Saturday, April 30, 2016

Flickers: A Russie Features Short

Adagio Apparthotel
Saint Etienne, France
October 2015

“Hi love, how are you doing?” 

Mathieu smiled at the semi-grainy image of Aether, the figure on the screen barely able to contain a yawn. It was one in the morning back in the United States compared to France’s seven; it explained why his girlfriend was feigning off sleepiness. “I’m alright. We’re flying back tomorrow.” 

“I’m glad…things are getting pretty lonely around here,” she admitted. Mathieu frowned slightly. Aether must have noticed because she quickly added, “but I’m doing okay, aside from that. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself,” she reassured him with a faint smile. He gave a hesitant nod. “How’s Jin-ho? You told me that he’s been swamped with all these business meetings lately,” she told with a wry smile. Mathieu gave his own smile back, yet felt a guilty tug in his chest. 

“Jin-ho’s alright. Sleeping though.” Mathieu angled his laptop to show Jin-ho’s hotel bed, where the other was sleeping soundly. Aether managed to hold in a laugh and Mathieu readjusted the laptop back to himself. “He’s tired. Don’t know how, but he suddenly got way more than he expected.” 

“Are you going to extend…?”

“I don’t think so.” she perked up a little at that, “He wants to come back as soon as possible. And so do I,” he added quietly. “I miss you.” 

“I miss you too.” Mathieu reached out towards the screen and rested a thumb on the image of her cheek. Aether caught the action and she smiled sadly, watching from her own phone screen thousands of miles away. “Bring me something?”

Monday, April 25, 2016

Russ' Updates #081: GOT Season

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well. :) 

also wtf it's game of thrones season already

I guess I just wanna disclose some stuff, yeah? I feel that in the coming weeks, I’ll definitely be busier primarily due to academics and everything related to it. Finals are gonna take place during the third week of May and I really want to make sure that I’m ready for them. 

"You've gotta be ready."
But even before finals, though, I’m going to be busy with a lot of other academic requirements. Please do be patient with me - I promise that I’ll be continuing May’s Russie Features segment, though that’s probably the only thing I’ll be consistently posting next month. 

From today until Saturday, expect to see the third short and graphic for Mathieu! I’ll try to make those posts 10/10 because I feel that I haven’t really been up my game recently. ^^;; 

That’s it for this week! Enjoy <3 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic

Saturday, April 23, 2016

In Growing: A Headcanon Short

Araceli Residence

“You’ll get used to it,” James assured him. Arryn looked at his weapons, new and shiny and foreign in his hands; he gripped them with an urge to grow familiar with them, expecting their respect any second. But they simply stayed in his hands, cold and feeling like a stranger. James noticed the younger one’s disappointment and smiled a bit, lifting a hand to playfully ruffle the blond’s hair. “It takes time, Arryn. Getting used to your weapons will always take time, as will mastering them.”

“Why couldn’t it be like Am’s?” the boy asked, a tinge of bitterness in his voice. James blinked, “Am’s is cool. She’s got a scepter. You and mom have cool weapons, too, and I have – I have these.” He finished lamely, staring down at the sleek twin guns in his hands. “Basic guns.”

“You can’t exactly call the extension of your soul ‘basic’,” James answered, raising a brow at him. “Each person has their own special weapon. Amaris has her own. So do your mother and myself. It just so happens that this is yours.” He took the guns from Arryn and inspected them closely, “The more experience you have with your weapons and powers, the more they’ll develop. And it’s not just your powers that have to grow. It’s in yourself too, kid.” He returned them to Arryn, who let his arms hang limply. “It’s a two-way kind of thing.”

“Two-way?” James nodded and walked over to a nearby garden bench, patting the spot next to him. Arryn sat down, resting his guns on his lap.

Mood Boards: Mathieu Silvestre

Monday, April 18, 2016

Russ' Updates #080: 33 Days

Hello, everyone! 

Holy crap, I’m tired. Somehow I keep wondering whether college is going to let up and let me get the sleep I deserve, but alas, it somehow keeps getting worse and worse. Luckily though, I’ve got around 33 days until I ~officially~ end my first year in college, so that’s something to look forward to. :D 

"Congratulations in advance."
Are you all doing okay? It’s been ridiculously hot over here in the Philippines, so hot even that people are more prone to heat strokes and all nowadays. :( Anyway for this week, thankfully there aren’t really that much schedule interventions going on so far. I think I’ll be able to keep posting for Mathieu with ease and should probably get that Les Miserables post up by the weekend. It’s been delayed for too long. 

Enjoy the week and stay hydrated! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A RRC 2016 Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Babbles: Les Miserables

Sunday, April 17, 2016

White Lilies: A Russie Features Short

Atlanta to Saint-Etienne
October 2015
1:46AM EDT

“I’m surprised you didn’t want to bring her along.” 

“It’s too soon.” Jin-ho raised a brow at this but didn’t press. “I told her that you needed me to go with you for a business meeting. Which is sort of true, given that you suddenly have three clients to meet with,” Mathieu told him dryly. 

