Monday, September 14, 2015

Russ' Updates #050: Adjustments

Hello, Darlings~ Russ is back!

"And so am I. *waves*"

I hope you guys didn't mind Ansel popping up last week! I thought that since he's this month's Featured Character, it would be more fitting for him to 'host' last week's RussDate. ;D Who knows, maybe he'll do the rest of the RussDates for this month~

"Uh - let's not, Russie. *nervous laughter*"
I was able to get everything on my To Post list posted, so thank everything for that! However, I personally found it hard to post during the weekdays...if you guys noticed, all my other posts for the week (aside from RussDate #049) were posted from Friday to Sunday. As much as I wanted to post during the weekdays, I couldn't ;_;

With that in mind, it's probably a good idea to start expecting posts to swing by from Friday to Sunday. *nods* I still have the intention of posting RussDates every Monday, don't worry! However, since college is really starting to kick in and kick me, I think it's best if I keep the postings focused during the weekends.

"Sadly, this was an inevitable choice. College is more...challenging than high school."

But aside from that, I'll try to up the number of posts during the weekend! As much as possible, I want to post at least one short and one graphic per week. I know that it isn't really a lot compared to how much I posted during the hella long summer, but... *shrugs* We'll manage, yeah?

"Just remember to focus on your acads, Russie."

Aye, Ansel~ here are this week's expected posts!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

"Enjoy the week, everyone."

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