Saturday, November 9, 2013

BTS: Further into the Heavens

Hello and good evening, my lovely readers!

I wanted to get this thing done last night, but since Yolanda's being irritating, the power went out and I had to listen to rains last night. When we got power back, I didn't feel like writing anymore and just finished the thingy today.

So, the short.

It's confusing - even for me - because we don't know why the hell the Prat is in the Heavens and the Further. Before we go on, I'll just remind you guys what those places and who the people were.

The Heavens is the Parallel World of Megan Alando. Eri Kaminari is the Heaven's Arzen Venura.

The Further is the Parallel World of Janica Ayade. Eri Ergen is the Further's Arzen Venura.

So, we have a common factor - the Prat (AKA Mathias Gletscher) went to the Further and the Heavens just to talk to the world's Arzens. He went there for purely one reason: to ask about the emotional and mental condition of Arzen Venura, who he is looking after in the Mortal Realm. Kaminari even asked why he was asking, since he was her 'watcher'.


Even though he's been watching over her for some time, I don't think Arzen would spill out her feelings to him like she would do to a journal. And he can't read minds. He's not the Watcher. So he has to interpret and carefully analyze her feelings and actions, which is hard because he can't really tell how she feels most of the time. So he's frustrated and confused, even convinced that something's going on.

So he goes to Eri Kaminari and Eri Ergen for answers.

Now, another question - why those two when the short takes place in their Junior Year?

First reason: Since TSP: Arturia is currently going on and Eri Harlequin, Mitarion's Arzen Venura, only showed up in a few chapters so far...I don't quite know how to write her yet.

Second reason: he had already gone and met Eri Kaminari (for reasons). Additionally, Arzen had told him way before that she was somehow able to get in touch with two other parallels. Based on the information she had given him about her Freshman year, he had deduced that the parallels belonged to the worlds of Megan Alando and Janica Ayade. (Megan because Arzen might have told Mathias that even Megan was heavily affected, and Janica because she was a newcomer to the group and might have felt overwhelmed with that was currently happening.)

Now, Kaminari-san mentions that she had already encountered him before.

It's possible that after telling him about this, Mathias traveled to the Heavens just to check up on Eri Kaminari.

Why not ask Blitz about Arzen?

I don't think Blitz would even give him a hint. Like Ergen, she would most likely tell him to find out himself.

So conclusion: something is going on with Arzen, and Mathias needs to get clues. Sadly, he doesn't get any because her Parallels refuse to tell him anything.

Friendly reminder that this short is pure headcanon! Some things in this thingy contradict actual Shoujo Canon about Mathias Gletscher. So it's very likely that this never happened at all woohoo. 

That's all for tonight's BTS~ I'll add some more bits and facts if I have to, or when I realize 'wait I should have added this. Oh well, to the BTS file!'

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