Thursday, May 2, 2013

White Dresses and First Dances

“It’s your what next month?”

A girl of sixteen cringed lightly and glanced at her dad, who remained impassive despite the look on his wife’s face. “Mum. It’s my prom next month. I didn’t want to stress you out about it because of your work, and dad was sort of free, so I told him…” she trailed off, gulping at the shifting expression on her mother’s face. Shock, frustration, anger…a hint of excitement? Finally, the older woman pinched her temples.

“Mail Jeevas.” The ginger blinked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Same reasons as Alice!” he defended, lifting his hands in surrender. “You had that case with your squad and we thought that it would stress you out even more.” He walked to his wife, gently clasping a hand on her shoulder. “Love, come on. I’ve already talked to her about a suitable date,” he sent his daughter a hard look “and she knows what to do.”

“You two are ridiculous.”

“Mum, don’t be like that – I need help with picking out my dress and hair,” she pleaded. Matt grinned at her slyly, sending a wink to his daughter as he looked back at his wife. “All my friends are going dress shopping and asked if I wanted to go, but I told them I needed to consult you.” Which was true – despite her mother’s temper and sharp words, she couldn’t help but admire the extensive styles she frequently saw her wear.

“Look at her.” Matt gave a pout and turned A’s head to the younger Alice. “Come on, lovely, she’s practically begging for you to shop with her.” A teasing grin came to his face. “And I know you’ve been itching to get to the mall.”

Finally, the woman relented and agreed to go out much later. Alice grinned and hugged her mother, Matt watching with a fond smile on his face. He could hear his wife gently scolding her daughter for not telling her about prom, but there was a smile on her face nonetheless. Her eyes flickered towards him and she sent him a look, but there was a tender expression in her eyes as well.

“Get your schoolwork done and shower, then we’ll leave soon enough.” She looked at the wall clock in the room. “We’ll leave at two. Matt, you’re coming as well.”

* * * * *

Alice Lynn would be having her prom in a month.

Her daughter would be having her prom.

A sighed as she sipped at her coffee, nibbling on a biscuit soon after. After being told of that, thoughts of work didn’t process anymore and she was focused on the prom. What dress would she wear, who would be her date – did she even have a date? She nibbled on her lip in anxiety. Of course her daughter would have a date, she was beautiful and sweet. She didn’t expect it to come so soon, though…it was just like yesterday when Alice was born, she mused.


Matt entered the kitchen, seeing her and gently took a seat across her. She gave him a slight smile and he kissed her cheek, noticing the drop in her mood. “Are you alright? You do understand why Alice didn’t tell you, right?”

“I know, I know. Work bites.” He chuckled. “It’s just so fast…I didn’t expect it to come so soon.” She frowned. “Alice is still young – bloody sixteen – when I was sixteen, I was at Wammy’s studying up for detective work. Now, she’s preparing for her prom with her friends…and God forbid, I don’t know if she has a date yet.” A ran a hand through her own black hair, and put it into a bun. “She’s growing up, Matt. I’m not sure if I’m ready.” He smiled sadly and pulled got off his seat and went behind her own, gently embracing her.

“It’s normal, love. Especially with how we grew up. That’s what I didn’t like about Wammy’s.” she turned her head to look at him. “We grew up too fast – we were made to. We were rid of our childhood. Alice wasn’t – she grows up just like a regular girl.” Matt took her hand into his own and gently massaged her fingers. “All we have to do is to be there for her, whether she’s going through prom, exams, graduation…whatever.”

“Maybe I’m anxious because I never experienced it.”

“Hm…neither did I. I don’t think Wammy’s would even have a prom.”

She smiled. “Why would they…as I said, I just studied over there. Nothing more.”

“She’ll have fun. She should have fun, or the guy would be answering to me.” A gave him a smirk and stood up, wrapping her arms around him.

“You’re still the same as many years back,” she remarked. “Still protective as always, Matt.”

“Hush.” He poked her nose. “You love it.”

“Mum, dad?”

The couple looked at their daughter, who stood by the doorway and was looking at them with a slight smile on her face. “If you two are done flirting, can we go?”

* * * * *

“Something long.”

“No, Matt – it has to be shorter than that,” she rolled her eyes, putting back the dress her husband pulled out, which was red and floor length. “She might trip in her heels.” The man and girl followed her around as she walked, and A picked up a dress from the rack. “How about this?”

 White, strapless, reached her knees.

Matt snorted.

“No way is she wearing that.” A frowned.

“Well, what do you want?”

“Something modest, A, I don’t want anyone creeping on her for Christ’s sake.”

“Well, I don’t want her tripping everywhere.”

Alice could only sigh and turned to another rack, searching for a dress as her parents bickered over the cut.

“She should wear blue, it brings out her eyes.”

“No, she should wear her favorite color.”

“Come off it, love, you just want her to wear green!”

“I do not, you’re just being ridiculous!”

“Yes, because spring green isn’t a shade of green.” He drawled with dripping sarcasm.

She glared. “Maybe we should let her choose.”

“And see if it passes both our standards.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Impossible.”

“Now you’re just being a prick.”

“Me? You’re the once forcing it on our daughter!”

“I am not forcing it on her!”

