Monday, May 22, 2017

Russ' Updates #135: Travels


This is it--my summer vacation has finally arrived! [cheering emoji] After months of working, doing papers, and everything like that--I'm happy to say that I'm finally free for the next couple of months (or at least until the first or second week of August). It's been such a long semester, and I'm glad to be taking a rest. And speaking of rest--

I'll be out of the country for less than a month! We'll be heading to ~Australia~ for a couple of weeks. With that, I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to post on here as much. Aside from the whole traveling aspect of the vacation, I'm not exactly sure if I'll be able to bring my laptop. I'll do my best to post, but--no promises. And to think I really wanted to post the first chapter of Tad's arc, too; we'll see what I can do!

[UPDATE (052417)]: Greetings from Australia! I'm glad to say that I've got my laptop and that I'll be poting Tad's arc from this point onwards. 😉

But aside from that--I guess that's all there is to say! I'm finally free; hell, I'm glad to be free.

Also, you might notice that the coming updates would lack their usual header--this was intentional! I'm fixing up my laptop at the moment and am in the process of reinstalling the apps that were lost during its reformatting. They'll (hopefully) be back soon!

"Take a break."

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