Friday, November 29, 2013

Silent Night -- OC/Doctor Who Crossover

November 1, 1997.

Sirens of police cars and the noise emitting from red fire trucks scared her. A small girl on the corner of a street was sitting down on a bench, wrapped in a blanket and a physician monitoring her. Meters away from them, a burning house slowly started to die down. The flames went out little by little, the firemen putting it out as quickly as possible. One of them took a glance at the girl and sighed, going back to his business. The blonde felt a pierce of pity for her – five years old, and she had just lost a large fragment of her childhood in a single night.

“Oi, Anderson. Who’s gonna watch over the kid?” he asked. Anderson, a stout five-foot, eight-inch man shrugged his shoulders and merely continued putting out the fire. “I heard the police talkin’. She seems to have no relatives or something.”

“That’s a load of bull,” the brunette replied with a roll of his eyes. “She’s gotta have grandparents or aunts or uncles who could take the girl in. Stop your worrying and put out the damn house first.”

“Right, right, yeah,” he answered quickly, diverting his attention back to the house and focusing on the part of flame that burned on in the upper east. Away, the girl watched them, her eyes cold and empty, feeling nothing but numbness. The female physician sighed and sat next to her, gently turning her head so that the girl wouldn’t look at the disaster.

“Don’t look at it anymore, love,” she whispered. The girl shrugged, and Dr. Marissa Anthony felt her own heart break. She wasn’t crying, wasn’t screaming, wasn’t doing anything except for look on like a witness. Although the police had told her she was uncontrollable, she couldn’t blame her. The kid was a kid, for God’s sake, and had just lost her home and her parents.

“I just want mutti,” the girl mumbled. Again came the crushing feeling. Suddenly, the blonde-haired doctor didn’t quite know how to react. “And vatti. And my piano.”

“You play…?” the child shook her head.

Nein. But mutti said she would teach me when I turned…” the girl’s face scrunched up in thought, “…ten.” She held her two hands in front of her, staring blankly at them with all her fingers facing her. “Eins, zwei, drei…


The doctor shifted uncomfortably and looked up, spotting a raven-haired woman, way younger than her looking at her with a sense of authority.

“Agent Meyer,” the woman explained. “Wilson needs you over at the ambulance.” Marissa nodded and immediately stood up, smoothing the front of her shirt. “I’ll watch over the poor darling. The man needs help with the…” her green eyes swept away uncomfortably, “…the bodies.”

“I understand, thank you.” She stumbled away from them, feeling all anxiety slowly wash away. Being alone with a tormented little girl wasn’t her best interest at the moment.

As the blonde ran to the ambulance, Meyer sat down next to the small girl, who was still staring at her hands. She saw the child’s dirty white nightie and cringed just a little bit, feeling remorse and the insatiable desire to cradle the small child in her arms.

Sieben, acht, neun…

It was like she struggled with remembering the last number.

Meyer smiled slightly to herself.

“Zehn, kind.

Bright green eyes looked up at her.

Ja – zehn! Do you speak German?” the girl asked excitedly, so earnestly that it made Meyer want to crumble and cry because sooner or later, the child would realize the horrid truth. But she forced herself to smile, to nod as if everything was alright.

“Yes, I do. Who taught you German?”

“My mutti,” the girl proclaimed proudly, shaking the blanket off herself. A tangled mess of black hair greeted Meyer, and she felt the urge to take the comb out of her pocket and just fix the girl’s hair. “She taught me. She will teach me more.”

“Of course she will.”

Bright eyes met tired ones.

“You look…” she struggled for a word, “tired. Yes. You look tired."

Meyer chuckled and cleared her throat, shaking all emotion away. “I am. But never mind me. Are you waiting for someone?”

“The doctor-lady.” She yawned, blinking. “And my parents. I think they are in the white van.”

She was so right, but in a completely different manner.

Meyer felt her own throat closing up and cleared again, faking that she had the cough. “I…you will. Um. I think the doctor is coming back,” she managed, and stood up, Marissa running back and taking her place. “I’m leaving, now. It was nice to meet you,” she told the girl, and ran off. Marissa watched her with a frown, tapping her chin as the small girl poked her side and nestled into her lap.

“Odd girl,” she muttered, and her eyes softened upon feeling the child in her lap.

Away from them and the scene and the people, Meyer wiped her eyes and stepped into the police box. A man was waiting patiently for her, his hands on the control deck.

“No physical contact?”

“None.” She sighed and peeked outside, cringing once again and turning back to the other person, closing the door. “She was so innocent...”