“I’d like to take advantage of our time.” Jin-ho reclined against his seat and removed his tablet from its case, signaling for the conversation to be over. In the seat next to his, Mathieu sighed. A stewardess approached and offered him a drink; he refused but Jin-ho asked for a cold glass of juice. 

At the moment, the two were currently flying over to France. While Jin-ho had business matters to attend to in one of France’s cities, Mathieu had other personal matters to deal with. The Korean glanced at Mathieu, “We still have a lot of time to go. Aren’t you going to do something?” 

“I was thinking of sleeping,” Mathieu rolled his eyes and fished around for the eye mask in his bag, Jin-ho watching quietly. “What?” 

The other male shook his head and refocused his attention on his tablet. “It’s nothing. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to eat.” Jin-ho reached for his earphones and plugged them in, then slid the buds onto his ears. By the time he was playing the second song in a classical playlist, Mathieu was already in deep sleep. 

It was at that point in which he allowed himself to look at the other fully, a blank look coming to his face. Asleep, he observed quietly. And to think Mathieu never really sleeps when we fly out. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #079: Catching Up

Hi guys!

Just a short update for this week considering that I don't have too much to say. For this week, please expect Mathieu's first graphic and second short to be up! Additionally, I'm going to be posting this weekend about my Les Miserables experience. I watched the show last Saturday and I really want to talk about it over here, so expect that sometime soon. :D 

Don't worry, I'm most definitely still alive! Just trying to survive acads and all, considering that my first year of college is ending next month and all. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Babbles: Les Miserables

"Enjoy the week."

Friday, April 8, 2016

Tainted: A Russie Features Short

Kang Residence
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
November 2015 

“Does it freak you out?”

“What?” Jin-ho looked in the direction of the master bedroom’s bathroom where another male was inside. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I’m asking if it freaks you out.” Mathieu poked his head out the doorframe, watching as the older Korean male removed the cufflinks and set them aside. Mathieu watched him with a half-gaze of blue and artificial brown, eventually slipping back inside the bathroom. Removing his second skin was just as hard as putting it on. “Because, you know. You were sort of freaked out inside the car.”

“I was freaked out for the right reasons.” He heard Jin-ho huff. Restraining a smirk, Mathieu looked into the mirror and worked on getting the contact lens in his right eye off. “You’re fucking scary as Leroux. You have no idea.”

“Oh.” Mathieu got the contact lens off and put it back inside its proper containing, staying quiet. He didn’t notice Jin-ho coming to the bathroom and merely started to wash his face, taking little notice as the other man came to watch him this time around. “It’s a skin that’s hard to get off.”

Jin-ho said nothing. Mathieu took a nearby towel and used it to wipe his face before looking into the mirror and seeing Jin-ho behind. “…is it really starting to freak you out that much?”

“Things like these always take time to get used to,” he defended, and Mathieu allowed himself a small smile.

“Mhm. If you say so.”

Monday, April 4, 2016

Russ' Updates #078: April Showers

Good evening, everyone! Hope you're all doing alright. :)

April's finally here, and while that means a lot of things such as: school ending next month, a lot more requirements to go through, and etc, that also means that there's a new Russie Features character! You probably know who they are right now based on the graphic to the left, but anyway, I'm hella happy to (finally) feature Mathieu Silvestre. Say hi, Silvs~

"Hey there, everybody."
Mathieu's gonna be here for the entire month of April. Aside from the shorts and graphics, he might also lead a RussDate or two if he feels like it. For this week, expect your usual posts - a short and graphic for Mathieu, and maybe a little something else if I feel like it. :> 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Reviews: Ten Thousand Skies Above You

I promise that I'll do my best to read TTSAY as soon as possible! I've been wanting to, to be honest, but lots of shit has been going on that I can't really catch up. D: 

Enjoy the week! 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Machinery (3/3): A Transcendence Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City
United States of America
February 2121

By the divine grace of whichever deity, she had somehow gotten Ansel to take his sleeping pills (aside from this other pill) and sleep. While it took her a full ten minutes of searching whether they could mix pills or not, Ansel dryly mentioned that it was okay and that she shouldn’t worry. Despite his attempts at reassuring her, Elena made sure to keep a close eye on him while he slept.

The brunette conked out immediately. Ansel went out like a light within a few minutes of sinking into the mattress; Elena had watched as he struggled to stay awake and managed a short conversation with her. When he had stopped replying, she checked and the male was already out – she ended up having to take his glasses off so that he could rest comfortably.

Elena resisted the urge to reach out and stroke his cheek, lest she wake him up. The bags under his eyes were a little more prominent than usual, and Ansel looked horribly pale. Somehow, sleep was the best state for him at the moment.

Her phone buzzed. Removing it from her pocket, she saw a message from Marion waiting for a reply.

[Marion Salazar]: is he asleep?
[Elena Jones]: Yeah. He took a sleeping pill

At that, Elena realized how…odd it was for Ansel to have sleeping pills just comfortably chilling in their medicine cabinet. She had never noticed it – not even when they had first moved in and had to put all their belongings into their respective places.

So what the hell is it doing there?