Saturday, July 6, 2013

Grey Skies

“Eri, this isn’t needed,” Celeste urged the black-winged angel, but the latter didn’t bat an eyelash as she stood next to the Queen of the Heavens, a small emerald-stoned dagger in her hand, she twirling it slowly. The scarlet-eyed woman gave the other a pleading look, but Amaya Cielo merely shook her head. From the side, Alpha Nuvola smirked and folded her arms over her chest. “I’ve got guards. You have other duties to do.”

“I don’t think so, Celeste.” Eri spoke, her tone flat as she glared down at the heads of the passing peoples. “Amaya and I are here to relieve Alpha and Arturia of their shift,” she continued, nodding at the Rain and Cloud Angel. “We don’t want anyone else harming a hair on your head.” Amaya glanced wearily at Eri, eyeing her blackened wings for merely a second before telling Alpha and Arturia Pioggia that they could go.

Arturia merely nodded, tugging at Alpha and then flying off. Alpha followed, though hesitant. At that, Eri managed to relax and removed her grip from the Queen’s shoulder.

Celeste, though thankful for the protection, couldn’t help but glance at Eri’s wings as well. Eri didn’t blink and kept her gaze straight, small electric currents rushing up and down her dark green, silk dress.

Amaya broke the silence. “You can go back in now, Celeste. We’ll take it from here.”

At Celeste departed into her room, the doors shut and the locks clicked into place.

“Puro’s getting on my nerves.”

“I know. She’s getting on everyone’s nerves.”

“Tell that to the ridiculous people who objectify her.” A sneer came onto Eri’s face. “Caitlin Puro. I can hardly believe she’s a member of the Court. Makes me want to zap lightning into that irritating, childish face and watch as she sobs over her split ends and flaming hair.” Amaya laughed, leaning against the door as she listened to Eri rant more and more about her irritation.

“Ice and Lightning. That would make an interesting fight,” the other commented. Eri merely smirked.

“On second thought, no thanks. I don’t want my wings ripped from my back this time.”

She had that faraway look in her eyes this time. The electric current stopped, and her wings gave a small flutter.

“Celeste and I had a deal.” Dark green eyes met Amaya’s tangerine ones. “If it gets worse, I’ll go tell the Elders.” At the shake of Amaya’s head, Eri frowned. “What?”

“Do we really need to wait for it to get worse?”

Eri fell silent.

“I guess you’re right. But that’s what Celeste and I discussed.”

Amaya sighed.

“This is why people get bullied, Eri. Even Queens.”

* * * * *

Celeste rubbed her temples, crossing her ankles as she gazed out the window that displayed the Heavens in its beauty. Ever since the return of Cissa Arashi and Eri Kaminari, there had been whispers all over the place. Celeste had assured the people that they would be under close supervision (Eri had rolled her eyes at this), and they were cleared. The only problem was turning their wings back into white.

Various methods were used. Lisa Sereno had tried her Sun powers and various medics poked and inserted needles wherever they could, and Celeste herself tried with her own powers. Sadly, none of the attempts were successful.

Cissa had expressed her dislike for her blackened wings and kept them covered.

Eri merely remained neutral, refusing to hide them.

After the events of the past – Megan Alando and Elaine Rivers mysteriously transporting to the Heavens, the Watcher stepping in, the fall and eventual rise of Eri and Cissa…Celeste considered them water under the bridge.

Even she couldn’t believe that Eri was now standing guard outside her compound, ready to strike if a certain person (like Caitlin) dared enter without permission and supervision. The thought made Celeste smile slightly.

A rough knock snapped her out of her thoughts.

Outside were protests.

“I need to talk to Celeste, Kaminari.”

“I don’t think so, Puro. She’s busy.”

The poisonous sweetness in Caitlin’s voice and Eri’s icy tone made her pinch her temples.

“I don’t think a previous Fallen Angel has the right to deny a court member entrance.”

“Watch your tongue, brat. I might end up accidentally setting your blonde curls on fire.”

“Caitlin, Eri, stop that – Caitlin, Celeste is currently busy. She doesn’t want anyone to interrupt her at the moment.”

And that was when she blocked out their voices.

* * * * *

“Bye, Megan!” Megan Alando merely smiled and waved, soon walking off with her bag in hand. Arzen Venura glanced at Elaine Rivers, who sighed and walked on, the former hurrying up to the braided girl. “We have to tell someone about this – I can tell my mom. She knows Megan’s mom and we’ll get this sorted.”

Elaine merely nodded as they walked down the road, heading to her bus. “We’re going to tell on Monday.”

“Monday?” Arzen blinked, “Even if nothing does happen?”

“Arzen, do we really need to wait until it gets worse?”

This made her sigh.

“I guess you’re right. Poor Megan.”

The sky above them rumbled, and they glanced up at the same time.

The clouds were turning grey, and Elaine could detect a hint of rain coming.

“There’s a storm arriving soon.”

A storm that could possibly blow everything out of proportion. 

At that, Elaine reminded herself to consult with a certain Watcher when she got home.

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