Saturday, May 10, 2014

Initiation: A RWBY x TSP Crossover

“Elaine – we found it!” Arzen ran to the temple excitedly, Elaine following from behind. The green-eyed girl stopped at the sight of the different relics erected on the stone stands, eyes scanning the ones colored gold and the ones that were silver.

“This is it?” the other asked dubiously, hanging back and holding onto her whip in case something or someone would come. “Get a relic. We have to make it back soon.”

“I know, I know,” the girl murmured, looking at all the relics available for them to take. Around half were taken, the other half waiting for a pair of Hunters-in-training to get it and run back. “I’ll get this one,” she chirped, grabbing hold of a golden Bishop, tucking it into her pocket after. “Alright, let’s go back–!”


Arzen and Elaine stared at the source of the yell before scrambling to the sides, Elaine’s eyes widening at the sight of an Ursa roaring and tromping into the area. Riding on the Ursa, unbelievably, was a blonde man who dug his iron sword into the Ursa’s neck.

“Mathias!” he snapped, “Get over here before more come!” blood splattered all over the ground, the blonde sliding off the back of the decapitated Ursa and running to the relics, not noticing Elaine or Arzen staring in shock.


“I hate to break it to you, but there’s more of them there,” another man growled. This time, he was a redhead who held tightly to a deck of cards in his hands. “Just take one, Daniel!”

“Did you two wake the Grimm?” Arzen demanded. Mathias blinked and turned to her, Elaine facepalming as her partner walked to Mathias with her hands on her hips.

“It wasn’t me,” Mathias defended, “It was Daniel!”

“The blonde?”

“Oh, fuck off Mathias. You two,” Daniel turned his bronze eyes on Arzen and Elaine, “We have to leave before they arrive. The other teams can handle themselves, we just need to go before something bad happens.”

“Right,” Elaine managed, taking hold of Arzen’s wrist and running. Arzen nearly stumbled and followed, Mathias crossing gazes with Daniel before running after them as well. While running, Elaine could hear the blonde – Daniel – discuss tactics with Mathias.

“There’s going to be a cliff coming in the next two minutes. Use La Vol and help one of them across the gap if they need it. I’ll help the other.”

“Right.” She felt a hand on her shoulder, “Sorry,” Mathias apologized as they ran, “But who are you two exactly?”

“Elaine Cinabro,” she replied. “She’s Arzen Malachit.”

“Great – Mathias Pervenche, and the douchelord following is Daniel Aes.” She noticed his blue eyes linger on Arzen for a split second and hung back, letting Daniel catch up to her.

“Daniel, right?”

“Yes. And you?”

“Elaine Cinabro.” Both of them heard the cry of the coming Nevermore, and Daniel swore loudly. “How did you two wake them up?!”

“It was Mathias’ spell, the explosions woke up the other bastards when we tried to escape to the temple.” They slowed to a stop at the sight of the cliff, land meeting their eyes many feet away, “Mathias!”

“Do you two have any methods of going past this?” the gigner asked Arzen and Elaine. Elaine nodded, Arzen looked sheepish. “Hold on. I’ll take you.”


Mathias took a card from the deck and annunciated the spell, throwing it into the air. The card immediately shifted into a mechanical hang glider, Mathias wrapping his arm around Arzen and taking hold of the bar, Elaine hearing her friend scream as the machine zoomed across the air without any difficulty at all.

“It isn’t anything to be afraid of!” Mathias told her with a smile, Arzen covering her eyes and trying not to squirm. “Oh – shit, nearly forgot.” He recited two words, and Arzen felt something solid beneath her feet, Mathias nearly laughing at her expression. “You can look now. You’ve got some kind of surface.”

Back at the cliff, Daniel watched as Elaine took out her whip, seeing her squint slightly as she saw heavy-looking trees at the other side.

“What are you going to do with a whip?”

“Just watch,” she told him, pressing a button on the handle and throwing the majorly extended rope across the area. He must have appeared surprise, because Elaine could only smile when it wrapped around the trunk of the tree she had noticed earlier on. “It also serves as a grappling hook and two other weapons you might see soon,” she told him before handing him the holder of the whip. “Hold tight.”

Daniel had only dug the balls of his feet into the ground when Elaine swung down, the loops on the accessories of her wrists carrying her down the rope without any sign of breaking down. On the other side, Mathias and Arzen had gotten off the hang glider, it reverting back into card form.

Eventually, Elaine reached the other side.

“Let go!” she yelled, and he did. Immediately it retracted, going back to her.

“Daniel you idiot,” Mathias laughed, “How the hell are you going to go here?”

Daniel looked up.

“Through natural means!”

Arzen gasped as Daniel grabbed onto the claws of the passing Nevermore, Elaine staring in disbelief as he was carried through the air. She grabbed her gun and aimed as it shifted into a bow, Arzen taking out a green arrow and preparing to aim.

“Daniel, don’t agitate it any further,” she yelled, trying to get a good aim on the Nevermore. “I’m going to try and shoot from where I am!”

“Don’t,” he answered, “If both of us fall at the same time, it’s going to land on me!”

“Then what the fuck do you expect to do?” Mathias demanded.

From hundreds of feet above, Daniel waited until he had indeed reached the other side and used his free arm to aim his sword at the ground.

Once he was sure of his position, he let go of the Nevermore, holding on to the sword.

What had happened next was unbelievable.

Daniel’s sword shifted into a gun, which he had aimed at the ground and shot.

Bronze dust in shape of a bullet came out, striking the ground with a crack. Immediately did a sphere form, Daniel falling right into it, the sphere giving way and preventing him from splatting into the ground. 

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