Tuesday, November 26, 2013


“This is the third time you’ve left by yourself.”

“You count?” she answered dully, not sparing a glance as she quickly walked past the buildings and gardens, making her way up the ramp. Mathias smiled slightly and walked beside her, her folder and books in his arm as they walked to her destination. “I didn’t want to go with the others for some reason. It’s just like before – I need to think,” she admitted, looking at him this time. “I left Beatrice a message, though. In her Bible. I just hope she read it, she might’ve not noticed the blue post-it.”

“It was sticking out, Arzen,” he replied. He shifted her belongings and frowned just a bit, “Sharmaine wasn’t with you?”

“She was. During lunch.”

At that, he fell silent, mouth forming into a silent ‘o’. Of course. He had seen through the window.

“Are you okay now?”

A shrug came. “I’m better. She helped get it off my shoulders.” And finally, she laughed. “God. It’s the second time I’ve broken down to her. She must think I’m some kind of…unstable person. I am, though.” Arzen shifted the bag straps that lay on her shoulders, sighing. “It sucks a lot to have another freaking problem on my shoulders. I’ve got acads, I’ve got club duties, and I want to get into the Oxford Experience…” she trailed off. He just listened.

“Sign up for it, then.”

“What, and have the Bic incident last year occur again?” she retorted with a hint of bitterness. He blinked, “I suddenly don’t want to. What good would it do, anyway, if I got in? I’d miss half of the first quarter, and it could screw up my chances for college.”

The ginger gave her a look, but she kept the stony look on her face.

“You heard what Vida said, though. She could have gotten in.”

“But Vida could be smart for all I know – so is Klaudia, and that’s how she got the scholarship,” Arzen mumbled. “Forget it. I’m not going to sign up for it anymore…Cheyenne could be the one who could go for this batch. Besides, the club will need their EIC to watch them,” she tried, but he could see the disappointed look on her face. “Look. I want to sign up, I really do. But with what’s going on, I don’t think I’ll have a chance.”

“Is it because of...?”

He didn’t finish the question, but she kept her eyes on the pavement in front of her.

“Part of it, but not the main reason. Let’s just keep moving.”

* * * * *

“You took a bit longer yesterday.” He told her as she unlocked the door to the house, the door swinging open and both of them stepping in. “I was just watching-” Arzen rolled her eyes, yet smiled “-and you were…you looked upset.” At first, he thought she wouldn’t answer. He watched as she closed the door and put her things on the chair by the counter, and after a minute, he got an answer.

“It was just my irritating, ever-changing moods, Mathias.” She looked at him and smiled slightly, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Don’t worry about me.”

The last thing I want to be is a burden.

“You will tell me, though.”

“Tell you what?”

This time, he was the one who smiled and walked to her, ruffling her hair playfully.

“If you have any kind of problem, Arzen. It’s why I’m here. Part of the job description.”

“Don’t say that.”

A confused look reached the man’s face. “What?”

“Don’t say that, please.”

She turned around and walked straight for the bathroom, and he could only hang back.

* * * * *

A blonde woman with her hair down angrily punched at a training dummy, bullets flying out and knocking the dummy down. She aimed a kick at the chest and her heel into it, pausing for breath and hearing someone from behind applauding her tricks.

“That’s some great action, Gio.” She turned to him and gave a confident, slightly flirty smile, “Do tell me how you are.”

Eri Giovane snorted.

“You’re wondering how I am?” she asked him, raising a blonde brow. “I’m flattered, sweetie. But look at me.” She told him. Easily. With a smile on her face and golden gauntlets on her hands, he thought she looked beautifully terrifying. “Does it look like I’m wanting to self-destruct and turn into a living, breathing bomb?”

He had to admit, she was a perfect actress. The woman’s long, slightly wavy blonde hair and forest-green eyes portrayed her as the image of sweetness.

“No, you look fairly normal. Just put the hands down.” And she laughed warmly, all trace of bleakness and cold melting away from the surrounding atmosphere.

“I commend your honesty, Mathias.” She punched a nearby target, he watching as it burst into green flame. “Now, why are you here?”

“I want to know how you’re doing, Gio.” His eyes lingered on the burning dummy. “Aside from the obvious, that is.”

 “Aww, I’m touched.” She smiled and deactivated her gauntlets, they shifting back into the simple bracelet form. “I’m not doing too great, sadly. Frustration and fatigue’s taking over. If you want it in a simple sentence: I feel like shit.” She sat on a steel bench and patted the spot next to her, Mathias obediently sitting next to her. “I was able to talk to Andi today. Thankfully, she was able to help. Even just for a bit.”

“So Lisa isn’t-”

Eri shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m hoping tomorrow will be kinder.” 

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