Monday, December 19, 2016

Russ' Updates #115: Greetings

Hello, everyone! Six more days until it's finally Christmas! πŸ’•  It's a little freaky that time really is going by so fast; it seems like I started my semestral break only yesterday. πŸ˜… 

Hope that most of you are on break already! I've literally been doing nothing much the entire break so far; I haven't even gone out yet. Most of my days are spent just trying to write and get back on my a-game. I've wanted to do more preparations for the January celebration and everything, but...I don't know. I guess I still need some more pegs or some more inspiration before I can really start getting into the swing of creating again, you know? 

Speaking of celebrations--please do check out Rothie's! In lieu of a monthly celebration, she's currently holding a special one that will last two weeks. Please support her and stay with her for the latter half of the month as she focuses on two ~special~ ladies from Mirage! She's been putting out some pretty sweet material so far and pretty much deserves all the views and whatnot. ^_^

For this week, expect some shorts and then finally the teaser for the January celebration! Not quite sure how many there will be, but I want at least three on here before 2017. Aside from that, Rothie and I both agreed to post a collaboration/challenge/shitpost on Christmas. 😁

Please enjoy the week, and (in advance), a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to you all! 

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