Monday, December 5, 2016

Russ' Updates #113: Clutch

Hello, everybody! Good evening and happy December to you all! 

Surprisingly, I'm pretty buzzed this week? To be fair, though, it's my last week before my month-long break! I know I haven't been posting lately and pretty much failed at the latest Russ Features (yikes), but that's purely because of how stressful the weeks leading up to the end of semester have been. Seriously. There's been so many papers to write and projects to due. 

Don't worry, though: I can assure you guys that starting this Friday, I'll be back and pushing my activity back up again! I want to make up this December for the posts I've missed and the posts I've long put off (such as the Tokyo Narita series, what's up). I'm still wondering whether to push through with something I've planned along Christmas week, but. *shrugs* Let's see about that, yeah?

No Russ Features this month, as I'll be doing my best to make up in activity and I'll be preparing for my January celebration as well! I hope you're looking forward to that! I turn nineteen in January, and I've got something nice planned so far. :'D 

That's all for this week! If it's your finals week as well, then the best of luck to you. Remember to take care of yourselves and to keep pushing! We only have a few left until Christmas. 💖

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Catching-Up Short (Mack)
[ ] Russie Writes: Tokyo Narita Part 03

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