Saturday, November 16, 2013

Graphic Challenge: Three Ships

Good almost-morning, dear readers! Here's a small challenge that Alpha!Elaine had given me - to make four graphics of four ships that would be featured in an upcoming writing of mine.

I was only able to complete three because I wasn't able to find any nice quality pictures of the girl in the fourth ship. So, I only posted three tonight. Who knows - I might post the fourth graphic when I can~

"We're comrades. Not partners."
"Comrades are the same thing as partners."
"Partner, Pandora. Romantic partners."

"I thought you'd never wake up."
"...I'm awake now, aren't I?"

"I understand that you were being noble."
"I had to help them out."
"I understand that. But you didn't have to be reckless."
"These were lives at stake, Sirius-"
"Shut up. You don't worry people who love you."
" love me?"

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