Thursday, May 2, 2013

Flipside: White Dresses and First Dances

Hello and good afternoon to you guys! I posted something a while back, entitled White Dresses and First Dances. It was an OTP Prompt/Challenge given to me by Giselle last night, and I just finished it a few hours ago. This is going to be fairly short since I don't really have much to say, haha.
So basically, it's set into the future where Matt and A are already married and have a daughter who has her prom in a month. I kept the setting unclear, as I couldn't decide where to have them live after they would marry (though they'd probably be in England). Alice, currently sixteen in the short, had just told her mother that her prom was in a month...and A didn't know of this. But Matt did. The short includes a shopping trip with the couple arguing, and then the eventual day of the prom itself.
A little quirk that somewhat foreshadowed the ending was A saying that she didn't get to experience prom, and neither did Matt. I'm guessing that Matt wanted her to experience it for herself with him as a date, yes? So he just made it simple. Dimmed the lights, have her dress there, put on some slow tunes and a bottle of wine, probably make a nice dinner for them to eat after.
I wanted to focus on the relationship with their daughter, but couldn't help putting in some loving at the end part, because after all, it was an OTP prompt. The two even had an argument regarding Alice's dress in the shop, aha. Luckily for them, the section where they were didn't have people in it. Matt wanted the dress to be modest while A preferred something Alice would enjoy.
I think it's safe to say that I did a lot of research on this, especially with the dresses. Alice was supposed to be in a long red dress, but I decided to change it after typing A's argument regarding long dresses. Haha! Also, I think this pretty much shows my hopes for my own prom experience. Not that I want my parents to bicker about the dress (my mom already sketched a dress!), but I want it to be fun and something worth remembering, you know?
For those wondering, Alice's dress looks like this:

So basically, it was a family-bonding + otp short in one. >w< I was pretty happy with the result. So, I hoped you enjoyed reading the short and this - see you all in my next post! <3

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