Saturday, May 4, 2013

One and Seemingly the Same

The black-haired woman turned around. There wasn’t anything else in the room. The walls were painted white and the floor was as well, making it seem like the room was actually curved, with no corners whatsoever. She was amazed and didn’t notice the absence of her pistol, glancing around her with a gleam in her dark green eyes. It was clean, it was different – it was…peaceful. She let a smile come to her lips. It was peaceful after what had just happened. So many events back at Technika, heartbreaking, soul-crushing, hopeful, blessed events –

“Well isn’t she different from us?”

And then there was that voice. She finally noticed and saw two other ladies in the room, so similar yet striking at the same time. Her eyes widened and she fumbled for her pistol, but to her chagrin, it wasn’t there. The first one tilted her head to the side and let a slow, lazy smirk come to her pale, chapped lips.
“So,” the same voice drawled. “How are you different from us?”
Her eyes had to be fooling her. She must had missed a trip to the doctors’, because she couldn’t possibly be seeing two clones of herself in the same room, wearing different gear with different hair but had the same voice, same eye color, same voice that was also quite different at the same time –
“You rush her too much,” sighed the other. If the first was lazy yet sharp, the other was tired and not willing to deal with any kind of bullshit there was. “The surprise wears off, even though I’d rather face a bunch of Silence than this wretch.” She spat. The first one cackled.
“I can feel your love for me, Ergen. Keep it up.”
“Oh I will, Kaminari.”
“Alright, who the hell are both of you?” both ladies looked at the newcomer and lifted their brows at the same time. It was freaking her out.
“This scarred individual is Eri Ergen,” chimed the first.
“And this little angel is Eri Kaminari.” She threw the other a look. “Though she’s classified as fallen now.”
“So let me get this straight.” The third folded her arms over her chest. “You’re Eri. And you’re Eri.”
“Indeed.” The first nodded. “And you?”
“I’m Eri. Eri Blitzschnell.”
The two looked at each other.
“The Canon Parallel is finally here, huh?”
“It seems like it, Angel.” The first glared at the second.
“Oh yeah? Whad’ya want me to call you – ‘war freak?’” This made the second growl in irritation.
“I’d prefer you shut your mouth before I hurt you.”
“And what, get yourself killed – again? Oh wait, maybe you’d just go into hiding for a couple of months and freak everyone out by saying ‘still alive’ by writing it with your own goddamn blood.”
“You swear too much for an angel.”
“Oi. Fallen angel here. Get your facts right.”
At that, Eri Blitzschnell could not take it.
“Both of you, keep quiet!” she snapped. Kaminari and Ergen looked at Blitzschnell in surprise. “I want to know what on Earth is going on in here, because as far as I know, there is only one Eri where I’m from. And that’s me.” Heaving a sigh, Kaminari stood up from the chair she sat on and unfurled her wings.
“I asked myself the same question when Ergen came in.”
“And I when she introduced herself.”
“…where are you from?” at that, the two’s expressions darkened.
“The Heavens.” Kaminari’s wings gave a small twitch.
“The Further.” And Ergen rolled up her sleeves, showing various scars on her skin. Blitzschnell looked from one to another. The first was a long-haired angel, wearing a simple dress with sandals on her feet. Her prominent feature was her black wings, as well as the look in her eyes – nasty, hardened, full of anger and doubt.
The second one who introduced herself as Eri Ergen differed from Eri Kaminari. Her hair was slightly frazzled, and her clothes were torn here and there. But most of all, there were scars on her skin. Some looked like bite marks and the others looked like wounds that left a terrible mark, a memory to live with. She was caught looking and Ergen offered a faint, defeated smile.
And there she was. Eri Blitzschnell with the black hair up in a single ponytail and in her battle gear with the cape. She lacked her usual weaponry but that didn’t seem to matter, as she was with two other females so identical and diverse from herself.
Angry at
Defeated by
Someone or something
“Yeah, I know. I’m angry. It’s obvious.” The Angel folded her arms over her chest. “I’m angry because of something that happened and I’m frustrated that it didn’t work out. I’m angry because I got this and not that, because I was expelled and not LISTENED TO.
Lightning struck elsewhere, but not there.
The second merely sighed. “It wasn’t my fault. Or maybe it was.”
The sky rumbled, and they looked at the third.
“I’ve fixed the mess I was able to create.”
Surprisingly, there were only nods of approval. Blitzschnell was confused.
“Aren’t you mad?”
“Mad? What for?”
“You two lost. And I won.” The Angel snorted.
“I’m happy for you, soldier.” She mocked a salute. “Was expecting it, anyway.” A slight smirk came to her lips. “That would mean well for Ergen and I. I hope.”
“It would. Soon enough.” Eri Ergen glanced at the two remaining chairs. “Two more.”
“E-Excuse me?”
“Two more. It was about time you showed up, soldier.” Kaminari frowned. “We ain’t getting out of here until the other two arrive. That’ll be a hoot.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, and Blitzschell felt more confusion rise. What was she talking about? “Eri from Mitarion and Eri from Haran. When we’re all together, that’s when she can be fixed. For real. Even if it means ripping my wings off and sending myself to the gates of Hell.”
“I don’t follow you two.”
“Well. Well shit.” Kaminari grinned. “You’re in for one hell of a story, soldier.” From behind her, Ergen tsked and sat Blitzschnell down.
“Don’t mess this up for me, Angel.”
“I won’t, War Freak.” The irritation in Eri Ergen’s eyes flashed before she looked at the woman from the Evolved Earth.
“It all started with that incident, Eri.”

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