Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Flipside: A Crack in the Middle of Reality

Good evening, guys! So I just posted a challenge prompt entitled A Crack in the Middle of Reality, and I’m pretty much making a behind the scenes post for it. Yes, you got that right. I’ll be putting explanations, possible spoilers and what not – this will be fairly short, so I’ll keep this without a read more button or whatever. So, I asked Giselle for a challenge despite how crappy I feel (allergies that turn into colds aren’t good) and she gave me this:

“Crossover. The Forbidden Ship decides to go to Cardverse. Write about the possible things that can happen to them. :3”

My initial worry was screwing up the characterization of the Watcher, but she told me to imagine writing as Patrick Darling from The Catastrophic History of You and Me and the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. So that pretty much helped as I did the challenge.

Now, let’s get to the lines that need to be understood-slash-explained.

“Says the girl who got stuck with a baby Setomion.”

“Says the guy who has a weird fascination for the word ‘marbleball’.”

This short takes place after the events of TSP: Eri. And hey, remember the Watcher said she could remember the things that happened (he told her this in TSP: Oddette) after they finished their journey? Well in this scenario, she keeps them and the Watcher stays true to his word. Also, I doubt Elaine would forget the Watcher’s slight obsession with the word ‘marbleball’. XD

“Fix it. Fix it right now or I swear to God I’ll stick your head in the blender and turn you into a Watcher smoothie.

So remember when Elaine held the Watcher against the wall and threatened to bash his brains in during the events of TSP: Eri? In the behind the scenes for that chapter, Giselle mentioned that it had to do something with the Shoujo Trilogy. And guess what? This line does, too. *evil grin here*

“More visitors…that’s impossible. Unless people have accidentally wandered into the tree hole the girls claimed they went through, there can’t have been another hole between worlds.” Outside, the sky rumbled slightly. “I’ve tried everything I could – spells and whatnot, but the barrier remained closed. So why now, of all times?”

Alrighty, so while the events take place post TSP: Eri, for Cardverse, this takes place during the current arc I’m writing (Preparation). Arthur wonders why it had to happen at that time, where all of them – especially the Kings – were busy with things to do and things to accomplish, so on and so forth. Basically, it was like Hell Time for them. Sort of.

“Whose Parallel World is this?”

Watcher ran a hand through his hair.

“This…this isn’t a Parallel World of anyone, Elaine.”

“It’s not?!”

“It can be, but I’ve never seen it throughout my travels.” At that, he actually hesitated. “For once in my life, I have no idea where we are.”

All I can say is this: Watcher lied. He has been there before.

Tired eyes looked at the pocket watch and he frowned upon seeing the same time he did while he was back in her house.


Author’s Note: The Royal Flush exists in its’ own reality-slash-universe, the Royal Flush reality. The Shoujo Parallels exists in its own reality-slash-universe as well. Watcher and Elaine, people from the TSP reality, unknowingly go into the RF reality. This causes his pocket watch to stop. Yes, ladies and gents, his pocket watch is – dare I say it – magical. Like him. It has a connection to the Watcher. When they went into a reality they weren’t supposed to be in, all traces of material objects from the TSP reality stopped working.

It’s a headcanon of mine that things from other realities can actually damage the flow of time and space in other realities. *shrug*

“The last time you were here…you were with someone else.” Arthur looked at him. “A girl by the name of Eli-”

Watcher and Elise Villan have been to Cardverse before. By accident. In the short, it’s his second time there – by accident as well.

“Well, what if I told you that things that weren’t supposed to be could go back?”

Arthur knows that Watcher and Elaine, just like Watcher and Elise, don’t belong there. Unlike the four girls who are from the RF reality, anyone from another reality can simply reverse the process of stepping into the wrong reality. It was that easy, and it’s why the four girls can’t join them and get back to Earth through Watcher and Elaine. If the four girls tagged along, they would be distorting not only the RF reality, but also the TSP reality, causing a major negative.

And finally, the crack in the wall.

I think it’s fair to say that the fabrics of reality are falling apart in the TSP world. With all the travelling Elaine and Watcher have done, don’t you think this can affect the mortal world as well? Hence the crack, symbolising the falling apart of their world and leading into another that shouldn’t be walked into.

Again – this is purely headcanon.

Well ladies and gents, those are all the lines I’ll be explaining! Do know that there are spoilers within the short that go along with The Royal Flush – you’ll have to look hard and know which ones are the right ones. ;) Thanks for reading and have a great night!

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