Monday, September 21, 2015

Russ' Updates #051: Making Up

Hi, everyone!

Holy hell. It's only Monday and I'm already tired. Seriously. I might consider sleeping in tomorrow (which is totally okay) only class was cancelled, so it gives me more time to rest up and hopefully post~ 

I'm really sorry for not being able to post a lot last week - I promised that I'd make up during the weekend, but a lot I found myself only able to post Free's Palettes. D:

"Please do rest up, Russie."

I owe you a short, Free.

"That you do. But, *shrugs* you have until the end of the month." 

I know - actually, while I already have three graphics and two shorts for Ansel (as of this post), I'm thinking of making it four shorts. I'm mostly doing this because while college is time (and energy) draining, I don't really want to leave you guys hanging. So let's see how that goes, yeah? 

"*smiles* Good luck. You'll need it."

Wow thanks for the support huhu

Speaking of college - I'm still okay! Russie's still alive. While some parts really do need to be adjusted to...I think I'll make it. :) To anyone else currently in college, let's work through this together! I'm definitely sure we'll manage to beat it. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short

"Enjoy the week, everyone."

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