Thursday, April 23, 2015

Culmination: A Graduation Celebration Post

Hello, Darlings! <3

Welcome to the last day and the last post for the Graduation Celebration. It’s April 23, 2015, and it’s officially been a month since I started the whole celebration. ^_^ Take this as my closing post for TGC.

What was my goal, really?

Going back to the opener post, I explained that I came up with the TGC to celebrate the writings that have been with me since my first year of high school. Among those projects, two are currently being revamped, one has been cancelled and one is in its development stages. Throughout the years, the projects (as well as their influences) are what have helped me get through the years of high school from 2011 to 2015.

Whether they may be fanfictions or original works, finished or unfinished, all of them still have their own special place in my heart. Without those projects, I definitely wouldn’t be the writer I am now – and I wouldn’t be where I am. Those were the projects which have helped me grow, despite how cringeworthy they seemed to be.

From wrong grammar, terrible characterization and butchering of plot, I’m forever grateful that those projects came to me in the first place.

And there’s more where that came from – Eternal Flame, Royal Flush, Hysteria and Equilibriai was just the beginning. I still have a FanFiction account and LiveJournals I won’t dare look at or even access because I’m hella embarrassed of what I wrote there back in my grade school years.

That, however, is another story.

"A long, amusing and embarrassing story for another time."

Anyway – I have another reason for this post, actually.

As you may have noticed, the central series for TGC was Rothie’s The Shoujo Parallels (TSP). Yes – you guys may have noticed that this project isn’t of my own. *nods slowly* However, I decided to feature it for a reason.

Ever since Sophomore year, Rothie has been writing TSP and we’ve been sharing our own headcanons with each other. I was there to see how immense her project got and how it grew – from the Alpha to Delta Belt, and even our own made up (crack) Belts. *laughs* Throughout the years, TSP went through a hella lot of developments, a lot of plot twists and plot changes, a lot of character additions...and I’m very grateful for having the chance to explore her univese both as a reader and a fan.

"It's been surreal, really."
Last December 2014, Rothie announced after her Lovely Seventeen that she would officially be stopping the TSP series and revamp it into something much better. If you guys follow her blog as well, you may notice that she’s posting content tagged with The Alpha Originals, The Beta Originals, etc.

And if you guys have noticed, I’m still posting shorts, graphics and whatnot tagged with TSP.

Where does that bring us?

After the Wildcard Week – TGC itself – I won’t be posting any more TSP­-related writings, fanmixes or graphics. *nods* The whole Wildcard Week was my own way of officially sending off the TSP series. Since Rothie has retired the TSP series over at the Carmine Cascade and is now staring something new, I decided that it’s my time to retire my own TSP sharings and instead focus on my own works.

TSP has greatly helped me as a writer throughout the years – even though what I’ve been doing is technically considered as fan art and fanfic, it still helped me in terms of world building (Parallel Worlds), character development and much more. Rothie has been nothing but supportive of what I’ve done, and I personally think that it’s time for me to pay back.

Through this, I sincerely hope that I can focus on my other projects even more – most especially Equilibriai – and find my own voice.

"A chance to grow even more."
This doesn’t mean that I’ll be abandoning her new project, no. Definitely not. *laughs* I’m still very much supporting what she’s doing right now…just as someone from the sidelines. As a reader.

In my spare time, I’ll still be dabbling into the TSP-verse. I’ll still have my own headcanons, my own guesses and such. Heck – I may even write and graphic for TSP when I feel like it. However, you guys just won’t see it on the blog.

I may post when Rothie asks me to write something for her and post it on here. But…those may be mere occasional occurences, depending on what she likes. As much as possible, the content here at Apotheosis will be at least 50% of my own original work. The other 50%, of course, accounts for the Death Note AU I can’t let go of. *grins*

To Rothie, if you’re reading this: thank you for the amazing journey. Thank you for letting me experience this with you – thank you for giving me the chance to let my imagination run wild as well. I’ll still be supporting your new works…but as I said, I’ll only be here as a spectator unless you ask otherwise. *bows* I wish you all the best with Mirage – and I know you can do it. If there’s anyone who can, then I have no doubt that it’s you. <3

To the rest of you guys – thank you for spending a whole month with me and these sixty-something posts. ^_^ Thank you very much for the support, whether it be just by browsing the blog or taking the time to read and look at each post I’ve posted. It seriously means a lot to me, and I hope you guys know that.

For the rest of April, I plan to take it easy, really. *glances at date* I may or may not have something in mind for May, but I first need to see if it’s worthy of a launch. I’m sure of a few things, though:

  • Featured Character is coming back! Expect appearances from the Equi characters + DN AU characters in the coming months~
  • I’ve finished a few books lately, so expect a couple of reviews.
  • RussDates are coming back this April 27!
  • Aaand expect a couple more Equi posts in the future!

That’s all for now – once more, thank you so much for being with me this whole Graduation Celebration. It’s been an amazing event, and I hope you guys have enjoyed as well. :3

Enjoy the rest of the week. <3

"Hopefully, we'll see you very soon."

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