Friday, May 17, 2013

Flipside: From One Belt to Another

Hello and good evening, guys! Here is a Behind the Scenes special regarding a short I just posted, entitled 'From One Belt to Another'. I had asked Giselle for a prompt for a certain character, and she gave me this: Alpha!Arzen meeting Beta!Arzen. Complicated, eh? I was able to find a way to make this happen, a random one at that.
Before anyone wonders, the Alpha!Arzen is basically pretty much me = Arianne Maxine.
This is going to be full of explaining so we need for a read more button. Without further ado, let's get straight to the point!

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“It doesn’t look that different from the one in the Beta Belt.”
Explanation: There aren’t much differences in terms of setting when it comes to the different belts. Only the people are possibly different.

“Eri, are you sure we landed in the right timeframe? We’ve got only one chance to go here – for now. That’s what you said back in there. Back in that weird room.”
Explanation: A headcanon of mine is that the timeflow in all belts are the same. Therefore, the time setting of this short is post TSP: Eri, before the start of the group’s Junior year. So let’s say that the current date in the Alpha Belt is June 3. That means that they left the Beta belt on June 3 as well.
“We’ve got only one chance to go here – for now.” travelling in between belts are extra, extra rare and they only had one chance to get into the Alpha Belt. Headcanon of mine states that they can make it back to their own belt if their stay in the other belt lasted only less than an hour. 
The weird room is the white room where the three Eris have met. This is pure headcanon, so it can be argued that while the room exists, the events of the three Eris meeting could have never happened.

The Alpha belt yelled at her to go back where she belonged, and she really did – except, this kind of mission required her to actually travel there with her Canon Parallel and search for this other Arzen…

Explanation: And yet another headcanon of mine! I believe that, just like the Royal Flush x Shoujo Parallels short I had recently made, things in their own reality don’t belong in other realities. Though the belts are all in the Shoujo reality, think of this: you’ve got a folder in your laptop wherein you keep your music.
In that folder are other folders dividing the genres of music. One can be pop, other can be rock, other can be classical.
If you would put, say, the Doomsday track from Doctor Who into the rock section, it would simply not belong and you’d have to put it in its’ right folder – OST. Even though the belts are in the same story reality, if one person goes to a different belt, he or she would simply not belong and could possibly disrupt the flow of time and space in that other belt – and in his or her own.

“Damn. We’re here because something is going to happen in the future, and we somewhat want to prevent it from crossing to the other belts. A tragedy in one belt would be enough for the universe to handle.”
Explanation: The ‘something’ refers to a possible event during The Shoujo Parallels Trilogy, which the trilogy could be centred on. The Beta Parallels want to stop this event from possibly happening in the other belts because they know that they’ve had enough to deal with – and so have the other belt people. And perhaps this event alone could affect the entire universe – who knows, really?

“Of course I have to. How much time do we have left?”

Another glance at the watch told Eri and Arzen the answer.

“Fifteen minutes.”

Explanation: Belt hopping can only be accommodated for a limited time. Eri’s watch was designed by her over at Technika to withstand belt hopping and alert her of how much time they had left, and was good for only a one-time use. I’d like to think she fashioned these watches for the other Parallels as well as they took their own mortal counterparts to the Alpha belt.

“Okay. Good. At least I have some kind of confirmation.”

Explanation: Confirmation that Arianne Maxine is indeed the Alpha version of Arzen Venura. The snark in her voice was a clear indicator. /shot

“I’ve had a taste of it back in my belt. That’s why I’m here – I don’t want you and the others to go through the same level of hell I and my other friends did.”

Explanation: Obviously, Arzen means her breaking down during TSP: Eri. ‘The others’ can refer to Janica’s breakdown in TSP: Oddette and Megan’s in TSP: Celeste.

Eri had warned Arzen beforehand to not make physical contact.

Explanation: I recall in Doctor Who, series one – the episode Father’s Day – that if Rose touched her baby self, it would cause a paradox. That very same thing would happen if Arianne and Arzen, different versions of themselves, would have physical contact, no matter how fleeting or light.

“If you lose it, it would cause a chain reaction of events. You’d have to go to the Delta belt and the Delta you would go to the Gamma you, eventually continuing this cycle, causing it to go on in the other undiscovered belts in the universe. And we don’t want that – we don’t want a paradox to happen. We don’t want the flow of time and space to be more whacked up than it was before.”

Explanation: This…is actually quite simple if you think of it. Beta people don’t want it to happen in Alpha, so Beta goes to Alpha. What if it happens to Alpha? Simple. Alpha people go to Delta people. If it happens to Delta, Delta people go to Omega. Just for a warning.

It’s like a matter of eliminations, if it has happened in one belt, you can warn another belt…now that I think of it, the warning sort of acted as a possible trigger…

And if those events go on and on – boom, paradox!

I’m telling you this because something is going to happen in my belt. I’ve lost it and so have my friends, and we’re being told to possibly prevent it from happening in your belt, Arianne.”
Explanation: ‘Something’ = possible event in the TSP Trilogy. ‘I’ve lost it’ = Arzen has shattered once. ‘So have my friends’ = Megan and Janica.

“Don’t lose it. Don’t lose yourself, don’t lose the others, don’t cause the destruction of your world, don’t let her down. That’s all the reassurance I need.”

Explanation: ‘Don’t lose yourself’ = don’t shatter like I did. ‘Don’t lose the others’ = don’t let the others shatter. ‘Don’t cause the destruction of your world’ = Arzen doesn’t mean Alhpa!Earth. She means the Alpha!Technika, which is technically Arianne’s Parallel World. ‘Don’t let her down’ = don’t let Alpha!Eri down.

Whoa there. That was...intense. XD I hope you guys liked this and the short I wrote! 'Til I post again, which may be soon. Have a great night/afternoon/morning to all of you!

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