Friday, April 11, 2014

BTS: Ailurophile

Hello, dear readers! ...I really need to call you guys something creative soon.

So. You may be wondering what the hell I had just posted, and why I got the sudden urge to post an OTP short wherein a certain person turns into a cat. 

It all started with this--

if you think I drew this, you're pretty damn wrong. #russiecantdraw
credits to River Roth!

So River Roth/Alpha!Elaine is currently doing her OC Art Challenge over at her blog! I remember (while we still had school) asking if I could fill in the eleventh prompt since there were pretty much no characters there to fill it in. So, I asked if she could draw Mathias holding/hugging a cat.

She eventually did and posted it this morning, which resulted to me fangirling obsessively in the bathroom. 

Fast forward to me a few hours ago, asking her for a few prompts. She then gave me three, and this was the first on the list - to write about what exactly was going on in the picture. I was given the choice to use either Arzen Venura or Eri Blitzschnell, and come to think of it, I make make another version just for Eri~

So here's the obvious question: how did Arzen become a cat and why was she not as surprised as Mathias?

Well. It's mostly up to the reader's imagination, really. *shrugs* 

Initially, I thought of some kind of /thing/ turning Arzen into a cat because quite simply, she wanted to be a cat. Cats are freaking chill-ass animals, I think. Plus, they're too adorable for your own good. So why not be a cat? *author logic*

And then again, the whole thing can be a dream scenario. For who, I'm not exactly sure. That's up to you guys. So Arzen turns into a cat, Mathias is shocked and then spends a bit of time rubbing its back, scratching behind the feline's ears, etc. It's pretty freaking cute for me. 

That's pretty much I just wanted to say for this BTS! Watch out for a possible alternate focused on Eri and Mathias this time, and the second prompt which isn't quite as lighthearted as this was.

That's all for tonight - see you guys soon!

As a bonus, have Mathias' face claim (Chace Crawford) with whiskers.

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