“Oi, you. Come here.” And she did, the man holding her gently in his arms. “You did marvelously. I would have done the same,” he offered, and she smiled amidst tears. “Someday, that little girl is going to grow up and realize who that kindhearted person was. And she’ll pay her back.”

“Let’s just hope the little girl doesn’t cause a paradox,” Meyer muttered. The man laughed and spun her around, wanting to lighten up the mood a little bit more.

“Pray tell, why ‘Meyer’ as a codename?”

“My complete name is Arianne Heather Meyer Maxwell,” the woman explained, spinning and then coming to a stop. “Meyer was my mother’s surname before she married my father. I figured it was the safest choice, if I chose ‘Maxwell’ it would be too obvious or coincidental.”

“Yes, I suppose so.” The man glanced at the control pad and pressed a button, and Arianne Maxwell could hear the sounds of the TARDIS running. “Ms. Maxwell, you are an exceptional young lady.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” She finally gave him a smile of her own. “I hope she grows up to be just as exceptional as I am.”

“Of course she is!” he insisted, and took her hands. “My dear, that little girl is you, after all. Shall we dance to Mozart?”

“Can you even dance to his music?”

“If one can dance to mainstream pop songs, then Mozart wouldn’t hurt.”

“Point taken.”

And they danced in the middle of the universe, she feeling a little bit lighter as the TARDIS spun away into the fabric of the universe and back into their own. Back in the chilly night, a younger Arianne Maxwell rubbed her eyes and felt a chain around her neck, a gold heart glittering in the dark night.

She scrambled for it and opened it, a simple picture inside.

As the older danced away in the stream of time and space, her own golden heart shone in the illumination of the stars that burned in the sky. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


“This is the third time you’ve left by yourself.”

“You count?” she answered dully, not sparing a glance as she quickly walked past the buildings and gardens, making her way up the ramp. Mathias smiled slightly and walked beside her, her folder and books in his arm as they walked to her destination. “I didn’t want to go with the others for some reason. It’s just like before – I need to think,” she admitted, looking at him this time. “I left Beatrice a message, though. In her Bible. I just hope she read it, she might’ve not noticed the blue post-it.”

“It was sticking out, Arzen,” he replied. He shifted her belongings and frowned just a bit, “Sharmaine wasn’t with you?”

“She was. During lunch.”

At that, he fell silent, mouth forming into a silent ‘o’. Of course. He had seen through the window.

“Are you okay now?”

A shrug came. “I’m better. She helped get it off my shoulders.” And finally, she laughed. “God. It’s the second time I’ve broken down to her. She must think I’m some kind of…unstable person. I am, though.” Arzen shifted the bag straps that lay on her shoulders, sighing. “It sucks a lot to have another freaking problem on my shoulders. I’ve got acads, I’ve got club duties, and I want to get into the Oxford Experience…” she trailed off. He just listened.

“Sign up for it, then.”

“What, and have the Bic incident last year occur again?” she retorted with a hint of bitterness. He blinked, “I suddenly don’t want to. What good would it do, anyway, if I got in? I’d miss half of the first quarter, and it could screw up my chances for college.”

The ginger gave her a look, but she kept the stony look on her face.

“You heard what Vida said, though. She could have gotten in.”

“But Vida could be smart for all I know – so is Klaudia, and that’s how she got the scholarship,” Arzen mumbled. “Forget it. I’m not going to sign up for it anymore…Cheyenne could be the one who could go for this batch. Besides, the club will need their EIC to watch them,” she tried, but he could see the disappointed look on her face. “Look. I want to sign up, I really do. But with what’s going on, I don’t think I’ll have a chance.”

“Is it because of...?”

He didn’t finish the question, but she kept her eyes on the pavement in front of her.

“Part of it, but not the main reason. Let’s just keep moving.”

* * * * *

“You took a bit longer yesterday.” He told her as she unlocked the door to the house, the door swinging open and both of them stepping in. “I was just watching-” Arzen rolled her eyes, yet smiled “-and you were…you looked upset.” At first, he thought she wouldn’t answer. He watched as she closed the door and put her things on the chair by the counter, and after a minute, he got an answer.

“It was just my irritating, ever-changing moods, Mathias.” She looked at him and smiled slightly, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Don’t worry about me.”

The last thing I want to be is a burden.

“You will tell me, though.”

“Tell you what?”

This time, he was the one who smiled and walked to her, ruffling her hair playfully.

“If you have any kind of problem, Arzen. It’s why I’m here. Part of the job description.”

