Monday, November 30, 2015

Russ' Updates #061: Finals Hiatus

Hello, lovelies! 

I'm going to keep this short since the main point of this week's RussDate is already in the title, but I'm going to explain anyway. I'm going to be taking a mini-hiatus from today until December 8 (which is next Tuesday). Academic-wise, I'm going to be studying a lot in preparation for two finals which would be next Monday. Aside from that, I also have two papers due next Monday, so I'll be using this week to focus on studying for finals and writing those papers. 

Please take note that any graphic/short/review which maybe be posted here from today until the eighth is queued, meaning that I planned for it in advance. :) Hopefully, blogger's queue system works so that I won't have any trouble rescheduling the post and all. 

To everyone who's going through hell or their finals this month, good luck to us! 

See you on the eighth, lovelies! I have something very special planned for the latter half of December, and I'm excited to share it with you guys next week. :D

"Best of luck to you all."

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