Monday, April 4, 2016

Russ' Updates #078: April Showers

Good evening, everyone! Hope you're all doing alright. :)

April's finally here, and while that means a lot of things such as: school ending next month, a lot more requirements to go through, and etc, that also means that there's a new Russie Features character! You probably know who they are right now based on the graphic to the left, but anyway, I'm hella happy to (finally) feature Mathieu Silvestre. Say hi, Silvs~

"Hey there, everybody."
Mathieu's gonna be here for the entire month of April. Aside from the shorts and graphics, he might also lead a RussDate or two if he feels like it. For this week, expect your usual posts - a short and graphic for Mathieu, and maybe a little something else if I feel like it. :> 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[ ] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[ ] Russie Reviews: Ten Thousand Skies Above You

I promise that I'll do my best to read TTSAY as soon as possible! I've been wanting to, to be honest, but lots of shit has been going on that I can't really catch up. D: 

Enjoy the week! 

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