Thank God we’re the only ones in this section, Alice thought as she picked up a dress. Mum can be stubborn and dad can be loud. “Hey, what about this?” she walked back to her parents, who weren’t facing each other with equally peeved looks on their faces. “Uh…mum? Dad?”

Both looked at what their daughter picked.

“I tried not to make it too long or short, and slightly modest yet not modest.” She struggled with her words. “Is this alright?”

Silence for a few moments, and then a yes came from both of them at the same time. The black-haired girl beamed and took her mother’s hand, bringing her next to the shoes. A could only allow this while Matt followed, slightly dumbstruck.

The rest of the afternoon followed nicely. Alice got heels that matched her dress and her mother would lend her earrings. She couldn’t help but feel the tension between her parents, though, as they rode back home without talking to each other.

* * * * *

Could a mother be more worried than her daughter on the day of prom?

Yes, yes she could. A fluttered and was flustered as she set up her daughter’s hair into an elegant bun. Alice remained still and soothed her mother as she worked on the hair, and finally settled into her dress which she picked. To tell the truth, A was fond of it – it was a dress she herself would like to wear, if she still had her body from years ago when she was just Matt’s boyfriend.

She sighed softly, asking her daughter to sit down so she could make some final adjustments on her hair. Alice sat and A fixed it, securing the bun so it wouldn’t fall out in the middle of the event.

“What’s this bun called?”

She paused.

“If I’m right, it should be called the French Twist.” She pulled away and took out her make up. “I used to wear this a lot more, except it would be messier than what style I just gave you.” Her mother carefully did Alice’s make up, making sure whatever she put would match her dress. “What corsage is your date bringing?”

“Red roses,” Alice replied with a small smile.

“Alright, then we’ll give you some red instead of pink but keep the other parts of your face simple. Focus on the lips usually work best…”

Matt watched from the door of the bathroom quietly, seeing his wife revert back to the girl she was back then. It was in these times where she went to her quiet, observant state, which put her at ease as she worked on make up and hair and whatever. He watched as she gently put on the eyeliner and then mascara, instructing her daughter to keep her eyes shut while the liquid eyeliner dried.

“Mum, why didn’t you become a make up artist for models?” Alice asked with closed eyes. “It would make you more composed than work for the police.”

“I asked myself that a lot,” she muttered. “I grew used to the job. I’m sure being a make up artist would be nice, but after all the years of being in HQ, I think I’d prefer it to dealing with bratty models.” A low chuckle escaped her lips.

“Your mother would be nicer as a model,” Matt spoke up. Alice laughed and A blushed, folding her arms over her chest and sending him a look. But despite this, a small smile came to her face. “I have some great shots of her in the photo album…” he winked.

“That can be saved for another time,” she interrupted.  “Alright, open your eyes.” And then she did, Alice smiling brightly at her reflection. “Now put on the earrings and we’ll wait for your date to arrive.” As Alice put them on, she watched with a slightly nostalgic look in her green eyes.

She’s growing up.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang, and Matt opened it, seeing a blonde boy there with a small box in his hand. “You’re Alice’s date?” he questioned. The boy nodded and gave a smile, extending a hand.

“Yes, sir – I’m Nicolas Clark.” Matt shook the boy’s hand and let him into the house, asking him to take a seat. He quickly went upstairs and told of her date’s presence, and he went downstairs, waiting. Finally both of them came, Alice grinning at Nicolas.

“Hi, Nick! That’s my dad and this is my mum, are you ready?” the blonde nodded, standing up and opening the box. Her parents merely watched, Matt keeping an eye on the boy and A merely watching with a faint smile.

“I got your corsage,” he murmured, taking it out and gently clasping it around her wrist. The grin on her face didn’t fade as he winked and gestured to his boutonnière, which was attached to the lapel of his tuxedo.

“Alright, how about some pictures before you to set off?” A suddenly asked, taking a camera out of her pocket. The couple blinked and nodded, standing next to each other as they smiled for the camera. A took a few more pictures until she smiled, nodding at them as she took his hand. Nicolas flushed lightly and then smiled, they eventually walking out the door with Matt reminding her to be back in time.

As the door closed, both of them looked at each other.

“That wasn’t as disastrous as I thought,” she admitted. He chuckled.

“Come with me.”

“E-Eh?” he brought her to the living room, which was darkly lit. She raised a brow at him and he smiled, turning on the CD player in the corner. Immediately a slow song started and she could only stare, wondering what he was up to. “Matt, what is this?”

“Shh.” He walked back, putting a finger on her lips. “Alice is gone for her prom, and I thought we could have a prom of our own.” To her disbelief, Matt gestured to the couch, where a seemingly familiar dress lay. She saw him shrug into his blazer, and she eventually gave in and slipped on the dress, leaving her casual clothing neatly folded and set away. The ginger grinned at her and took her hand, leading them to the center of the room where they started to dance.

“I guess all those parties with Matsumoto paid off,” she murmured. But he wasn’t listening and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, making her redden.

“You look as beautiful as when we first met,” he whispered. Her cheeks reddened much more, and he pressed his forehead against hers. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered back, feeling content as she slow danced with him in the middle of their living room, letting her eyes close as his lips claimed her own.

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