Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fairy Tales and Such

It just struck me.

Somewhere in this world, the one we’re fated to be with is living as you do your daily or nightly routine. He or she is most likely sleeping, eating, or chatting while you do your homework or tweet or post a new status on your Facebook page. That person is living while you are.

Here you are, probably complaining about not having a steady relationship, your crush not noticing you, or your partner being a lying douche bag for whatever reason. But there he or she is, most likely doing the same thing. It doesn’t matter if you two are miles, countries, or continents away. Someday, somehow, you two will always end up finding each other in the very end. Something like a fairy tale. The guy gets the girl, they kiss and the story ends with a wedding or mutually confessed love.

It just takes a little more believing, a little more faith. Aside from that, an ounce of action is needed. Fairy tales don’t tell you that the girl has to do some work, too.

That’s what I didn’t like about them as I grew older. They sugar-coat the bad parts and highlight the good. But perhaps, that’s another story. Or maybe that’s what the naïve, younger me liked to see.