“Don’t say that.”

A confused look reached the man’s face. “What?”

“Don’t say that, please.”

She turned around and walked straight for the bathroom, and he could only hang back.

* * * * *

A blonde woman with her hair down angrily punched at a training dummy, bullets flying out and knocking the dummy down. She aimed a kick at the chest and her heel into it, pausing for breath and hearing someone from behind applauding her tricks.

“That’s some great action, Gio.” She turned to him and gave a confident, slightly flirty smile, “Do tell me how you are.”

Eri Giovane snorted.

“You’re wondering how I am?” she asked him, raising a blonde brow. “I’m flattered, sweetie. But look at me.” She told him. Easily. With a smile on her face and golden gauntlets on her hands, he thought she looked beautifully terrifying. “Does it look like I’m wanting to self-destruct and turn into a living, breathing bomb?”

He had to admit, she was a perfect actress. The woman’s long, slightly wavy blonde hair and forest-green eyes portrayed her as the image of sweetness.

“No, you look fairly normal. Just put the hands down.” And she laughed warmly, all trace of bleakness and cold melting away from the surrounding atmosphere.

“I commend your honesty, Mathias.” She punched a nearby target, he watching as it burst into green flame. “Now, why are you here?”

“I want to know how you’re doing, Gio.” His eyes lingered on the burning dummy. “Aside from the obvious, that is.”

 “Aww, I’m touched.” She smiled and deactivated her gauntlets, they shifting back into the simple bracelet form. “I’m not doing too great, sadly. Frustration and fatigue’s taking over. If you want it in a simple sentence: I feel like shit.” She sat on a steel bench and patted the spot next to her, Mathias obediently sitting next to her. “I was able to talk to Andi today. Thankfully, she was able to help. Even just for a bit.”

“So Lisa isn’t-”

Eri shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m hoping tomorrow will be kinder.” 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


The small girl played alone in the garden, dolls around her and a red blanket under her. Her parents silently observed her from inside the house, the man muttering softly to the woman right next to him, who shook her head and countered what he had said. “She’s alright out there. She has her toys.”

“She needs to meet other people. This is why I didn’t approve of the house being built here in the first place.”

“Come on, you need to relax. She’s alright – we’ll just join her later.”

The girl didn’t hear her parents’ conversation and merely smiled, dressing her dolls in dresses and mismatched heels, retying their hair into ponytails and pigtails and braids. Different dolls of different skin color and hairstyles surrounded her and the girl picked another one up, studying it critically with a queer look in her eyes and then turned to the small and organized container, where clothes, shoes and accessories lay.

She wrinkled her nose and picked up two dresses – one a soft butter, and the other a deep green. She stared at the blonde doll in front of her, and then the dresses, trying to comprehend and pick which one suited the slim figure and bright eyes of the manufactured toy even more.

“The green dress goes with her blonde hair.”

A seven-year-old Monika Arzen dropped her doll in surprise and turned to where the voice came from, seeing a young man sitting on a chair that was a few feet away from where she was seated. He merely smiled, waving to her good-naturedly. The girl narrowed her eyes.

“You’re a stranger,” she said in an almost accusatory voice.

The blue eyes seemed to give off a mischievous gleam and he rose from the chair, walking to her. Arzen stared defiantly and brought her dolls closer, her young mind thinking that he was there to steal her dolls and throw them away. “Mommy told me to never talk to strangers. So go away.”

The man blinked, suddenly struck by her negative response.

“Come on - I’m a friend.”

And again, her narrowed gaze came back.

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not,” he told her easily. With a smile. “You’ll know me soon enough.”

“But you’re a stranger-”

“Strangers are people you don’t know.”

She stared.

“I don’t know you.”

“Well then.” He looked at her. “My name is...Nikolai. So I’m not a stranger anymore.”

She struggled with the sudden change in events, biting her lip and thinking hard. He guessed that she was trying to find a loophole to this, and his smile turned into a grin when her cautious gaze went away and a shy smile replaced the unusually stern look on her young face.

“Okay. You’re not a stranger.” She looked around her and picked up a brunette doll wearing a dark green dress, handing it over to him. “You can change her clothes if you want to.”

The man with ocean eyes gazed down at the doll and the grin went away.

She noticed.

“Do you want another doll?”

“Hm? …no, no. This is fine.”

“Are you alright, Mister?”

He looked back at her, seeing her big brown eyes starting to light up with worry. The blonde doll lay limply in her lap and she just stared at him, trying to figure out what was wrong.

