Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Wildcard Week

Good evening, Darlings! 

As early as now, I'm welcoming you guys to the final week of the Graduation Celebration - the Wildcard Week (WW). I've mentioned it right when this thing started, and am sure that there are a few curious people who are wondering what exactly the WW is going to consist of...

For the WW, I was able to think of three potential themes and then narrow it down to the central theme or topic for this week. They were the following:

  • Focus on a project which has been with you for your entire high school journey.
  • Focus on a project which you wrote during your era. 
  • Focus on a project which has helped form you into the writer (and person?) you are today.
Finally, after considering each option, I was able to narrow it down to the final theme~ 

Focus on a project which has helped form you into the writer (and person?) you are today.

With Rothie's permission, I picked The Shoujo Parallels for this week. 

Here's my plan: the WW will go for four days; basically from Monday to Thursday. On each day, I'll post a short and a graphic revolving around that particular character. *nods* I've already decided who the four characters are - and I won't spoil. ;) 

With that, I hope you guys stick around for the last four days of TGC! <3

"Enjoy the last four days, everyone."

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