Monday, December 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #114: Teasers

Good evening, everyone! 

Guess who's (finally) done with the semester! :'D I ended my first semester of sophomore year last Friday, and I've been chilling since. It's been nice to be able to sleep without feeling bad and to actually spend more time on my own projects and passions than ever. I've been meaning to post way more last weekend, but I think I was too busy catching up on sleep and recovering huhu. 

I have great news though--I've been planning the January celebration more and more, and I'm happy to say that I've got quite a bit done! All I need is to really plan out the posts and do the graphics in advance. I'm pretty excited about the theme; it's something quite personal to be as well as something I've been wanting to do for the longest time. ^_^ Please look forward to it! Might start posting teasers starting next week to get ~hyped~.

But for this week, I'll do my best to catch up on posts. I don't really want to put a Posts to Expect section like I always do (because to be honest, that pressures me a lot). So just expect posts to go up whenever they will! 

I hope you guys are doing okay, and if finals season is over for you guys, then congratulations on making it! Get as much rest as possible and treat yo'self. ♡

"Go--enjoy the break."

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