A laugh was forced and he shook his head, messing up her hair.

“It’s nothing.”

Later in the afternoon, Arzen’s parents came out and called for her. Normally, she would walk back in without any protest, but this time, she hung around the garden even longer, staring into the distance.

“Come back tomorrow, Mister! We can have tea and cookies with Scooby and Elmo.” She was waving to an imaginary figure with a large smile on her face, dolls in her arms and items packed neatly in the small container. Her mother came out of the house with a frown and approached her, gently prying the toys out of her grip and putting them into the small bag where she usually kept them.

“Arzen, come in. It’s dark.”

“Wait, mommy. I have to say goodbye to my friend-” she broke off and stopped, staring with her eyes wide and looking at the darkening orange sky. “Oh. Never mind. He’s not here anymore.”

The older woman blinked. “Your friend?”

Arzen nodded eagerly and rubbed her hands on her skirt, getting traces of dirt on the blue cloth. “Yeah! I met a guy named Nikolai and he was really nice. We played with my dolls and he promised he’d come back tomorrow so we could have tea out here and eat oreos,” she chattered excitedly, a bounce in her step as she skipped back inside. Her mother could only stare and closed the door, her daughter running into her room and the sound of a chair being moved was heard.

Her father glanced up from the newspaper and steaming cup of coffee, looking at his wife who looked worriedly in the direction of her daughter’s room.

“What is it now?”

“Arzen said she met someone.”

“That’s ridiculous.” He shook his head and turned the page, “she’s young. Her mind’s making up imaginary friends for her to cope. It’s normal.”

“Imaginary friends?”

“Sure, why not? She doesn’t have that many associates or people she knows. Just so she can avoid being lonely, her mind makes up different characters and personas that she believes it’s alive. It’s a normal, healthy thing for kids nowadays.”

“If you say so…”

In her room, Arzen beamed and colored in the man’s hair a vivid scarlet, then made his eyes an ocean blue. The bond paper contained a large drawing of the man she had met, with a brunette doll in his hands and other small pieces in the background. The young girl scrambled away for scotch tape and soon enough, the drawing was on the wall, by her bed.

After watching the girl from her room, Mathias Gletscher smiled.

Quick feet stepped into the small pond away from her room, and he disappeared. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Graphic Challenge: Three Ships

Good almost-morning, dear readers! Here's a small challenge that Alpha!Elaine had given me - to make four graphics of four ships that would be featured in an upcoming writing of mine.

I was only able to complete three because I wasn't able to find any nice quality pictures of the girl in the fourth ship. So, I only posted three tonight. Who knows - I might post the fourth graphic when I can~

"We're comrades. Not partners."
"Comrades are the same thing as partners."
"Partner, Pandora. Romantic partners."

"I thought you'd never wake up."
"...I'm awake now, aren't I?"

"I understand that you were being noble."
"I had to help them out."
"I understand that. But you didn't have to be reckless."
"These were lives at stake, Sirius-"
"Shut up. You don't worry people who love you."
" love me?"

Friday, November 15, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

BTS: Further into the Heavens

Hello and good evening, my lovely readers!

I wanted to get this thing done last night, but since Yolanda's being irritating, the power went out and I had to listen to rains last night. When we got power back, I didn't feel like writing anymore and just finished the thingy today.

So, the short.

It's confusing - even for me - because we don't know why the hell the Prat is in the Heavens and the Further. Before we go on, I'll just remind you guys what those places and who the people were.

The Heavens is the Parallel World of Megan Alando. Eri Kaminari is the Heaven's Arzen Venura.

The Further is the Parallel World of Janica Ayade. Eri Ergen is the Further's Arzen Venura.

So, we have a common factor - the Prat (AKA Mathias Gletscher) went to the Further and the Heavens just to talk to the world's Arzens. He went there for purely one reason: to ask about the emotional and mental condition of Arzen Venura, who he is looking after in the Mortal Realm. Kaminari even asked why he was asking, since he was her 'watcher'.


Even though he's been watching over her for some time, I don't think Arzen would spill out her feelings to him like she would do to a journal. And he can't read minds. He's not the Watcher. So he has to interpret and carefully analyze her feelings and actions, which is hard because he can't really tell how she feels most of the time. So he's frustrated and confused, even convinced that something's going on.

So he goes to Eri Kaminari and Eri Ergen for answers.

Now, another question - why those two when the short takes place in their Junior Year?

