Monday, May 29, 2017

Russ' Updates #136: Gold Coast

Hi, everyone! 

Currently in Australia—it’s been a pretty great trip so far! It’s a little hard thinking up and making things to post as we’re practically out most of the time, but I’ll still do my best. 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Tad’s arc. It’s meant to be similar to Standstill, which I had posted last month. I wrote Standstill to get a feel of what Tad’s arc was supposed to be like; it was also me trying out a different writing style and everything. It’s something I really like so far! I’m hoping that I can pump out another chapter or two this week and really get things going. 

Will also be posting something pretty interesting within the week. It’s not anything I’ve shared on here yet so it might be a little weird, but bear with me! It’s something pretty vital in terms of Coalesce’s main plot. 😉

That’s all for this week! Rest up and be happy. 💛

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