Monday, May 8, 2017

Russ' Updates #133: Explanations

Hi guys! 

So--you might have noticed that I wasn't able to post an update last week. 😅  I apologize for that, really; I think it's pretty obvious based on the lack of activity that I've been really busy with academics and everything. Rest assured that I'll (hopefully) be back here once the semester ends! As I keep saying, there's a bunch of stuff I want to end up doing--a lot of stuff that I'm excited to share with everyone. 

With that, I guess I can finally start explaining. 

First major thingy: I'll finally start posting the Coalesce arcs by the end of May! If you guys have noticed, I've started to post a bit more about Tadashi and three people who haven't been introduced yet. Check it out in this tag for more! But to quickly explain, the arcs are going to start soon, with Tadashi's being the opener. I'm really hoping that you look forward to it--I've spent the past weeks just conceptualizing and fixing things that had to be straightened out. 

"Not going to lie: a lot is going to happen."

Second major thingyCoalesce's location is going to change! I thought it would be better to change locations from Atlanta, GA to Seattle, WA. I've done some digging around and genuinely think that this is going to be for the best. So in the coming days or weeks, expect the locations to change as well as a few details here and there--shorts from today onwards will use 'Seattle' instead of 'Atlanta'. 

Third major thingy: I'll be doing something nice this coming July! Don't want to spoil it too much, but here's a clue: it's something I did back in the earlier days of the blog. 😉  Consider it as a revamp or an updated version of that challenge! 

That's all for this week--again, I'm really sorry for the inactivity, huhu. I'm definitely going to make up for it as soon as the semester ends (which is after the 20th)! 

Have a lovely week 💖

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