First reason: Since TSP: Arturia is currently going on and Eri Harlequin, Mitarion's Arzen Venura, only showed up in a few chapters so far...I don't quite know how to write her yet.

Second reason: he had already gone and met Eri Kaminari (for reasons). Additionally, Arzen had told him way before that she was somehow able to get in touch with two other parallels. Based on the information she had given him about her Freshman year, he had deduced that the parallels belonged to the worlds of Megan Alando and Janica Ayade. (Megan because Arzen might have told Mathias that even Megan was heavily affected, and Janica because she was a newcomer to the group and might have felt overwhelmed with that was currently happening.)

Now, Kaminari-san mentions that she had already encountered him before.

It's possible that after telling him about this, Mathias traveled to the Heavens just to check up on Eri Kaminari.

Why not ask Blitz about Arzen?

I don't think Blitz would even give him a hint. Like Ergen, she would most likely tell him to find out himself.

So conclusion: something is going on with Arzen, and Mathias needs to get clues. Sadly, he doesn't get any because her Parallels refuse to tell him anything.

Friendly reminder that this short is pure headcanon! Some things in this thingy contradict actual Shoujo Canon about Mathias Gletscher. So it's very likely that this never happened at all woohoo. 

That's all for tonight's BTS~ I'll add some more bits and facts if I have to, or when I realize 'wait I should have added this. Oh well, to the BTS file!'

Further into the Heavens

“So, you’ve redeemed yourself?”

The white-winged angel snickered and shot an emerald-colored behind her, hearing as it swished in the air. She really didn’t expect for it to hit the person and heard him catch it smoothly, a small smirk coming to her lips as she turned around, arms folded over her chest and looking bemusedly at the man who stood in front of her, her dagger shooting out small electrical sparks at the tip and the emerald glowing a vivid, electric green.

“I guess you can say that.” Eri Kaminari’s wings gave the slightest flutter and she walked to him, soon snatching the dagger out of the man’s hands. “Judging by the state of my wings, all is well. Weirdly enough, I was getting used to the blackness blending in with the night. Could have stabbed Puro to death and say that it was for the better of the Heavens,” she muttered.

“Puro? The one who-”

“Traumatized and victimized the Queen of the Heavens, yes.” She waved a hand dismissively. “It’s all over now. Celeste is back on her feet and ruling, Cissa had recently gotten her wings back and it’s all okay up here. I have to admit, it was fun being the Queen’s lapdog.”

He had expected for her tone to be bitter and sarcastic, but was surprised at how thoughtful tone. The last time Mathias Gletscher had heard, Eri Kaminari was more on the sarcastic, snarky side of the spectrum. “But you’re not necessarily still on the job, are you?”

“I am sometimes.” She gave a shrug. “But we mostly take shifts. Arturia and Andi spend time with her the most. If any of the two can’t over, it’s usually me or Amaya. We don’t want anyone giving her problems, you know. Or they’ll end up with some messed up enchantment to the heart and banishment straight to Hell.”

She paused and fiddled with her dagger, walking to a nearby bench and sitting down. The man did likewise, sitting next to her. “Amaya Cielo brought back my wings a couple of weeks ago. To think I remembered so little about that happening…” the thought lingered. “But whatever. What matters is that Cissa and I aren’t considered Undesirable Angels because of what we did, and that the Court of the Heavens is on another case. Poor bastard.”

He glanced at her. The Lightning Angel was merely looking up at the sky, her white wings fluttering about. She didn’t even look annoyed, irritated or bitter. She just looked…normal. In deep thought.

“So, how were you able to get here without the other angels hounding you?”

“I have my ways.” She rolled her eyes at his reply. “I’m not the only one with a disguise, Kaminari. I could have black wings and no one would notice.”

The look on her face changed.

“I guess that’s true. But hell. You need to leave soon, before anyone catches me talking to you. The Heavens might rip my wings apart once they see a non-Angel in here.”

“I just wanted to ask one question, Kaminari. Then I’ll be off.”

“Ask it.”

He looked right at her.

“Is she okay?”

At first, the long-haired angel snorted.

“What a question. Aren’t you supposed to know, faux-Watcher? You’re the one looking after Arzen Venura, after all.”

“I’m just her watcher,” he argued. “I can’t necessarily break into her head and feel how she feels.”

“How sad for you.”

The lady stood up, brushing the dirt and such off the skirt of her silk green dress.

“If you must know, Megan sees her as alright. Now leave before I send you back myself.”

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy 5000 Views!

