she happily took his hand.

But when things at work were horrible or when she wasn’t having a good night (or day), the makeup fell away and he found her bare-faced with her hair up and wearing the comfiest clothes she could manage.

The pinkish-red hue he adored was there no longer, and he saw instead a pair of pale lips with the bottom chapped slightly.

* * * * *

He remembered staring. A noticed his stare and looked at him.

“What’re you looking at?” she asked. Her fingers stopped moving over the keys of her laptop and she narrowed her brows at him. Matt cringed. He shouldn’t have shared. “Matt?”

“Just you, sweetheart.” A rolled her eyes and shook her head, eyes flickering back to the screen. “Just you. And your lips.”

She paused yet again. He saw her pink tongue poke out slightly and run over the bottom lip. Her eyes cast away and she seemed to sink a little further in her seat. “Oh. Horrible, aren’t they? I have this habit of picking my lips when I’m stressed or worried,” she muttered. He blinked. “So they’re…rough. Really rough.”

“Is that why you cover them up with lipstick?” A grimaced.

“Lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm…I use lip balm so they won’t dry out and then top it with lip stick or gloss,” she explained. “Depending on the occasion. I usually just use balm for work but when there’s something happening, I like them to stand out more.” She smiled as she said this and leaned against the couch, closing her laptop and looking up at him. Her lips, this time, had curved into a smile.  “Why’d you ask?”

“I was curious,” he admitted. Matt came closer and sat next to her on the couch, arm reaching out and wrapping around her. A willingly moved into his warm hold and her tilted her head so that she was looking at him. The woman’s cheeks flushed. “Why you really like all the cover up. Not that it’s bad or anything.”

“They hide imperfections.” A bit her lip – Matt frowned – “Look. I know you like me natural and all that shit. But I like presenting myself nicely in front of the rest of the world.” She leaned into him and he watched as she fiddled with her hair, “Two sides of me, really. The one I show and the one that a select few get to see.” She looked up at him with a slightly amused smile, “You’re part of the few.”

“I’m glad I’m part of it.” He laced their fingers together and pressed his forehead against hers. It felt strangely right – both of them stripped of their usual gear (guns and whatnot), cuddling and being what a normal couple would be. “I like my A like this. Hair up, chapped lips and whatnot.”

Your A?” she teased, and he blushed. His ears were flaming down to his cheeks and she laughed softly, kissing the side of his lips. Matt spat out flustered words and stammers until she tugged at his collar, pulling him even closer until their lips nearly touched.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m yours.”

Those words mixed with their lips made it all the better. Matt found himself kissing her and kissing her was a dream. He tried feeling for the roughness for her lips and the jagged pieces of skin she swore were there – but as they melded into one another, he found that they weren’t.

Too insignificant to even be noticed when something greater was wrapped in his arms.

 * * * * *

Red stood for lipstick matched with mischievous grins. It stood for days wherein he’d rush to Matsumoto’s office with the man would point and laugh because of a prominent mark on his collar – only then would he look in the mirror and see the mark of pouty red lips staining his crisp white top. Matt would scoff and turn red, then would proceed to tease Matsumoto about having no mark at all.

The Japanese would wisecrack that he had a business to run instead of fooling around. (But Matt knew that Kenichi was happy for him and A.)

Red stood for the nights where A would wrap her arms around him from behind and trail kisses from his neck to his jaw. It stood for the teasing smirk on her face and how her lipstick would leave marks on his skin. It stood for the marks left on her hips and his back.

Red stood for her smudged lipstick when everything seemed like too much.

Red stood for the blood which flowed down his arm when he stumbled home and hissed get the first aid kit please I need to patch myself up while A stood there in horror, half of the makeup wiped away and half remaining.

Red stood for her lips against his and arms clinging to him.

Red stood for passion.

Red stood for love. 

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