Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Playlist Previews + Future Plans

Good evening, readers!

This post is here because I'd like to "spoil" you guys on what I'm currently working on, aside from my writings and such. To cut it short, the following graphics might help you out!

Yes, you've got that right - I'm working on playlists!
  • Black and white cover: OTP fanmix featuring two parallels. 
  • Girl in a green dress: Fanmix dedicated to this lovely character.
  • Peters' Fanmix: Version 002 of the fanmix for Peters. 
  • "He loved you.": Fanmix dedicated to one parallel.

There are the clues! To avoid more spoilers, I decided to remove the text from the first and second covers, since they already have a title. For the fourth, I was lazy and decided not to remove it. Whoops.

Hopefully, I can get these done before school starts. For the Peters fanmix, I might post it on his birthday. (June 28! Mark your calendars!) For the fourth...well. We'll see when I can post this. ;) 

Other Plans:
  • Maintain the weekly "Vices: A Race" post schedule. 
  • Continue the "Mad Queen" short series. The first one has been posted, and features Cassidy!
  • Plan an upcoming appreciation week for the month of June...
  • ...and start working on the blogsary preparations! 
Blogsary is three months away, starting tomorrow! Wow. To think I've been posting all my nonsense here for nearly two years. It's quite amazing, come to think of it. :3 

That's all for tonight. The weekend's coming up, so expect something by then~

Here, have a picture of the gorgeous Ed Westwick.

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