Monday, April 27, 2015

Russ' Updates #030: Normality

Hello, Darlings! <3 RussDates are officially back~

"It's been a while since you've posted these, Russie."
Yes it has, Marguerite. Haha! You guys may have noticed that since the start of the TGC, RussDates took a small breather. Now that it's over, I'm happy to say that the RussDates are back and in full swing~ and that we can slowly go back to the usual blogging and all.

To be honest, I haven't really planned for anything much for the last week of April. As I mentioned in my Culmination post, my original plan was to take things easy as a way to cool down. However, that doesn't mean that I won't be posting until April 30, nah. Not really.

I'm actually really tired - one of my close friends had her birthday celebration, so my friends and I had a really intense badminton session. My arm still hurts, huhu.

But anyway, the RussDates are back and in full swing, so you guys will have something to check out every Monday. ^_^

What do I have planned for this week?

May officially starts this Friday! Since the TGC is over and things are calming down here in Apotheosis...yes, you guessed it - FC/UC is back! *throws confetti*

"*waves* Hello."
For the month of May, the Featured Character is none other than Marguerite Russet. Which explains her appearance in this week's RussDate and her appearance in the blog banner, haha. Starting Friday, expect graphics and whatnot concerning Marguerite and her character so far~

That's all for this week, loves! Until next time. <3 

Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Reviews: Be More Chill
[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

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