Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Announcement Regarding TSP: Eri

So I don't know if I should be revealing this now, but as the title states, I have an announcement regarding The Shoujo Parallels: Eri! Well. I don't know how to announce this, but...I'll let you guys have a sneak preview of what's been going on in my documents folder since around a week ago:

So, do you guys have a clue yet? *grins* 

Yes, I've been asked to write one chapter of TSP: Eri by Giselle, the main author of the whole thing. I really wasn't expecting it and am definitely excited to see how you guys are going to react to what I'm going to write. *insert evil cackle here* I've been assigned to Chapter 022, and something really big happens there, something to do with two certain people in the story. 

I think it's going to be obvious that I wrote it, as Giselle and I really have different writing styles. *shrugs* But either way, I hope you all look forward to it! Who knows, I might be destroying the story and I won't even know about it. 

That's all. c: I hope you guys are excited as I am.

Spoiler alert: It gets really emotional. For both of the characters. I think.

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