Hey hey hey guys! Sembreak ended two days ago, and I came home from school to see that I had somehow (haha) hit 5000 views! :D This is really awesome - I mean, I'm halfway to 10,000 and seriously, that is a freaking lot of people checking the blog out. I'm still pretty shocked to see that somehow, this little blog of mine has reached 5000.

For this little graphic, well. It's a spoiler in its own little way. But never mind that!

Thank you all so, so much for checking this blog out, even if it's just for one time. I've not no hard feelings, I swear. Stick around - whether you're a new reader or not. 

I know I haven't been posting as much compared to months ago, but Junior year's starting to get stressful (yet again). Hopefully, I can make up for it when the days aren't as hard. Most likely, I won't be that busy during Christmas break (which is still so far away).

But I've got a few things under my sleeve, a couple of graphics, shorts and a few reviews to work on. I've been writing this Noli Me Tangere babble-ponder thing, and I hope I get to finish it soon - I'd love to post it here. 

That's all for the night! Thank you once again for helping me reach this number (FIVE THOUSAND!!!one!!one) and see you all soon! :) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Adonis' "Maia" Bird

If I had a cent for each time I called that bastard ‘Adonis’, Maia Gletscher thought with a scowl, I’d be able to buy myself an upgrade for my weapon. Keep flirting, asshole. Keep flirting.  Electric green eyes landed on Mirko Erde, who charmed his way through a throng of admirers who came from various classrooms just to see him in Room A08. Maia looked away when one of the admirers saw her glaring, and the girl released a high-pitched giggle in the air that made her skin crawl.  I hate that stupid cow and her babbling bunch of idiots.

“We have to go now, Mirko,” the girl pouted, leaning in closely and not noticing the young man flinch, “we have training in a few minutes. Being late would get on our personal record.”

“Better go and leave, then,” he replied. The group of girls giggled collectively and rushed out of the classroom, the raven-haired male releasing a sigh of relief. Finally. He thought they’d never leave. Mirko’s sharp topaz eyes caught sight of Maia, who was taking out her pad for the lesson and smiled, walking over to the chair in front of her and sitting on it, watching her.

Maia could only glance up with a raised brow. “What do you want, Adonis?”

“I just wanted to say hi to the charming little ginger,” he answered. “And take this seat.”

Her eye twitched. “I’m not charming nor am I little.” A frown passed her lips, “Someone was already sitting there, Mirko. Don’t be rude.”

Mirko merely shrugged. “Hey, it’s a free world. It’s not like the prof assigns seats anyway. And the temporary owner isn’t sitting on it, so I’m taking possession.”

“Whatever. Do what you want, I won’t stop you.” She turned back to her pad, swiping the screen and quickly reading over the previous day’s notes. “Better go reread your notes, Golden Boy. No one wants the Wonder Erde to fail a possibly surprise quiz that could affect whether we would go through Initiation or not.”

He laughed into the air, making her roll her eyes. Confident bastard. “Sadly for you, I already studied the night before, dear Maia. Special abilities of the Earth and Sky, hm?”

“How could I forget that you’re a living example of such prime wonders?” Maia had nothing against Mirko’s parents – Amaya Himmel and Arthur Erde – it was their son that was a prick. “Who knows, they might make you fly in today’s lesson while making a mountain rise.”

“Nothing compared to shooting out electrically-charged daggers of ice.”

For some reason, that comment made her flush a light red.

“Shut up, you know that isn’t possible.”

“Maybe it is. Mom and dad were just discussing the topic over dinner last night. Through the years, the genetic code of Technikans might have shifted. Who knows if it might shift again in the near future?”

She let herself smirk.

“If that’s so, then I may have the ability to kick your ass one day, even with your fancy Earth-Sky mix, Adonis. Better look out for that.”

Mirko was about to throw out a reply, but their professor entered the room and all was silent. As he turned to face the front, he could feel Maia’s success at winning the ‘argument’ radiating throughout.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ari Reviews: The Divergent Trilogy

Hello and good morning, dear readers!

So a week ago, I just finished the final book of the Divergent Trilogy (by Veronica Roth), entitled Allegiant. Aside from the fact that I’m a blubbering pool of tears, I really wanted to make a review for all three books, and not just Allegiant because that would be weird…so let’s get moving!

Read more is there! Spoilers for Divergent and Insurgent will be kept to a minimum, but I’ll be discussing the ending of Allegiant. So please, do skip that part if you don’t wish to see it. Don’t worry, the spoilers will be in small text so if you’re done with Allegiant, you can just copy-paste the text into the document and read how I feel about it.