Monday, February 2, 2015

Russ' Updates #023: Making Up

Hello, readers. Crea – Russie – isn’t feeling her best today, unfortunately. Because of that, I’m here to take over this week’s RussDate.

What – you don’t know who I am? Does ‘Hotshot Japanese businessman’ ring a bell yet? No? Alright, fine. Kenichi Matsumoto here for the time being, here to update you on what to expect for the week.

The You Brought Color Celebration Week officially ended last night, February 1, 2015. Russie would like to extend her deepest thanks and appreciation to those who supported the event, read the shorts, etc. *nods*

This week is the start of Russie’s midterms. Her last set of midterms, for this school year, actually – and maybe the last one’s she’ll ever take as a high school student. Time flies by really quickly. She actually received her report card for the third quarter last Friday.

…let’s just say that she wants to make up for a certain few subjects. *chuckles* Anyway, she’ll be studying pretty damn hard in order to pull her grades up. Please do understand when her activity level goes down this February. Russie wants to make sure that she passes her subjects with flying colors. ‘No regrets’, as she says.

Also – you may have noticed the new Featured Character graphic on the side, yes?

Say hi, Unda.

As much as possible, she’ll do her best to post during the weekend as most of her midterms will be finished by then. Please do wish her – and the Seniors MMXV – the best.

Because hey – it’s 47 days until her graduation.

(47 days until another challenge. *grins*)

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short

Enjoy the week and have a happy February, readers. 

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