Monday, February 9, 2015

Russ' Updates #024: First of Many Lasts

Hello, Darlings!

Midterm season is (finally) over – and hey, it was my last midterm season as a high school student… *blinks slowly* Jeez, things are really coming up quickly. I’ve only got… *counts* …forty more days until my graduation from high school.

…dear God, I’m not ready. DX

So with midterm season over, I’m really hoping that I can catch up with posting for this February’s Featured Character. *nods*I’m sincerely hoping that I’ll be able to write a short tomorrow since, hey – I’ve got early departure tomorrow and a lot of time to burn.

This week, I just want to focus on Unda, yes? I want to give the beloved Water Deity as much screen time as she deserves~

“Sure. Keep saying that, Crea.”

Shh Unda you’re just bitter because your upcoming Background Short involves your broken heart


This week pretty much involves cramming all the second unit lessons into a week and a half or so. *laughs* It’s going to be really, really hectic. Despite that, I still hope that I’ll be able to make time for writing and for the blog, even with all the academics in the way. And hey - only 18 days until finals...

oh god why

Here are this week’s expected posts!

Posts of the Week:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short 
[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: An OTP Short

That’s all for today, lovelies! Enjoy the rest of the week. ^_^

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